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New hud progress

by JadeMatrix on 11/13/2007 00:01, 102 messages, last message: 06/02/2008 23:22, 39647 views, last view: 07/08/2024 09:48

The topic for all discussion on my hud concept, loosely based on geartrooper's hudguns.

Version 1:

Version 2:

As you can see, this is entirely useless as is. Aside from any æsthetic problems, it doesn't currently work with Sauerbraten at all. Thus, I need someone who can either
1. edit the code/shader that defines the HUD characteristics or
2. tell me what code/shader defines the HUD characteristics so that I can figure it out myself.

The hud will be optimized for resolutions 800x600 and up. This means that it will just fit at full resolution for 800x600, and be shrunk for anything smaller.
But, you may say, it's a ridiculous size for widescreen displays! No problem (for you): the hud will expand only horizontally at the bare point between the last big blue part (how scientific) and the fps.

Any questions, comments go here.

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#18: ..

by A-Baby_Rabbit on 11/14/2007 11:44

@JadeMatrix "..on my hud concept.." - so this is a mod and/or the objective is to photoshop some ideas to see if it appeals first to us all and then to Aard?

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#19: ..

by Passa on 11/14/2007 11:57

To be honest, every concept you've posted so far just doesn't appeal to me at all. Far too cluttered, everything is oversized (in a bad way)..

I myself have always been a fan of extremely minimalistic huds. I need the numbers and all (health, armour, etc) but in the most non-intrusive way as possible.

Having numbers around the crosshair wouldn't be all that great either IMO, but perhaps something in the vein of the small ammo and health meters surrounding the crosshair in Half-Life 2?

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#20: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 11/14/2007 15:45, refers to #19

If you don't like his hud, I'm sure he'll provide an option like "showfancyhud 0".

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#21: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/14/2007 16:50, refers to #20

There will be skins, one of which would emulate the current hud. The purpose of the redesign is to offer more options to content modders.

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#22: Re: ..

by absinth_ihatemycookies on 11/14/2007 18:20, refers to #19

couldn\'t agree more with passa

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#23: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 11/14/2007 23:06, refers to #21

Offering easier content creation is an excellent (and very Cubist(would that be the term?)) goal for you to pursue. Having a number of odd options available, even if not many people like or use them, only encourages modders to be more creative and makes the game just a little bit more visually appealing to potential contributors.

I kind of want to see a hud akin to the ones in the Metroid Prime series- just enough extra stuff around the edges to remind you that you're supposed to be wearing a helmet, and when you move out of water or there is a sudden flash of light the visor becomes temporarily apparent.

Passa, what do you feel about a HUD that fades to 75% transparent when the player has not been shot or has been shooting recently? I am a big fan of the Shadow of the Colossus hud as well, which vanished entirely when you where not in battle or expending your endurance gauge.

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#24: Re: ..

by Scyper. on 11/14/2007 23:21, refers to #23

I don't think that would be a good idea, since sauerbraten is a highspeed fps. It would be highly frustrating not being able to watch your health, for eksempel, and then die from a handgun shot, because you weren't aware that you were dying, same reason for the higly transperent one. Eisenstern would be an exeption because you will spend some time there in cities and peaceful areas, were you don't need it, but in sauerbraten it is more annoying.

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#25: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 11/14/2007 23:27, refers to #24

I like a certain style of hud with high-density information near the bottom or top, in the corners, and things that show up occasionally in your field of view during certain events.

For example, C&C Renegade has a health indicator that pops up on one side of the crosshair (far to the side of the screen, and a little down) when you're taking damage, and if your health gets too low, it stays there constantly. I think that would be the general intention behind the fading hud concept.

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#26: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/15/2007 17:19, refers to #24

@Scyper: That's why the crosshair changes colour when your health gets low. Oh, and all this stuff would be configurable in theory.

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#27: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/15/2007 20:22, refers to #26

Sorry, been busy, and haven\'t been able to do much work on this.

The goal is to run this off a configure file in
which would contain shader/hud placement (even animation?) info and png coordinates for each skin element.

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#28: ..

by Jake77777 on 11/17/2007 20:49

Ive got one question. Ive been testing different kinds of crosshairs and i was wondering if you guys know how to make the crosshair bigger. I made one that indicates health better than the existing one, but it is hard to read because it is too small. I already tried to change the picture to different sizes but it seems that the game looks for only 31x31 size pictures. Any help would be appreciated.

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#29: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/17/2007 20:57, refers to #28

/crosshairsize x (only goes up to 50 though)

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#30: Re: ..

by Jake77777 on 11/17/2007 21:40, refers to #29

Ohh, duh i should have thought of that. I never knew that was a command. Thank you.

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#31: ..

by Eris on 11/25/2007 17:13

/me looks forward to the demise of this thread.

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#32: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/26/2007 00:51, refers to #31

I'm currently working on several versions, and figuring out how they might be implemented. Someone who can assist would be nice; however, as Christmas is coming, I don't have much time on my hands.


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#33: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 11/26/2007 01:48, refers to #32

He's a troll, don't worry about it.

It would be fun to see a "metal" theme as opposed to a "stone" theme. If you need some source textures I'll make you some, just email me.

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#34: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 11/26/2007 11:20, refers to #33

It probably doesn't fit with sauer, but how about a glass theme?

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#35: Re: ..

by Eris on 11/26/2007 13:12, refers to #33


Nobody cares about this hud.

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#36: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 11/26/2007 13:48, refers to #33

It\'s supposed to be metal right now; at least that\'s the texture I\'m using. What I probably should have done was turned the original texture into a white & alpha mask to put on top of another color. I just removed a medium grey, then added color.

A glass theme would probably be very easy to make. ATM, I\'m trying to make the most complex one I can, to get a template made. Other skins can use a simpler template.

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#37: ..

by thenewrandomcivilian [using safari for windoze!] on 11/26/2007 23:08

How about we have all of the themes! Glass, metal, oldstyle... It'll be awesome.

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