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by Aardappel
on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12554779 views, last view: 11/05/2024 22:27 |
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#11830: RE: A few questions |
on 03/14/2009 03:01
1 - /music (example "/music fanatic/1.ogg")
2 -you can change the menus in menus.cfg and I guess you could make it so your in editmode when it starts and make it so you can't change back.
3 - look in the options or /playermodel
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#11831: Re: A few questions: |
by Hirato Kirata
on 03/14/2009 03:08, refers to #11828
1. yes, as the guys above me said /music file.{ogg,mp3,mod,wav}
2. perhaps you'd like to give platinum arts sandbox a short, we've removed the shooting aspect of cube 2 in that project (though it can easily be readded)
3. see above answers once again
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#11832: Corrupted file/not working |
by SuperGeek
on 03/14/2009 04:37
Well, I've downloaded Sauerbraten about 4 or 5 times and one of three things always happens:
1. It takes abnormally long to download, and then finishes after only a couple of megabytes
2. It can't extract the file, claiming it's corrupted.
3. It extracts fine, then can't run the program.
(P.S. It doesn't run in the terminal either. Is 'Sauerbraten_Unix' what I'm meant to be clicking on? And does Ubuntu even work with Unix programs?
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#11833: LAN PLAY |
by J_M
on 03/14/2009 13:17
Hi, i created an ad hoc network, connected two laptops, lauched cube2 in both but i cant play in lan.
How do i create a server? How can someone join my server?
I dont see any option for that, only the \"search server in internet\".
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#11834: Re: LAN PLAY |
by MovingTarget
on 03/14/2009 14:14, refers to #11833
If you're on windows, run "server.bat" in Sauerbraten's installation directory.
If on a Mac, run it from the server tab in the launcher.
If on linux, start it from the command line (is there another way?). Something like this:
./bin_unix/linux_server -c8 -n"my server" -p"password"
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#11835: .. |
by J_M
on 03/14/2009 15:33
I do that and it says my server was registered.
What do i do next? how do i play agains another person on my lan?
I'm using windows.
Thank you
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#11836: Re: Corrupted file/not working |
by SheeEttin
on 03/14/2009 16:10, refers to #11832
Try a different mirror. (You can select a mirror from . Click the little "two windows" icon.) If that doesn't work, it might be your ISP.
And of course Ubuntu will run Unix programs. Why wouldn't it?
When troubleshooting, it's best to run things from a terminal. Open a terminal where you have extracted the archive, and run ./sauerbraten_unix.
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#11837: Re: .. |
by MovingTarget
on 03/14/2009 19:51, refers to #11835
Make sure you're connected to your lan, press the backquote key (to the left of 1) and type "lanconnect" (no quotes).
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#11838: Mouse Over Names |
by Henners
on 03/14/2009 20:49
Hi, I was just wondering if any one knows where the code is that works out whether you mouse is over another player or not.
I'm working on a cheat detection tool, and I think this code would be useful to work out who the player is targeting.
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#11839: Hudguns |
by Psycho
on 03/15/2009 07:28
Ok, i have created a pretty cool rifle with blender. It has it's own animation but I don't know how to get it to work.. help??
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#11840: .. |
by Maxime -Max of S2D- Lebled
on 03/15/2009 09:36
I noticed the favicon change :)
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#11841: Re: Mouse Over Names |
by poomon
on 03/15/2009 17:54, refers to #11838
selectcrosshair() in src/fpsgame/fps.cpp and intersectclosest() in src/fpsgame/weapon.cpp might help.
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#11842: Multiple maps |
by mr g
on 03/15/2009 19:14
I have created a map a long time ago, and since started a new one. Now the new map is finished, but the older one still needed some features. How can I load a old map?
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#11843: Re: Multiple maps |
by tentus_
on 03/16/2009 00:39, refers to #11842
/map mapname
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#11844: Re: Multiple maps |
by Gambit
on 03/16/2009 00:47, refers to #11842
Sauerbraten doesn't really care about the time of the map when loading a map, just the map's name itself. As long as your new map has a different name than the older one (and you saved them both), you can load them. Loading a map is just
/map mapname
You can work on one map, save it (under teh new map's name), and work on the other older one one and not affect the newer one, as long as you save the older map with the older map's name and not the newer one. What I'm trying to say is that you can switch between whatever maps you want to edit at any time (though not edit them at the same time, but that goes without saying).
Hmm, hope you get that :P
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#11845: new (maybe) CMS |
by Octree Admin
on 03/17/2009 00:43
I may be starting a new sauer cms, but with a slightly different aim. Iv'e come up with the analogy of flickr or youtube, except maybe not like youtube since theres a lot of crud on there. The site/project is at
Reply to Quin:
Theres a couple things that don;t make sense:
1)I didnt ensure anything, unless you thing youtube doesnt work
2)some people's stuff get deleted off of quadro because they're not a hobbyist and their map isn't art, as they uploaded to the wrong site for the wrong reason
3)I'm not entirely duplicating efforts
4)I did my reasearch. If you claim the number of people who tried this is staggering, then there must be a group of people who want something additional
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#11846: Message censored by administrator |
by EternalSailorSenshi
on 03/17/2009 06:39
#11847: Message censored by administrator |
by EternalSailorSenshi
on 03/17/2009 06:40
#11848: Location of an entity |
by satkod
on 03/17/2009 17:43
Hi All,
Is there a way to get the 2D or 3D coordinates of the location of a given entity in a map?
I am thinking on this for a long time. Thanks in advance.
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#11849: Re: Location of an entity |
by Hirato Kirata
on 03/18/2009 00:40, refers to #11848
not without some code hacks...
for the 3D location try adding this into world.cpp, somewhere below the entget function
ICOMMAND(entcoords, "", (), entfocus(efocus, s_sprintfd(s)("%f %f %f", e.o.x, e.o.y, e.o.z); result(s)));
then just hover your cursor over an entity and type /echo (entcoords) to get it's coordinates printed on screen
for the 2D position, just ignore the last number
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