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Sauerbraten engine development

by Aardappel on 03/03/2004 05:18, 1571 messages, last message: 03/14/2008 18:53, 1712667 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:37

This thread is for discussion of Sauerbraten coding issues / implementation ideas etc.

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#1529: please :(

by quake2 on 06/24/2006 12:42

@ xoltra:
Btw Maprotation is done clientside, so if the picked person (by the server) doesn\\\'t have a \\\"correct\\\" release.
The last version HAD a bug
in a cfg.

@ everyone:
Why can\\\'t people just use this game as it is.
You always demand more features and haven\\\'t even understood the existing.
Why do now everyone sets up modified servers?
Why does everyone think he knows it better than the people who game us this great game?

Just take what is there have some fun and don\\\'t even think about being able to make it better.
You can\\\'t!

If people don\\\'t read the manual it\\\'s their problem. Not yours.
If they cheat it\\\'s not their problem. Not yours.
There is a function in this game for every problem.

This game was meant to be fun. But it seems most people don\\\'t understand this.
If you want a \\\"perfect\\\" game search somewhere else.
This game here is mostly played by people who just downloaded it. That\\\'s why they don\\\'t really understand (yet).

And please don\\\'t complain about the code. It worked for many years now.

There is no need to change it now only to get some smaller packets in a netgame.
For me it seems some people only spam the forum with \\\"new\\\" ideas because they hope to get their signature into the game.

It\\\'s not your game. Be glad you can use it. Be glad you can look into the source and learn something. Be glad you can set up a server and help the community.

Please read the manual. Read the developer nodes. Read the first posts on this forum and you will understand what this is all about.
Do this before you even think about makeing suggestions.

Take the game as it is or leave it.
Thank you.

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#1530: Re: Making SV_POS updates more scalable

by guest57 on 06/24/2006 13:08, refers to #1527

When there are too many people then the lag increases - therefore people give up, and then the lag reduces.

Multiplayer seems to work fine up to at least 8 players, maybe 12 on a good server/connection - thats plenty fun, any more players and you'd get lost in the crowd...

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#1531: Re: Players' lack of technical understanding

by eihrul on 06/24/2006 16:56, refers to #1528

I went the opposite direction by adding a -c (maxclients) option for the server.

As for mastermode, we've made it a bit trickier for random newbies to get master.

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#1532: ..

by absinth on 06/24/2006 18:13

>As for mastermode, we've made it a bit trickier for random newbies to get master.

what about always making the player connecting from localhost master? i don't like it when random people become master on my server and having to restart the server and connect VERY quickly is a PITA

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#1533: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/24/2006 18:25, refers to #1532

there is an rcon style password system coming in the next version. makes that idea obsolete

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#1534: Re: please :(

by xoltra on 06/24/2006 18:40, refers to #1529

Perhaps much of this was triggered by my recent posts. If so I want to point out that Sauerbraten is a great game that I enjoy playing. If I didn't feel that way I wouldn't bother to post anything.

I post posts here in hopes that it will be helpful. If I get the impression that all of my suggestions were things that were thought of, but not feasible (such as my SV_POS suggestion) then I'll stop.

As to modified servers - people making changes and then posting patches back (like I did for the MOTD patch) is just a decentralized way of trying out ideas. The developers can then see what's popular, and consider committing the patches.

I understand that people are often new to the game and that's why they don't know stuff. I didn't mean to make fun of them. I just meant to explain that there are cases where their lack of understanding interferes with other people playing as well as some possible suggestions to address it.

Thanks for explaining the map rotation bug in the cfg file. And I look forward to trying eihrul's change to mastermode.

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#1535: Re: please :(

by Passa on 06/24/2006 18:46, refers to #1534

Dont be disheartened xoltra, this guy has just missed the point of open source, thats all.

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#1536: ..

by makkE on 06/24/2006 19:14

Nope he didn´t really miss the point, imho he has a point as well. Still suggestions are fine, and as you can see they are being heard, when they make sense. It´s just that suggestions tend to differ in sense.

