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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Let's make a CTF mod

by Skaus on 05/02/2003 22:39, 141 messages, last message: 11/26/2005 00:40, 75929 views, last view: 06/19/2024 00:18

Ok, i want cube CTF, and i bet i'm not the only one. It won't take a whole of work to make, but it's just a little bit too much for one man to do, so i'm asking you guys for assistance. The stuff we need to do is:

* red\blue skins for the player model.
* 2 Flag models with 2 skins each. (one on ground, one carried by the player.
* Code for the flag. (pickups, carriers, caps)
* Code for scoring etc.
* all the maps we can get.
* (a simple mirrior funcion in the editor would be nice)
* a few red\blue base textures

I could do most of this myself, but it'd take too damn long. I'd rather not do the code, as that's my weakest point, but the models\textures\skins should be easy enough. And mapping too :)

So, anyone interested in helping out?

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#121: My thoughts

by VerbalC on 05/10/2003 02:14

After the nice 6 person game, I got more thoughts.

-I really believe there should be a killing score, cap score, and even a return your flag score.

-Teamtalk! This would really benefit teamplay.

-New sounds for picking up flag, dropping it, capping it. Maybe some others too.

-Maybe have a flag model attached to the player when he has it?

-A CTF-specific little menu file (that wouldn't overwrite the original Cube one) which has stuff like change team, even a help page (which is very easy to do with the easy Cube menu system) - this all for newbies who can get into it quicker.

That's all I can think of now.

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#122: Re: ..

by VerbalC on 05/10/2003 02:16, refers to #120

Well, that's not good. If you include a map that was made with custom textures and a custom cfg for them, w/o those it will be *really* weird textured.

Have you ever played a custom texture map without it's cfg?

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#123: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/10/2003 03:02

ya , but let me show you an exemple . Do you play Counter Strike , well , if there were 1000 maps for it and you would play you would never know that map

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#124: Re: ..

by VerbalC on 05/10/2003 03:31, refers to #123

Counter Strik has the largest player base in FPS history. 25,000 people at any given time (used to, at least) play that simultaneiously. Cube, you're lucky to get 5.

Same goes for maps.

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#125: Re: My thoughts

by Thalion on 05/10/2003 05:46, refers to #121

-I really believe there should be a killing score, cap score, and even a return your flag score.

The way it's done now, is the simplest way possible. =) I basically didn't modify Aard's code for teamplay, just made it so frags are scored for captured flags. For anything more advanced, the scoring system needs to be rewritten. I don't know about killing score etc... but in the next version, you will be able to score frags, that for sure.

-Teamtalk! This would really benefit teamplay.

Added to the list.

-New sounds for picking up flag, dropping it, capping it. Maybe some others too.

New sounds would be nice... anyone have some?

-Maybe have a flag model attached to the player when he has it?

I really don't know how to handle it, apart from making a special model (player+flag) for that. Anything else will look really bad, at least if flag isn't animated together with the player (which also requires a new animation).

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#126: more probs

by pushplay on 05/10/2003 12:10

Often when I exit the ctf mod Cube will set my resolution back to the wrong setting in windows. Sometimes it's what I set Cube to, but often it's something entirely different. Cube proper has also done this to me, but it's uncommon.

The ctf mod also seems to bring out the sendmap bug in Cube with greater frequency.

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#127: sounds

by Skaus on 05/10/2003 13:19

I know a guy who can make good sound effects. Let me know what we need, and i'll poke him :)

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#128: Re: more probs

by Thalion on 05/10/2003 15:03, refers to #126

Resolution probs - I really don't know what causes it, 'cause I'm not familiar with the Cube renderer at all. Whatever it is, it's somewhere in Aard's code. Or maybe in SDL. =) I haven't experienced it myself, probably because my Cube settings are the same as for my desktop.

Sendmap bug? What is that?

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#129: Re: sounds

by Thalion on 05/10/2003 15:05, refers to #127

We need sounds for the following events:

1) Steal flag
2) Capture flag
3) Return flag

- and maybe -

4) Drop flag
5) Pick up dropped flag

Whatever these might be, I don't have the slightest idea. I've got used to UT sounds myself.

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#130: ..

by Pathegreat on 05/10/2003 17:35

the sendmap bug you never herd of it thalion well people experience some crappy astuff, like sometimes you might want to show your friend you new map but he dosent have it so you sendmap it and he getmap's it and that migth cuase much lag and you and you friend might get booted and you might have to recconect and if bad enough you wont be able to go on the server for a while

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#131: Re: ..

by Thalion on 05/10/2003 18:29, refers to #130

Okay, I'll take a look. Or maybe catch Aardappel on IRC and ask him if he fixed it already. =)

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#132: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 06/17/2003 18:52

so what is happening to the CTF mod , is it over its a slowly geeting to a new version ?

and also , the site does not work


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#133: Re: ..

by Thalion on 06/17/2003 22:56, refers to #132

The last month was a hard one for me; right now I'm just too busy in the university (damn exams) to code anything serious, so I haven't touched the thing for quite some time. But, in a week, I'll have plenty of free time... =)

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#134: Re: ..

by Thalion on 06/17/2003 22:57, refers to #133

Concerning the site - it seems that the entire ubercuber.com is down for some reason.

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#135: ubercuber.com

by pushplay on 06/17/2003 22:59

You're right. I'll ask Shockie about it.

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#136: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 06/17/2003 23:18

ya , could you tell us what he said i want to know why my site dont work too

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#137: Re: ubercuber.com

by Shockie on 06/18/2003 10:10, refers to #135

Hey All,

The server that uber cuber is on (spinnahost), was hacked. It got so messed up that we have just bought a brand new server, name servers should come up soon for everyone, and backups are getting restored.

On the new server i will startup the game servers again.

Sorry for any inconvenience, but we have been trying very hard to get everything over.

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#138: How to get it?

by wally83 on 11/25/2005 18:04

Seems that Cube CTF or (capture the carrot) is no longer under developement.

Cube is so nice little game that is really shame if there really is no way to play it CTF.

Some way to get the simple Cube CTF-mod made in summer 2003? And some way to play it with most recent Cube version I downloaded some days ago?

Also interested in Sauerbraten+_simple_ ctf (non-counterstrike), only option to steal other teams flag.


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#139: ..

by >driAn<. on 11/25/2005 18:12


The current release is buggy, im going to rewrite some part of it and merge it with the newest cube release soon.

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#140: ..

by wally83 on 11/26/2005 00:24

Thanks for the link!

But I can't play the pCube at all:

First I got error that I don't have fmod.dll (same issue as with old Quad-mod) I finally found working (that means old) fmod.dll from
(not sure if its the right version). Then I got no errors, but game won't start. I tried and yes, quad-mod starts now as original Cube (works also w/o that fmod.dll) as well.

Here is what pCube says when starting:

init: sdl / net / world
game mode is ffa/default
init: video: sdl / mode / misc
init: gl
init: basetex
init: sound

and then back to the Windows XP I have ATM. I can later test this on my Ubuntu.

Now, some suggestions? Wrong fmod.dll? Something wrong with I extracted all pcube-files to my games/cube/ (whit directories of course)?

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