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Sauerbraten - Bug reports

by Gilt on 11/28/2004 19:49, 574 messages, last message: 06/30/2007 22:00, 520810 views, last view: 09/30/2024 12:27

So yeah, since I don't feel like doing a whole lot of testing anymore, I may as well leverage my resources, and shove that responsibility to all of you. Hopefully, this will allow for more updates, and a less buggy engine.

The Format:
What: A *short* description of the bug / problem.

How: point form of relevant steps to reproduce the bug.

When: revision of exe. OS, video card... yeah I don't know, anything that might be relevant. keep it short.

Detail: any other stuff that might be relevant. like pics. http://www.imageshack.us/ if needed.

new releases here:

for each new version, I will list fixed bugs. you are then responsible to make sure that it really is fixed, and then confirming it in this thread.

!!! NOTE !!!: this thread is not for feature requests, design discussion, bitching, moaning, yadda yadda, etc. there are other threads for that. plus, a forum thread already does not afford great organization. please no garbage.

Keep reports short. I have a habit of skimming large blocks of text.

Focus on the WHAT, not the WHY. There is a tendancy in people to want to be too helpful. They try to diagnose the problem instead of very clearly describing what is wrong. at the very least, keep theories in the detail section.

some examples are below:

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#123: forgot some details

by CC_machine on 05/31/2005 00:33

also: after you go into SP mode, the same thing happens if you reload the map in any other mode ( that is the no grid bug)

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#124: ..

by CC_Machine2 on 06/01/2005 00:39


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#125: Re: ..

by Sparr on 06/01/2005 05:33, refers to #124

Hi. How about not posting bumps? Youre just wasting everyone's time. If we had a reply we would have posted it when you posted the bug.

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#126: Re: ..

by CC_machine on 06/01/2005 12:41, refers to #125

well, there should be a grid to work with in SP mode :(

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#127: hard crash report

by Rolf Stenholm on 06/01/2005 15:20

What: game crashes on start up.

How: run the game on fedora core 3 using nvidia installed driver on a GeForceFX 5200. Can probably be replicated on most nvidia based linux systems.

When: stable build version 050529. Using Fedora Core 3 with GeForceFX 5200.

Detail: likely to be related to the same problems preventing th compiling of the source.

Solution: strip out all function pointers to OpenGL and insert the line
before the GL includes in cube.h.
Recompile the source and it works!

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#128: compile errors

by Rolf Stenholm on 06/01/2005 15:22

What: fails to compile on symbol clash.

How: run the game on fedora core 3 using nvidia installed driver on a GeForceFX 5200. Can probably be replicated on most nvidia based linux systems.

Detail: same problem or related as previous.

Solution: same as previous.

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#129: water + shooting

by CC_machine on 06/01/2005 15:28

ive noticed that if you try to shoot something that's underwater from above the water, you cant. You can only shoot the water's surface! this should be easy to fix

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#130: Addition to #74

by RealNitro on 06/01/2005 18:33

What: cannot get into the console

How: when using a logitech 106 key itouch keyboard

When: all versions. win xp
I'm having the same problem:
What: cannot get into the console

How: using an AZERTY keyboard

When: 2005_05_29, Linux (kernel 2.6.11, gentoo)

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#131: Re: Addition to #74

by Gilt on 06/02/2005 01:16, refers to #130

console is bound to the backquote (`) key, not tilde (~). everyone just says tilde because it's less confusing.

otherwise just go into your autoexec.cfg and bind a key to this:

"saycommand /"

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#132: Re: Addition to #74

by RealNitro on 06/02/2005 10:05, refers to #131

Thx. The ` key is not a 'standard' key on an azerty keyboard, so I cannot use it. The 'usual' key for the console is ². Unfortunately, ² seems not to be supported by Cube.

But the bind worked. Thx!

