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Question center for new people.

by 1337ness on 11/12/2005 01:12, 136 messages, last message: 02/09/2007 19:45, 63207 views, last view: 06/02/2024 08:30

Question center for new people.

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#110: Re: \

by kurtis84 on 02/06/2007 01:58, refers to #109

Well, I\'m so sorry the people giving you a free game aren\'t doing it in a timely manner...lets all put them down on the forum. Maybe that will make them extra happy to work for free, for people that don\'t appreciate it.

Oh btw, cube2 ( aka Sauerbraten ) DOES have more than just plain old DM, but you\'ll still have to play as the \"fat midget\".

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#111: ..

by Quin on 02/06/2007 02:30

We prefer the term "big-boned height challenged person"

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#112: ..

by Barcode on 02/06/2007 02:34

Sorry...I didn't mean to make that offensive.
I'm very impressed with the pacing and general functionality of Cube 2, I'm just sad to see the lack of content.

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#113: Re: ..

by Barcode on 02/06/2007 02:36, refers to #111

Quin: LOL.

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#114: Re: ..

by Drakas on 02/06/2007 08:46, refers to #112

Maybe you should add content, if there is such lack?
The game is still in beta, and has around 50,000 downloads since gui release - which is not big in comparison with commercial popular games which are simply based on many more people.

Media is always the one to come later, isn't it?

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#115: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/06/2007 11:28, refers to #111

Ahaha good call Quin.

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#116: Single Player

by NightHawk on 02/06/2007 12:19

Howdi from a n00b 2 Cube (Sauerbraten)...
I enjoy the single player mode but have not been able to determine (and yes, I RTFM) if there\'s a way to restart a game from the last point I accomplished...The nature of my employment necessitates I quit the game to do other things and I dislike having to restart the level each time I begin again...

Have I missed something or is restarting from the beginning each time a necessity?

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#117: Re: Single Player

by MeatROme on 02/06/2007 12:57, refers to #116

There is no savegame function.

All that's given are respawn-points, these work like "secondary" playerstarts in case you die and have previously set a respawn-point - but only for the current run of the map.

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#118: Re: "Question center for new people"

by Pxtl on 02/06/2007 16:08, refers to #109

Wait, so hot, fast, solid gameplay, pretty graphics; nice, informative onscreen text; innovative capture mode; etc. is less important than being able to choose a vanity model?

Go back to World of Warcraft where you can choose what type of earrings your gnome has.

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#119: Re: "Question center for new people"

by Barcode on 02/06/2007 21:35, refers to #118

The text's no better than any other game I've played, and even decent gameplay can get boring without variety, which is what this game lacks if it can't even offer more than one player modell. IMO, that makes Nexuiz better than this game (and Nexuiz seems to run better than this game does on the mac, anyway). I understand why and how these problems exist, and I won't bother you guys about it, as the rest of the game works nicely. As for the lack of media (which, it's true, always comes later), I can't help. I don't hang around areas I can advertise, and I don't know how to create content.

Also, I've never played WOW, nor will I, nor did I mean to be offensive in my question, which I clearly outlined the next one or two posts down. If your post is neither relevant or friendly, would you mind sitting the fuck down?

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#120: Re: "Question center for new people"

by Drakas on 02/06/2007 22:35, refers to #119

IMO, Nexiuz is crap. Sauer is an elite game that has some of the most elite people I have ever seen!

"(and Nexuiz seems to run better than this game does on the mac, anyway)" - how?

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#121: ..

by Drakas on 02/06/2007 22:36

Umm... you're basically comparing Sauer (irssi) against Nexuiz (Windows Live Messenger) ;) I'm not meaning it straight forward, but I hope you understand the thing anyway!

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#122: Re: "Question center for new people"

by MeatROme on 02/06/2007 23:08, refers to #119

What difference does your player model make on how you play the game?

I - personally - think that having 15 games in one is already quite a lot of variety.

Nobody is pressuring you to play this game, apart from the fact that it's still under development, it's not tailored to meet the needs of the many ... it meets the needs of the few ... very un-Vulcan, rather more 3l1t3 ;-)

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#123: Re: "Question center for new people"

by Barcode on 02/07/2007 00:20, refers to #122

I withdraw Nexuiz running better.
What do you mean, 15 in one? :S
Either way, I didn't say I was pressured...in MY ORIGINAL POST, I asked if the game still only featured the midget, as the only thing I wanted from this game after what it gave me was content. Then, I apologised for phrasing it slightly badly. Then, everyone exploded for some reason or other.
And the fun of a game for me is at LEAST 10% based on how it looks and sounds.This game is simple, so visuals come into effect more. Sure, the match areas look good, but whe nyou have a Quake 1 thing of some sort running around and squealing like a drunk when shot as your character, it's a bit off-turning for me.
I said it once, and I"ll say it again: Saur is NOT A BAD GAME. I'm just waiting for more content.

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#124: Re: "Question center for new people"

by MeatROme on 02/07/2007 00:40, refers to #123

Check the Sauerguy thread :

This is an effort at someday replacing the Ogro.

15-in-1 :
Sauerbraten has 13 multiplayer modes - of which one is the coop-edit mode - and 2 SinglePlayer modes.
So you can play DeathMatch, Instagib, Arena or Capture and the variations on those tunes.
What I wanted to say with this is:
gameplay variations weigh heavier with me than mere visualizations.
There's absolutely nothing keeping Sauerbraten from using multiple models ... it's just they're not made yet ...

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#125: Re: "Question center for new people"

by Quin on 02/07/2007 03:24, refers to #119

"If your post is neither relevant or friendly, would you mind sitting the fuck down?"

Have a search through the forums, and try to count the number of times someone has told us the game is no good because you can't do this or that. Try to understand that this is a game made by a small group in their spare time.

Some of the people that replied to you are very dedicated to developing new Sauerbraten content, and work very hard just to have people tell them it's not good enough. So sure, they're gonna be a little tweaked that the Nth person has come to this forum making light of their large efforts.

Sure, I agree Sauerbraten could use more content, but I know it'll get there, you would too if you'd taken the time to get to know the project, and notice that the game is still very much in testing and development. Personally, I thank these guys for all the good work they have done so far, the game would be nothing without them.

Part of netiquette is learning to ask smart questions and phrase criticism in a constructive manner, swearing in response is just adding fuel to the flame (pun intended).

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#126: Re: "Question center for new people"

by Quin on 02/07/2007 03:26, refers to #125

In addition, I'd like to ask if you have anything you could contribute to make this better?

When it comes to content, it's a community effort, and we all do what we can to further Sauerbraten.

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#127: heheheh

by Pxtl on 02/07/2007 16:13

Ask not what Sauerbraten can do for you, but what you can do for Sauerbraten!

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#128: Sigh...

by Barcode on 02/07/2007 21:42

i'd love to help (especially considering that I've got quite a bit of time due to the fact the semester here just started and I've got a lot of time due to little homework), but I just don't have any valuable skills. All I can offer is testing, and styling advice that is really not too much better than what hte average person can give.
I've got minor experience in CorelDRAW, so I guess I could do some banner-making, but don't expect anything particularly good.

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#129: Re: Sigh...

by Pxtl on 02/07/2007 22:27, refers to #128

Try learning. Blender isn't that hard to pick up with a little patience and a solid tutorial, Sauer mapping is even less so.

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