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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

new cube release... collect your stuff!

by Aardappel_ on 08/07/2005 22:23, 148 messages, last message: 09/18/2005 09:02, 128198 views, last view: 09/29/2024 02:19

So we haven't had a new cube release in a while, and I guess everyone understands why: sauerbraten is the engine of the future.

But Cube has its own maps, its own gameplay, and is worthy of its own spot for a while to come. So next weekend I will take a little break from sauer and my other projects, and work on a cube release. That doesn't mean that there will be a cube release next weekend, in the best case there will be, in the worst case a whole lot will get done and it will be the week after.

The bad news (if any) is the new cube will NOT receive any significant new features. Sauer is version 2.0 of Cube, and it simply does not make any sense spending large amounts of time in updating Cube. Work on Cube is to be focused on polish and bugs. The main reason for this release code wise it to fix the list of small bugs that have appeared since the last release.

So is this the last release of Cube? Maybe. I am not sure either way, there is always a possibility for more versions, but the way things are going with Sauerbraten, what I want for Cube is a very stable version that people can enjoy while we make Sauerbraten the greatest thing since, well, Cube.

So what do I want from the community? Well, 2 things will go into this release, new media, and bits of code.

For media, I simply want to collect the best released new maps and other items since the last release. I already have most of them, but if you want to be sure I don't miss any simply post links here in this thread... rememeber, just the most high quality stuff.

Then code. I know this is going to be hard for you because you all have your pet little feature that you want to see in Cube. If you read the above, you know these are not going to happen. Some things I just don't find important. Like probably the #1 requested feature is a configureable player model, but that is not going to happen for this release. These kinds of things will likely be in sauer. It is not that it is hard (rather, it trivial), it is just not a priority.

So I will list some things that I definitely intend to fix, or try to. You *MAY* use this thread to suggest certain additional fixes/features, and who knows I can be swayed if a lot of you make convincing arguments, but remember, unless it is a few line easy fix or just incredibly important to cube right now, its not likely going in.

I will report on this thread as things progress.

features already in:
* lots of smaller fixes that I didn't bother to write down. Maybe if you note them here I can say "yes that is already in"
* stereo sound effects
* put in workaround for buggy ATI drivers (glReadPixels() result, already on linux)
* tweaked kickback strength for various weapons

for sure planned to go in:
- seperate release archives for windows, linux, and macosx (less FAQs)
- fixes for amd64. if someone with such a machine can be on call in irc next weekend for testing, that be great
- fixes where illegal protocol could corrupt client state
- vdelta edit fix
- shooting rockets at HOM -> out of memory error
- jumppad velocity Z cancellation (better jumps)
- cap fps to 200 or whatever (variable) (some cube code starts behaving weird when it nears 1000).
- fixes for sound crashing on linux
- some minor tweaks to SP balance and AI
- listen server functionality will be removed
- demo play bugs like sticky scoreboard
- make serverinfo port obey -i
- maxclients

maybe will go in:
- some of the features requested by the german "pro" community (not sure which)
if they have CLEAR list of what they changed to fix what, that might help things
go in (you listening Makke?). Though I am guessing since I won't add all their stuff,
they may want to stick with pcube anyway.
- look at that immortality bug that sometimes pops up. I have a demo of it. It is however
hard to debug and I make no guarantees. Same with other "happens occasionally in
multiplayer" bugs people have.
- kick vote

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#112: Re: Out of memory bug

by kurtis84 on 08/27/2005 03:55, refers to #111

I cannot reproduce this with winxp.

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#113: masterserver..

by Aardappel_ on 08/29/2005 11:57

has to wait a few more days. sorry all.

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#114: ..

by kracho! on 08/29/2005 14:56

Again my little bug-summary:

- weird stereosound (gonna test the new source later)
- Player with empty name changing his name shows "Connected: newname".
- When a server is full and a client tries to connect, it *often* receives some inadequate message: "server network error, disconnecting...". Could be more user friendly.
- Demos are still bugged (Scoreboard, Players sometimes showing no animations other than "lagged" + death sequences), confusing frag summary on the top left)
- Server crashes in Linux? Happened quite often now, but there was no error message.