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#133: ..

by Sparr on 06/02/2005 22:20

unselectable / select-and-crash cubes

load this map: http://sparr.homeip.net/sauerbraten/serpentine_bug.ogz
select this cube:
drag selection to include cube to the left of the indicated cube (or just try to select it directly)

cvs as of posting time, compiled in linux

i have encountered this bug 20+ times in various areas near the one indicated in the screenshot above. most often it manifests itself as a complete lockup of sauer, although i have been told that on windows this can also result in the selection jumping to the far wall instead of locking up. sometimes if i have an existing selection at a higher gridsize and then mouseover the unselectable cube then sauer will freeze (and release the mouse, oddly) for just a second
occasionally remip will fix the bug, but usually not, meaning i have to rebuild the geometry in question in a different way and hope it doesnt recur.

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#134: a bug

by CC_Machine2 on 06/03/2005 13:52

what: sauerbraten keeps crashing when i try to edit

how:i edit my map then about 10-15 mins into editing it crashes

when: 10-15 minutes into editing on a map im making

detail: latest version of sauerbraten, windows xp, may have something to do with what is metioned in message (#133)

notes: very annoying, i keep having to build the same peice of acthitechture over and over again >:(

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#135: Re: a bug

by Sparr on 06/03/2005 18:02, refers to #134

you probably do have the same bug as I do. to avoid building the same stuff over and over, do this:
alias a {
sleep 30000 a

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#136: ..

by CC machine on 06/05/2005 12:41

a few bugs:

1. ive noticed that sauerbraten coopedit doesnt work. if you modify a cube the other people you are with cannot see that, and you cannot see what they've done. i think this is probably because you copied cube's coopedit into sauer, but sauer isnt cube

2. also ive noticed that on my PC in sauerbraten if connect to a server or go into singleplayer mode then i get no grid to work with. i point at a surface, but no grid appears. this is only really annoying.. but it shouldnt happen also i cannot see what gridsize i am using and i cannot see what i have selected. after i go out of sp or mp there is still no grid >:( the only way to get the grid back is to restart sauerbraten, this only happens on my new DELL pc, not on my old one, i dont know why, help

(this also happens in cube - i can use the grid until i go into sp or connect to a server, this is more annoying because i cannot see the red dot used to place entities i have to use trial and error, this also only happens on my new DELL pc )

3. in sauer sometimes the /newent command doesnt do anything (you type it and hit enter, but no entity appears)

4. sometimes if you fire at a surface in sauer with the rl the rocket hits the surface and about a second later it explodes.. this not only makes it hard to shoot people with it but it but also makes rocketjumping more difficult

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#137: Re: ..

by jean pierre on 06/05/2005 12:52, refers to #136

1)Sauer orriginally is Cube with an advance feature's

3)Download the latest Sauer
4)Same as 3 the latest fixes those

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#138: ..

by >driAn<. on 06/05/2005 12:56

1. Coop Editing is not implemented yet.

2. Are you sure you are in the edit mode?

3. The newent command is a bit different to Cube. If you do a new entity it will appear exactly on your positon (in the air).
If you want to place entities exactly on the grid, you need to set entdrop to 2 by typing:
/entdrop 2
Now, the ents will be placed on the corner of a cube you select with the middle mouse button.

4. Are you sure you got the latest sauer release? This is alreasy fixed, afaik.

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#139: Health Bar Bug

by jean pierre on 06/05/2005 16:51

I was playing in a Single Player(mode -2)Map(Lava map that is my own)

Then when i dead the health returned to 100(no not -100)

Maybe this happens in other modes too well i've told ya the bug now test it yourself guys and see if you get the same bug as i do hope it will be fixed in the next release(but i die tough the player doesnt stay alive atleast)

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#140: Re: Health Bar Bug

by jean pierre on 06/05/2005 16:51, refers to #139

And yes i am using the latest Sauer.

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#141: 3 Bugs/removed or ???

by jean pierre on 06/05/2005 18:03

Health bug as i said

/music doesnt work i need music in Sauer to keep the fun

Tags no longer exist i cant make Tags cause they dont exist /edittag

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#142: Re: Health Bar Bug

by pushplay on 06/05/2005 22:18, refers to #139

I can't find the lava map or else I would try it out.

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