Really appreciate the new rcon stuff and maxclients, a good decision. Current mastermode is a good idea, still allowing the server masters to have their ways of controlling it is just fair imho.

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#1537: Re: please :(

by Quin on 06/25/2006 06:21, refers to #1534

IMHO quake2 was out of line. It seemed to me more of an accusatory than any point being made.

Open source is your way of taking something you've found useful, and determining what you'd like fixed, doing it yourself, then seeing if the original community would like your patches. If it weren't for this fundamental, the FOSS community would die.

I say kudos to you xoltra, you knew what you wanted and you offered your work back to us as a whole.

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#1538: Re: please :(

by Passa on 06/25/2006 06:32, refers to #1537

Where did this argument come from.. of course quake2 was out of line. Its like walking into a party and going 'THATS IT, IM SICK OF EVERYONE EATING THE CAKE. PISS OFF'

Yeah my example sucks and im not funny, tell me something new :(

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#1539: ..

by virtualblackfox on 06/25/2006 22:37

I've seen in the code that mastermode is not limited to the current values so users could set it to 99 or any value they want.

I think that servers should only have known mastermode (And a server in 99 mode won't display " P" in the next version's serverbrowser but will still kick clients as the test is "if(mastermode>=MM_PRIVATE) return DISC_PRIVATE;")



become :



int mm = getint(p);

become :

int mm = getint(p);
if ( (ci->master) && (mm >= 0) && (mm < MM_COUNT) )

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#1540: Re: My attempt to reenable and fix /savegame and /loadgame

by xoltra on 06/27/2006 02:49, refers to #1478

Since I posted this patch two things have happened (not sure what the order is):
1) respawn points have been added.
2) savegame.h has been deleted from CVS.
Consequently *if* the reason for deleting savegame.h is that /savegame and /loadgame are no longer needed since sauer now has respawn points I'd like to suggest that /savegame and /loadgame be added back for the following reasons:
1) It's likely that some of the single player maps will eventually be larger than what most people will want to play in a sitting. So they'll want a way of getting back to it later, between instances of sauer_client.
2) The ability to penalize players in single player mode was recently added (for monsters not killed, etc). So if the concern is that saving and reloading gives players an unfair advantage perhaps players could be sufficiently penalized for each reload.
3) It may be helpful for debugging sauer_client in single player mode. When a bug is encountered just reload and get back to it. Save immediately before the bug happens, if that's helpful. You can then exit the client, build with debug syms, whatever, and then reload.
4) It seemed like it was working ok, if not perfectly, with my sauer-savegame.diff patch.

The answer may be that you plan to get back to it later and implement it a different way; which would also be great.

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#1541: Re: My attempt to reenable and fix /savegame and /loadgame

by kurtis84 on 06/27/2006 20:52, refers to #1540

Thats a dead feature, we have "save-checkpoints" now, so forget savedgames.

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#1542: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 06/28/2006 08:34

Excuse me... could you explain me with what type of scripts the Sauerville server work ? I'm asking this question cause :

- You can login, register with an account
- A message is diplayed when you connect
- You die at a special point when you don't login
- and some others features.X3

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#1543: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/28/2006 09:20, refers to #1542

The server's source code is modified. For example, I modified my server binaries to display a message of the day.

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#1544: just wanted

by larken on 06/28/2006 20:00

just wanted to let people know about
a library of free textures that could
possibly add to the grooviness of sauer.


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#1545: wow the game engine graphics..........

by Riley on 06/28/2006 20:22

wow the game engine graphics beets seriose sames and serios sam 2s graphics this game is going to get tons of downloads!

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#1546: Message censored by administrator

by Michelle on 08/05/2006 13:07

#1547: Message censored by administrator

by Barbara on 08/05/2006 13:07

#1548: Message censored by administrator

by Austin on 08/05/2006 13:07

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