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Sauerbraten engine development

by Aardappel on 03/03/2004 05:18, 1571 messages, last message: 03/14/2008 18:53, 1700857 views, last view: 05/18/2024 23:52

This thread is for discussion of Sauerbraten coding issues / implementation ideas etc.

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#1478: My attempt to reenable and fix /savegame and /loadgame

by xoltra on 06/03/2006 23:48

I found that /savegame and /loadgame pretty much works for a given instance of sauer_client. Rearranging things a bit so that it does not save any pointers or references makes it work correctly, as far as I can tell (except for some minor stuff such as monsters not remembering they were int the middle of infighting with a fellow monster).

My patch is at the end of my patch page:

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#1479: Re: CVS access

by xoltra on 06/04/2006 00:44, refers to #1477

Try again. It seems to be working now (2006-06-03).

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#1480: Re: ..

by absinth on 06/04/2006 01:57, refers to #1476

>The version of glext.h is the latest official one from SGI, it is included specifically to avoid compilation incompatabilities.

hmmm i was just under the impression that using the SGI header file but apple's opengl runtime could cause very nasty problems. if you tell me this can't possibly make problems i'm glad to use this "workaround".

btw. what is the reason that we don't use the glext definitions from SDL_opengl.h (i.e. #define NO_SDL_GLEXT)

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#1481: ..

by absinth on 06/04/2006 02:15

>i was just under the impression that using the SGI header file but apple's opengl runtime could cause very nasty problems.

forget my rambling, it seems we have already always done so

also, with cvs trunk the compilation problems seem to have gone away too

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#1482: Re: ..

by eihrul on 06/04/2006 16:23, refers to #1480

The definitions in SDL_opengl.h are ancient, i.e. it did not have any support for texture_rectangle.

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#1483: ..

by absinth on 06/04/2006 16:33

>The definitions in SDL_opengl.h are ancient
SDL 1.2.10 fixes that

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#1484: Re: ..

by eihrul on 06/04/2006 16:50, refers to #1483

Still better to include our own, just so we don't have to force people to use the most recent versions of SDL, and so we can be sure its up to date.

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#1485: Message censored by administrator

by Passa on 06/07/2006 08:08

#1486: echo []

by nieb on 06/07/2006 21:57

Could you add a value to echo that lets you set the text color of the echo

echo [door opened!] N;
N = 0-15
being the 16 basic colors

Anyways this would be nice for SP.

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#1487: windows stacktraces

by Aardappel_ on 06/07/2006 23:59

From now on, when sauer crashes, it will give a proper stacktrace on windows. Be sure to copy that when you report any sauer crash.

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#1488: ..

by Stern on 06/08/2006 21:58

Haha it's funny watching you all talk about running it with 10-20 fps. I was running Cube1 with 250ish fps, and probably a similar number for Cube2. Then again, my computer is amazing... :)

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#1489: lighting bug

by guest57 on 06/11/2006 22:31

I've just seen a map with 'lerpsubdiv' set to a high number (45), maybe it was corrupt? Anyway the result is that the calc light routine will loop forever in addnormals() 'while(size/subdiv < lerpsubdivsize) ...'

- aka rpointon

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#1490: bloom patch

by guest57 on 06/12/2006 00:20

An experiment in adjusting the bloom depending on the brightness of the screen:

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, rendertarget[i]);
glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nw, nh);

/* >>>>> BEGIN
* Grab the smallest texture into main memory
* - average the RGB
if(i==NUMSCALE-1) {
const int bytes = nw*nh*4;
float result[bytes];
glReadPixels(0, 0, nw, nh, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, result);
int j;
float t = 0.0;
for(j=0; j < bytes; j+=4)
t += result[j] + result[j+1] + result[j+2];
t /= nw*nh*3;
/* adjust the bloom level... need to tweak, and maybe add delay? */
fsparams[0] = 0.2/t;
/* <<<< END */

if(i>=NUMSCALE-1 || !scaleshader) break;
renderfsquad(nw /= 2, nh /= 2, scaleshader);

-aka rpointon

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#1491: ..

by Wolfgang on 06/14/2006 14:39

Bug in copy which I checked out a few minutes ago:

D:\sauerbraten>bin\sauerbraten.exe -w1280 -h800
init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: console
init: gl
Using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object extension.
WARNING: Using floating point vertexes. (use "/floatvtx 0" to disable)
Rendering using the OpenGL 1.5 assembly shader path.
Using GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension.
WARNING: No texture rectangle support. (no full screen shaders)
WARNING: Non-power-of-two textures not supported!
COMPILE ERROR (VS:0) - Error on line 1: missing or invalid version (hint: 'defau
default <<HERE>>
☻COMPILE ERROR (PS:0) - line 1: invalid header
!!ARB <<HERE>>
ATTRIB opos = vertex.position;
OUTPUT spos = result.position;
DP4 spos.x, state.matrix.mvp.row[0], opos;
DP4 spos.y, state.matrix.mvp.row[1], opos;
DP4 spos.z, state.matrix.mvp.row[2], opos;
DP4 spos.w, state.matrix.mvp.row[3], opos;

MOV result.texcoord[0], vertex.texcoord[0];
MOV result.color, vertex.color;
Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0x4]

Shader::set - shaders.h [19]
gl_init - rendergl.cpp [207]
SDL_main - main.cpp [350]
__tmainCRTStartup - crtexe.c [586]

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#1492: Sauer Bumpmapping

by shadow,516 on 06/15/2006 01:23


I must say, that's pretty goddamn sexy aard!

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#1493: Re: Sauer Bumpmapping

by Aardappel_ on 06/15/2006 06:16, refers to #1492

pfftt... I check stuff in cvs just to share between myself and eihrul... if you check it out at random times expect half-baked versions. Unless you actively participate in development, I recommend sticking to the releases :)

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#1494: Re: Sauer Bumpmapping

by shadow,516 on 06/15/2006 13:46, refers to #1493

I know, but I can never wait to see the next thing you guys come up with ;)

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#1495: My sauer-map utility

by xoltra on 06/18/2006 07:17

I've recently completed a utility that provides a command line means of querying and manipulating Sauerbraten maps. Hopefully it will be useful to developers and mappers. You can find it here:


Feel free to send me any comments or questions that you might have.

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#1496: Small change

by virtualblackfox on 06/18/2006 17:58

Here is a small change to sicompare function in serverbrowser.cpp


int sicompare(const serverinfo *a, const serverinfo *b)
//Servers with a good version appears before others
if ( (a->attr.ulen > 0) && (b->attr.ulen > 0))
if ( (a->attr[0] == PROTOCOL_VERSION) && (b->attr[0] != PROTOCOL_VERSION) )
return -1;
if ( (a->attr[0] != PROTOCOL_VERSION) && (b->attr[0] == PROTOCOL_VERSION) )
return 1;

return a->ping>b->ping ? 1 : (a->ping<b->ping ? -1 : strcmp(a->name, b->name));


Just to make servers you could connect to apears first.

I haven't been able to find a Mailling list or something like that for dev issues so i post here.

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#1497: Client/Server crashes

by guest57 on 06/18/2006 18:35

Can someone please focus on the robustness of the network code to ensure that clients can't crash the server or other clients - cheats are an annoyance, but these loosers are a problem when they can crash other machines! I'll try and catch some examples...

- aka rpointon

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