And this is the one which is annoying me most atm:
- Piping in realtime still doesn't work in windows. Add something like -l logfile.txt maybe?

I don't know how many of these can be fixed in one of the next releases, but just that you know.

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#115: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 08/29/2005 22:21, refers to #114

1. fixed
2. this is such a rare bug... who connects with his name explicitly set to "" ?
3. that is unfortunate yes, the real error is just above that.
4. that is going to take longer to fix... will have to be a next release if anything
5. that sounds serious... but without any kind of context this is not debuggable.
6. fflush(stdout) somehow crashes it in release mode in win32... no idea why.

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#116: Re: ..

by mumbo$jumbo on 08/29/2005 22:31, refers to #114

- Server crashes in Linux?
I haven't seen any, yet. It has been running since friday, and in what seems to be normal use.

How do you run your server? if you are using screen look up the "-L" option in the man page. (sorry no cure. but it can help).

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#117: ..

by kracho! on 08/29/2005 23:13

while true
sleep 3
do ./cube_server -mbla -nESL -pesl -c2 >> log.txt

This is my startscript. But log.txt doesn't contain any things which could help. The crashes occured on three different linux servers :/

BTW, could you maybe add a counterpart to quake's +connect +set g_password ? Would make things so much easier.

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#118: ..

by kracho! on 08/29/2005 23:14

Oops it's +password and not +set g_password.

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#119: Re: ..password

by mumbo$jumbo on 08/29/2005 23:31, refers to #118

" -pPASS sets the server password to PASS. Only clients that use the command "password PASS" will be able to connect."

the above is stolen from the docs.

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#120: Re: ..password

by mumbo$jumbo on 08/29/2005 23:32, refers to #119

err. my bad.

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#121: the new release...

by Aardappel_ on 08/29/2005 23:54

has just happened:


with usable stereo sound, hurray!

macosx still pending, serverbrowser update still pending... other than that, here's to no more bugs, cheers :)

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#122: ..

by kracho! on 08/30/2005 00:13

history.html is bugged?!

There was no [2005_08_11] release?

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#123: ..

by makkE on 08/30/2005 00:18

that was the beta I think.

Hurray for the release!

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#124: ..

by kracho! on 08/30/2005 00:27

Yeh, but my history.html ends with [2005_08_11]. 08_22 and 08_29 are missing :\

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#125: ..

by kracho! on 08/30/2005 14:04

Could someone please upload a fixed history.html ?

http://cubeengine.com/readme.html is pretty outdated.

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#126: ..

by lokirulez on 08/30/2005 16:17

Hey Aard, great release. The stereo sound seems to work fine and that's what we all want to. ;)

Next thing to work out is the

6. fflush(stdout) somehow crashes it in release mode in win32... no idea why.

I started cube with cmd line: bin\cube.exe -w640 -h480 >>log.txt

But somehow the log.txt is only written when quitting/closing cube. :\ I'm online these evening and tomorrow for testing.

#esl.cube or #sauerbraten.

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#127: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 08/31/2005 01:59, refers to #126

well, I am not about to make another Cube release any time soon. Sounds like you have to live with it, sorry.

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#128: ..

by kracho! on 08/31/2005 20:27

I've located the Linux server crash error message:

cube_server: tools.h:189: T& vector<T>::operator[](int) [with T = client]: Assertion `i>=0 && i<ulen' failed.
./startcube: line 9: 26095 Aborted ./cube_server -mbla -nESL -pesl -c2 >>log.txt

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#129: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 08/31/2005 21:33, refers to #128

that is the server trying to do an operation on a client number which has never connected before. In theory this shouldn't happen, the only thing I can think of is this happening through people with old/hacked protocols.

Seeing the stacktrace would help.

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#130: Re: ..

by kracho! on 08/31/2005 22:10, refers to #129

strace ./linux_server ?

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#131: ..

by kracho! on 08/31/2005 22:38

217MB and counting :X

Please crash you damn server.

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