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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12569423 views, last view: 11/08/2024 18:49

for questions, announcements etc.

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#12445: problem

by Assassine on 08/10/2009 20:17

I need some help guys.
I want to play the multiplayer mode!
How does this work to get into a server and so on. Can someone explain that to me please?

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#12446: "No Disk" Problem

by Sarcasm on 08/10/2009 22:35


I originally voiced my problem on the "Bug Report" thread (I'm #11), but I don't feel like anyone could reproduce it. A copy of that post is below. The two pictures are from today. I have never been able to play. I just tried recently because my computer was wiped.

(original - same problem as you see from my recent screens) by Sarcasm on 10/03/2008 00:38 through

1)Windows XP SP3
2)GeForce FX Go5200/AGP/SSE2 (Its for a Dell laptop, I can't update it)
3)Sauerbraten CTF Edition
C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten>bin\sauerbraten.exe -r
init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: GeForce FX Go5200/AGP/SSE2 (NVIDIA Corporation)
Driver: 1.5.2
WARNING: No framebuffer object support. (reflective water may be slow)
WARNING: Non-power-of-two textures not supported!
Rendering using the OpenGL 1.5 assembly shader path.
init: console
init: gl: effects
init: world
init: sound
init: cfg
init: localconnect
init: mainloop
read map packages\base\metl4.ogz (0.3 seconds)
Mining Station by metlslime
game mode is ffa/default
Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0xd4]
It starts up fine, but I can't seem to play anything.

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#12447: Main Screen

by K1P57A on 08/11/2009 10:11

Hi guys,

since my main skills are in graphics, Ive got very little... who am I kidding, close to none, programming skillz :/

Here's my question tho... How hard would It be to create a highres background image (I was thinking something along 1680x1050 px) which will be downscaled or cropped on different resolution?

I think It'd be cool if people were able to customize their loading screen even further than with a seamless texture "only" (the "only" because I think that it's already an awesome job done even enabeling us to change the background!!!)

Sorry for all the stupid progging questions, but as mentioned I dont really understand lots of it ;)



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#12448: ..

by K1P57A on 08/11/2009 10:13

Sorry forgot to mention in my 2nd paragraph that I meant the hires image for the loading / main screen ;)

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#12449: is der blood?

by shrackx on 08/12/2009 02:14

hi im planing on getting cube and there was just 1 ting i needed 2 know. i know ders blood and stuff but can you turn it off in options or sompthin?

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#12450: ..

by Harry711 on 08/12/2009 02:33

Hello; I run my server with:

`sauerbraten-server "-o1" "-pMYADMINPASS" "-c69" "-nSRL's Server - By Harry" "-lbase/wdcd" "-g4"

It does not seem to load the wdcd map by default. Everything else works. How would I make it run insta-ctf on the wdcd map 24/7?

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#12451: Re: is der blood?

by eihrul on 08/12/2009 03:05, refers to #12449

There is an option to turn off blood in the options menu, yes.

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#12452: Torrent to Download Cube?

by Da Grt on 08/12/2009 21:31

Is there any official torrent for Cube (2)? I know that it is only 330 Mb but I can't hold a good direct download speed. If not, is there any un-official torrent (if it's not illegal copyright infringement or whatever)?

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#12453: Re: Torrent to Download Cube?

by SheeEttin on 08/12/2009 22:24, refers to #12452

Sourceforge has several mirrors for all project downloads. Poke around (starting at the download page) for the list, and try a different (preferably closer) one.

You can try searching for a torrent on your favorite site, though. Someone might have uploaded it.

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#12454: Minor mods for Bot Matches

by FreddyB on 08/13/2009 05:44

I've been killing some time lately playing bot matches. I made a few trivial changes and thought I would share them since someone else might enjoy them, too.

1. Changed A.I. so that enemies 'see' you within 50 units regardless of angle (i.e. hearing range) and narrowed the fov at distance so it takes a little longer for a distant bot sniper to find you. I didn't like walking up to a bot and blowing him away without a reaction. I also didn't like snipers instantly locking on to me from a mile away.

2. Changed weapons so that getting hit knocks your orientation a bit. (This affects humans but not the bots because they instantly re-orient.)

3. Changed the weapons preference so that pistol is preferred over grenades because AI is not smart enough to be trusted with them. They seem to suicide/fraticide more than kill with grenades.

Here are the patches to the svn version:

Index: fpsgame/ai.cpp
--- fpsgame/ai.cpp (revision 1806)
+++ fpsgame/ai.cpp (working copy)
@@ -50,11 +50,17 @@
float dist = o.dist(q);

+ if(dist <= 50) //within hearing distance
+ return raycubelos(o, q, v);
if(dist <= mdist)
float x = fabs((asin((q.z-o.z)/dist)/RAD)-pitch);
float y = fabs((-(float)atan2(q.x-o.x, q.y-o.y)/PI*180+180)-yaw);
- if(x <= fovx && y <= fovy) return raycubelos(o, q, v);
+ //see full fov at half distance
+ if( dist <= mdist/2 )
+ if(x <= fovx && y <= fovy) return raycubelos(o, q, v);
+ //see half fov each way at full distance
+ if(x <= fovx/2 && y <= fovy/2) return raycubelos(o, q, v);
return false;
@@ -906,7 +912,7 @@

