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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

iPod Touch?

by conorfjdhfsdhfdhsfkshkdj on 12/23/2007 04:11, 24 messages, last message: 05/01/2010 16:37, 5556 views, last view: 09/27/2024 04:51, closed on 05/04/2010 23:07

I was wondering of the possibility of an iPod Touch port.

I remember back when there was a Dell PDA port of Cube 1, and I thought (Other than the terrible controls) that it might be kinda cool.

iPod Touch Specs:

(Everything from my sysinfo.)

Memory Size: 116.00MB
User Memory: 92.88MB
CPU Frequency: 400Mhz
Bus frequency: 100Mhz
Byte-Order: 1234

It has an Accelerometer, which could be used for jumping, and the controls could be drawn on the touch screen.

The iPod Touch has OpenGL ES (That may be a problem...)

Also, since the controls would be on the touch screen, it would lessen the area that the game would be drawn on, so less to render.

What do you think?

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#16: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 04/19/2010 22:35, refers to #14

Check the dates, Quin. This is a two-year-old thread. :P

But anyway, now that the iPad's out, how long until we see Cube on there? :D

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#17: Re: ..

by Quin on 04/20/2010 09:26, refers to #16

Heh, I didn't notice that. Stupid thread bumpers.

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#18: Re: ..

by baby~rabbit on 04/20/2010 10:27, refers to #16

Cube 1 runs on the iphone/iPod, and so it will automatically run on the iPad. The controls will feel even worse due to the iPad dimensions and weight.

There is an outside chance I might update it for the iPad, but more likely not. Meanwhile life is too short to port Cube 2 without investment.

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#19: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 04/25/2010 01:46, refers to #18

"The controls will feel even worse due to the iPad dimensions and weight" with or without the screen doubling?

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#20: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 04/25/2010 02:10, refers to #16

Offtopic, but guess who's on Slashdot?! No, not me. You! Congrats.

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#21: Re: ..

by LeftClicker on 04/25/2010 02:14, refers to #20

And that happened to be the only post in that issue that interested me.

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#22: ..

by K1P57A on 04/26/2010 11:36

Ya'll just wait for the iPhone 4g with its 1 GHz prozessor ;) Things'll run a lot smoother on there ;)

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#23: Re: ..

by Q009 on 04/27/2010 11:14, refers to #22

cpu isnt all...
more important is gpu

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#24: Iphone 4g = maybe SB

by Calinou_ on 05/01/2010 16:37

I think when the Iphone 4g will be out, we might port sauerbraten :P

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