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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Loading screen/HUD design contest

by eihrul on 12/27/2008 21:23, 109 messages, last message: 02/01/2009 00:20, 42606 views, last view: 06/26/2024 09:56

So, something I'd like to try for the next release is to make the loading screens less ugly, and for extra credit, maybe the HUD too - although that seems unlikely.

I'd appreciate if anyone with actual graphics design skills - since this excludes me - would like to take a stab at this and submit it here. The winner, of course, gets the thing included in the next release. Losers, well, there is no consolation prize. :)

A note: I would also like to change the branding from "Sauerbraten" (which most people find too weird a name) to just "Cube 2", so if any new logos are made and such, having "Cube 2" would be preferrable over "Sauerbraten".

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#109: ..

by JadeMatrix on 02/01/2009 00:20

Good work, Blindabuser, looks real professional. Kinda reminds me of the Doom logo, but nvm.

I sorry I wasn't able to participate, but I had too much other *important and otherwise ;)* stuff on my plate.

lol @ 50€ — most big games I know cost $40-50 in the US (half? as much).
Currency's a funny thing.

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