void chooseweapon(fpsent *d)
- static const int gunprefs[] = { GUN_CG, GUN_RL, GUN_SG, GUN_RIFLE, GUN_GL, GUN_PISTOL, GUN_FIST };
+ static const int gunprefs[] = { GUN_CG, GUN_RL, GUN_SG, GUN_RIFLE, GUN_PISTOL, GUN_GL, GUN_FIST };
int gun = -1;
if(d->hasammo(d->ai->weappref)) gun = d->ai->weappref;
Index: fpsgame/weapon.cpp
--- fpsgame/weapon.cpp (revision 1806)
+++ fpsgame/weapon.cpp (working copy)
@@ -380,6 +380,12 @@
vec v(to);
+ // Fred: add a jolt to pitch and yaw of victim
+ int hityaw, hitpitch;
+ hityaw = rnd( damage ) - damage/2;
+ d->yaw = (int)(d->yaw + hityaw) % 360;
+ hitpitch = rnd( damage ) - damage/2;
+ d->pitch = (int)(d->pitch + hitpitch) % 90;
hit(damage, d, at, v, gun, rays);

@@ -739,6 +745,9 @@
vec kickback(unitv);
+ // Fred add a little pitch up
+ d->pitch+=0.1*guns[d->gunselect].kickamount;
float shorten = 0;
if(guns[d->gunselect].range && dist > guns[d->gunselect].range)
shorten = guns[d->gunselect].range;

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#12455: Re: Minor mods for Bot Matches

by FreddyB on 08/13/2009 05:50, refers to #12454

The patches I listed also give a pitch up along with the gun kick. I forgot to put that in the post.

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#12456: Error

by Frisbee on 08/13/2009 10:17

Same problem as Sarcasm above.
Problem running any mode. Console starts up but when I try to start playing it closes.

Windows XP SP3
1.25GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200

C:\Program Files\Sauerbraten>bin\sauerbraten.exe -r
init: sdl
init: net
init: game
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: GeForce FX Go5200/AGP/SSE2 (NVIDIA Corporation)
Driver: 1.5.2
WARNING: No framebuffer object support. (reflective water may be slow)
Rendering using the OpenGL assembly shader path.
init: console
init: gl: effects
init: world
init: sound
init: cfg
init: mainloop
could not load sky texture packages/skyboxes/remus/sky01_lf
could not load sky texture packages/skyboxes/remus/sky01_rt
could not load sky texture packages/skyboxes/remus/sky01_ft
could not load sky texture packages/skyboxes/remus/sky01_bk
could not load sky texture packages/skyboxes/remus/sky01_dn
could not load sky texture packages/skyboxes/remus/sky01_up
read map packages\base\nmp8.ogz (0.5 seconds)
Cube 2: Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0xd4]

Cube 2: Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0xd4]

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#12457: Re: problem

by Ironhorse on 08/13/2009 10:41, refers to #12445

I am getting this same crash

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#12458: Message censored by administrator

by ATIRULE2.0 on 08/13/2009 12:07

#12459: Show a Video

by Gilmer on 08/13/2009 13:47

I am needing to present a video, where I can find a good article to help in the implantation in the code.

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#12460: Cube 1 Binary/Source

by demonx2381 on 08/14/2009 08:17

I need to know any of the following, if possible:
1. Is there still a SVN for the original Cube? If so, what is it?
2. Do you have the source for the last Cube 1 rev? If so, might you be able to send it to me?
3. Do you have a Macintosh Binary made from the SVN of the last Cube 1 rev? If so, might you be able to send it to me?
4. Is there any way to change the network protocol in the official release to that of the SVN?

I need this information so I can use the iPhone/iPod build of Cube on a multiplayer server. Any information you can provide regarding this is appreaciated. Thank you in advance.

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#12461: Walk mod - School project

by Skribble on 08/14/2009 08:20

Hey guys. I've been using Sauerbraten at school for the last few weeks and it's tons of fun. I'm currently working on a little mod for class and I'd like to be able to slow the character down a bit.

I've read there is no variable to change this speed, and that it must be hard-coded and recompiled in to SB itself. I've attempted this a few times myself, as I'm quite used to programming, but I am unfamiliar with C++ and each attempt has failed.

I followed some instructions to alter the game.h file to add a maxspeed = 100f; variable, but I wasn't sure if I should just edit the file in the SB or if I had to do it in a C++ editor, etc.

If I could just get a quick response on what I should actually do to alter this aspect of gameplay, that would be very appreciated!

Thanks in advance, Brendan.

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#12462: Re: Cube 1 Binary/Source

by baby~rabbit on 08/14/2009 13:20, refers to #12460

1/ no svn/cvs.
2/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/cube/files/
3/ see above - but the protocol of the binary is different from that in the source.
4/ just compile the source above.

iphone cube 1.7+ uses a slightly modified protocol so you won't be able to build a server regardless.

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#12463: Running a Server opens you to a permanent PING FLOOD!

by rixter on 08/14/2009 15:11

I ran a dedicated linux server for MONTHS (it was Rick Nickell's Frag Fest and then eventually Buster's Frag Fest) and had to take it down because the architecture of this game actually ends up acting like a ping flooding bot net, slowing down your machine's networking capability horribly.

I had to take the server down because of that, and what amounts to WEEKS after I took it down, I am STILL getting ping flooded by all the clients that still have my server in their server list!

There should be a change in the architecture that allows a server master to have the server REMOVED from the master servers, as well as have that server flagged as removed on the client side, so it isn't pinged forever and ever.

Rick Nickell - Former Server Master

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#12464: Message censored by administrator

by ATIRULE2.0 on 08/14/2009 19:46

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