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Old sauer screenshots

by Razgriz on 08/01/2010 20:35, 38 messages, last message: 08/11/2010 01:01, 9887 views, last view: 06/01/2024 14:58

Looking back at the sauer homepage, i came to realise how "crappy" the game looks by the screenshots provides, though it has advanced in so many ways since the days these images were added. Most of them are more likely to turn people away if they ever see them.

So, for whoever is interested, i say we take some new awesome pictures of the new maps, the cool features and other crazy yet awesome stuff that would make someone to seriously try the game out. after all, presentation is what matters on quadropolis as well for this game.

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#18: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 08/03/2010 23:31, refers to #13

good try. but..

1) curvy castle is not a good map to take pics of.
2) same as 1 for dune2
3) modified skins on justice.. -.-
4) all i see is a flag, nothing too interesting. you should try to avoid showing the end of a map, like the pit down there.
5) as for river_c, you could have done better. next time go in spec before taking a picture to help your view.
6) i don't see much in these tortuga pictures :(


you failed the class kid =]

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#19: Re: Standards

by Q009 on 08/03/2010 23:32, refers to #16

also /bloom 0.25
or /bloom 0.1 if too bright

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#20: Re: Standards

by Nixot on 08/03/2010 23:43, refers to #16

1280x720??? Why the nonstandard and unnecessarily huge size? Those images would take ages to load! It should be at most 640x480 or if you insist on using widescreen, 800x480.

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#21: Re: Standards

by Q009 on 08/03/2010 23:45, refers to #20

if you use 54k connection - yes :P

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#22: ..

by Razgriz on 08/03/2010 23:50

-Resolution: 1024x768
-Anti-Aliasing: 8x or higher
-No modified media (maps, textures, models, etc.)
-Shaders On
-Texcompress Off
-lighterror 1 and lightprecision 32 then calclight on every map you're taking a picture on to improve the looks.
-glare off in case it blocks a great view (should work well with water specularity)

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#23: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 08/04/2010 00:36, refers to #22

How is it fair to expect people to calclight every map they're 'capturing? On my computer (2 GHz, 2 GB RAM) it takes a good three hours to calclight Shipwreck—and even then, screwing up the lightmaps.

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#24: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 08/04/2010 00:37, refers to #23

Whoops, meant 4 GB of RAM. Anyways.

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#25: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 08/04/2010 01:50, refers to #24

3 hours for shipwreck? with the worst of computers it would take at most 20 minutes. where are you from? 1980?

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#26: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 08/04/2010 03:49, refers to #25

Really? With all settings maxed?

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#27: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 08/04/2010 11:01, refers to #26

yea. 3 hours is ridiculously slow, seriously
but i do the calclight only for maps with crappy lighting, so its pretty much optional if you don't want to. its all about a good screenshot :)

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#28: Re: ..

by axle on 08/04/2010 11:35, refers to #18

1. I like curvy-castle pretty much, and even if it doesn't show fancy particles or such, I think it's worth at least one screenshot.

2. you are right, i just found it in my screens directory from a previous taking :D

3. sorry for that...

4. I wanted to show the big hole under the flag, because it is an important part of reissen. How often does someone fall down there if he wants to score? ;)

5. I actually was in spectator mode for screens 2 and 3... most of the shots i made were spoiled by big trees blocking the sight -.-

6. well, It shows nearly the whole map :P what else do you want to take a picture of in tortuga? detailed shot's of a wall? o.O

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#29: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 08/04/2010 11:53, refers to #28

about 6, you should see my picture, in which i raised the fog to get a better overview of the distance ;)

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#30: ..

by axle on 08/04/2010 13:40

some more screenshots, again all gfx, glare at subtle, motionblur off, antialising at 4 because my graphics card didn't support 8, bloom 0.25 axcept curvy, there i took bloom 0.01 i think...


I still had the brighter snout models, but hey.....

I hope you like them, and I hope razgriz gives me such a good comment again :P

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#31: Re: ..

by axle on 08/04/2010 13:48, refers to #29

that's cheating :P

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#32: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 08/04/2010 14:10, refers to #31

no, its called enhancing :3

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#33: ..

by Titan on 08/10/2010 20:59

how did you make the shots without them saying "SPECTATOR"? (I mean, how did you remove the text and stuff from the display?)

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#34: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 08/10/2010 21:21, refers to #33

/hidehud 1

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#35: ..

by Titan on 08/10/2010 21:23

wow... quick

thank you :)

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#36: Re: ..

by Razgriz on 08/10/2010 22:02, refers to #35

you can also use this to avoid the manual stuff


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#37: Re: ..

by Nixot on 08/10/2010 23:00, refers to #36

I just kept hidehud on all the way... it still shows the console and menus, so I can easily pick another map and adjust bloom 'n' stuff. :P

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