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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by tentus_ on 05/05/2009 05:47, 41 messages, last message: 10/17/2010 23:42, 16095 views, last view: 09/28/2024 22:19


A mod which contains as close to no content as possible, without sacrificing any engine features.

The purpose is to provide a starting point for other mods. This will save hopeful game developers time, effort, and possible litigation by eliminating the need to hunt down all the contributors, instead allowing them to start subbing in content directly.

Directly deleting whatever content possible from the Trooper Edition, and then going to the community for replacement assets for what cannot be deleted.

For other URLs see thread below.

Now and hopefully for every future release of Sauerbraten.

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#15: Brushes

by tentus_ on 05/17/2009 06:47

Kripken pointed out to me that there is 0 information on the brushes and caustics. Can anyone shed light on their origins and licensing?

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#16: Fixit

by tentus_ on 05/17/2009 09:41

Decided to go ahead and pull Fixit out of Sauerbasic, to cut down on filesize while I look for a playermodel alternative that won't shortsell the engine. However, I discovered that when adding bots, Fixit is manually defined and added in. Seeing as I don't see a way around this, but don't really have time to code up a solution that works, does anyone want to volunteer to help out with the miscellaneous coding that Sauerbasic will need? I have been repeatedly surprised by what is NOT cfg-controlled, so I foresee a need for a occasional goto guy for little coding jobs.

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#17: Re: Fixit

by Quin on 05/17/2009 13:22, refers to #16

I want to say yes, but I really can't guarantee I'll have the time for it when my all my other projects start back up.

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#18: ..

by kripken on 05/17/2009 19:17

Regarding caustics, if they must be created from scratch then here is a GPL program that it appears can create them:


But hopefully someone will clarify for us who made the originals, and give us permission so we won't need to replace them.

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#19: Re: Brushes

by eihrul on 05/17/2009 20:20, refers to #15

The brushes and caustics are public domain. Do with them whatever you want.

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#20: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 05/17/2009 20:26, refers to #18

I went ahead and made a quick set of 16 that is pretty close to the original Sauer set, so that we won't even have to worry about it. Of course, the engine expects 32 textures, so either I need to make 16 more or I need to recompile with an expectation of 16 or perhaps looking for a config file (which seems like the most logical answer).

Quin: I would love to enlist your help, even if it's just for a handful of little things that you can do in the lulls between the other, more serious projects you work on. Right now I need...
1. Mr Fixit removed from the bot code
2. Caustics set to 16 or perhaps loading from a cfg
3. The loading screen simplifed back down so that background_detail.png and background_decal.png aren't overlaid on it.

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#21: Re: ..

by eihrul on 05/17/2009 20:33, refers to #20

Just use Sauer's caustics.

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#22: Re: Brushes

by tentus_ on 05/17/2009 20:33, refers to #19

Whoops, you posted while I was typing. Good to know, I'll add in little readmes. I'm probably still going to use the 16-texture set I just made, to cut down on size (only about half a meg, but hey, each meg counts).

Are the decals also public domain? What about the grass textures in /textures? Finally, is steep_fur_d used by something that I haven't found somehow?

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#23: Re: Brushes

by eihrul on 05/17/2009 20:41, refers to #22

The bullet-hole decal is GPL and was made by leileilol for OpenArena.

The scorch decal (scorch.png) and muzzleflash1.jpg was made by makke and should be CC-BY-NC-SA.

Muzzleflash2.jpg, muzzleflash3.jpg, and blood.png were made by nieb and are public domain.

Blob.png and caustics were made by me and are public domain.

flames.png and lensflares.png are by baby-rabbit and are public domain.

But seriously, just use my caustics already. Once compressed you are saving a couple hundred KB at most, so it's seriously not worth the hassle of using different ones. I made mine explicitly for the purpose of allowing them to be reused. :P

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#24: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 05/17/2009 20:42, refers to #21

Is there a particular advantage to the Sauer caustic set? (I'm not trying to sound snide, I'm honestly inquiring). A quick glance at renderva.cpp tells me I'd just have to change line 1781 to make caustics hardcoded to just 16 textures.

Does anyone have any logo recommendations? I was thinking about making something simple to fill the space that the Sauerbraten logo currently occupies.

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#25: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 05/17/2009 21:54, refers to #24

Instead of the cool, rounded, metal-ish cube in use right now, you could just use a simple 1x1x1 default-textured one. :D Perhaps you could also fill the lettering with one of the more recognizable textures. Or maybe the skybox. :P

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#26: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 05/17/2009 22:27, refers to #25

Ooh, I like the skybox idea. *rustle rustle* How does this look to you?

I went with a cube with the middle cut out... did anyone catch that, or was that too out there? It's also an oblique reference to the II in Cube II.

Also, since eihrul has been so insistent, I guess I'll roll back to the old caustics. 300 kb is not worth me recompiling.

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#27: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 05/17/2009 22:36, refers to #26

Hmmm. Looks pretty good, except I'm not so sure I like the cut cube.

Also, to remove Mr. Fixit from the bot code, you can do a couple things:

1. Instead of "d->playermodel = chooserandomplayermodel(pm);" in ai.cpp, just set it to 1. This doesn't remove the option for a playermodel, just for the bots.

2: Cut out Mr. Fixit from the "playermodels" array in render.cpp. You'll get some Ogro bots. (legacy awesomeness!!!)

3: If you want to remove the Ogro, too, just nix "chooserandomplayermodel".

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#28: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 05/17/2009 23:00, refers to #26

*rustle rustle*

The cube I took a screenshot of wasn't big enough, so it does look kind of...tiny.

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#29: ..

by kripken on 05/18/2009 06:33

eihrul, thanks for the clarifications on the status of those files.

One more question, what is the status of the packages/textures/water* files (water normals, water dudv, etc.)?

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#30: ..

by Megagun_ on 05/18/2009 08:25

How about a wireframe version of the new or old logo?

Or, even better, a 'wireframe' verson of the old logo, where the wires are made out of steel girders?

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#31: Servers

by LeftClicker on 12/17/2009 00:43

This would be great for making servers; instead of downloading a few hundred megabytes you just download... how many megabytes is the project at?
== LeftClicker ==

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#32: Re: Servers

by tentus_ on 12/17/2009 03:47, refers to #31

187mb, but I will not have time to work on the project until the end of my college career (next summer).

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#33: Oo!

by Nixot on 12/17/2009 19:52

There's one for Cube 1? Where can I download that?

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#34: Re: Oo!

by tentus_ on 12/17/2009 19:56, refers to #33

Not that I'm aware of.

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