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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 11519649 views, last view: 06/02/2024 11:03

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#12212: Re: Flag Help

by Hapexamendios on 06/01/2009 18:15, refers to #12207

No problem :) and welcome to the cube community!

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#12213: Re: Connecting to Friends on Multiplayer

by MeatROme on 06/01/2009 22:07, refers to #12210

Try copy-paste of the server.bat, then add "-mlocalhost" (w/o quotes!) to the list of parameters - read: make the line:
bin\sauerbraten.exe -d -mlocalhost %*
You can also achieve the same result by modifying the startup-parameters of a link to that BAT - but with copy-paste you'll be sure to get it right, even as non-tech-savvy person (as u claim to be).

Once that server is running on one of your LAN machines the "search LAN"-menu-option will work, as will "/lanconnect" (again: no quotes - the "/" is the indicator for non-chat = cubescript-command)


Anyway - if you both connect to any online server it should work fine already - have you tried that?

Last remark: running a local server to be accessible via the WAN (=interwebs) is indeed a bit more tricky, as it involves port-forwarding.

Suggestion: http://cube.wikispaces.com for more help than your local-offline-docs-folder holds.


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#12214: How do i make a cube 2 server?

by Cloxz on 06/02/2009 19:04

The title says it all.

I cant find anything that says how... if somone could help me with this, please do so.

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#12215: Re: How do i make a cube 2 server?

by MeatROme on 06/02/2009 20:48, refers to #12214

have you tried anything .. if so, what - there's tons of messages in this forum alone discussing it .. so saying "you can't find anything" is tantamount to saying you didn't try .. please try and then tell us your exact issues .. it'll greatly enhance the possiblity of a helpful response!

Try running the server.bat (assuming you're on windows, see .. you didn't even tell us your OS) and be sure you know how to port-forward (see portforward.com) .. also : check the wiki.


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#12216: Re: Licensing Question

by R0b0t1 on 06/03/2009 01:42, refers to #11399

Rewrite it but with subtle differences. You can pretty much copy it, but \"subtle differences\".

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#12217: How do make "console commands".

by R0b0t1 on 06/03/2009 05:01

In the Capture The Flag version, I remember this being done with the CCOMMAND macro, but the CCOMMAND macro isn't exactly what I'm looking for, it seems.

Does anyone know? Before I had placed my functions in client.h, now the only thing I see is client.cpp, which I am currently editing.

Pointers please :)

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#12218: Re: How do make "console commands".

by Quin on 06/03/2009 07:19, refers to #12217

*points at the "we don't teach people how to code" sign*

Look at other parts of the code, read and learn for yourself. command.h/cpp might be a start.

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#12219: ..

by R0b0t1 on 06/03/2009 10:29

I'd been looking. I figured the old one out by myself and couldn't really find what they changed. Oh well :\

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#12220: ..

by R0b0t1 on 06/03/2009 10:40

Sorry to doublepost, but I'm not really asking you to teach me C++, I'm asking for an explanation of existing source.

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#12221: Re: ..

by baby~rabbit on 06/03/2009 10:41, refers to #12219

grep the code for COMMAND and see how it's used...

void xis(int *x) { conoutf("x=%d", *x); }
COMMAND(xis, "i");

/xis 42

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#12222: ..

by R0b0t1 on 06/03/2009 10:42

I know, I've tried that. gcc complains for some unknown reason.

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#12223: ..

by R0b0t1 on 06/03/2009 10:56

Er... double post again... Apparently the syntax of something else was messing it up. Thought I had looked there.

Ok, should be the last of my problems once I find what replace clientcom.

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#12224: Message censored by administrator

by mrniceguy on 06/03/2009 22:27

#12225: ..

by )FC($k!llz_ on 06/04/2009 04:48

Wouter is Cool. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#12226: um

by )FC($k!llz_ on 06/05/2009 06:00

i got censored for saying Wouter is Cool?
please tell me what is wrong with that.

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#12227: Re: um

by R0b0t1 on 06/06/2009 02:44, refers to #12226

I would say that they don't think Wouter is Cool.

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#12228: Re: um

by SheeEttin on 06/06/2009 02:50, refers to #12226

It's not censored...
If it was, it was probably because it wasn't a particularly enlightening post.

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#12229: Re: um

by tentus_ on 06/06/2009 03:19, refers to #12228

Isn't this whole conversation basically bloat? I didn't censor the post, but I kinda want to now. Little asides like this make the forum a lot less useful.

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#12230: Re: um

by )FC($k!llz_ on 06/06/2009 03:46, refers to #12228

well some kind of glitch or something, cause it was censored around 9:00 alberta time yesterday. or maube thay have an uncensor button.

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#12231: Re: um

by Quin on 06/06/2009 14:16, refers to #12229

I did it, because as SheeEttin said it wasn't an enlightening post. Useless thread bumping is annoying, especially to those of us who frequent the forum. It got uncensored by someone else after he bitched about it. I mean, seriously, if you've got nothing useful to say..

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