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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12365576 views, last view: 10/08/2024 08:48

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#10305: Sauerbraten - "could not find core textures"

by ej159 on 03/28/2008 13:24

I just ran the patch-2007-12-27_win32_setup to update Sauerbraten and now it doesn't work giving a dialog box saying "could not find core textures" and I get this with it:

"init: sdl
init: enet
init: video: mode
init: video: misc
init: gl
Renderer: RADEON X850 XT x86 (ATI Technologies Inc.)
Driver: 2.0.6956 WinXP Release
WARNING: ATI cards may show garbage in skybox. (use "/ati_skybox_bug 1" to fix)
Rendering using the OpenGL 1.5 GLSL shader path.
WARNING: Non-power-of-two textures not supported!
could not load texture data\notexture.png
could not find core textures"

It worked perfectly before I tried to patch it. I'm running windows xp pro x64 and have an Ati X850.

What can I do to fix it?


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#10306: Re: Sauerbraten - "could not find core textures"

by Megagun_0 on 03/28/2008 17:46, refers to #10305

Don't run sauerbraten.exe in the BIN folder.
Run the .bat file in the 'root' Sauerbraten folder.

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#10307: Re: Sauerbraten - "could not find core textures"

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 03/28/2008 17:46, refers to #10305

Run the 'sauerbraten.bat' file in the main Sauerbraten directory.

(What that error actually means is that the exe is being run inside the 'bin' subdirectory instead of in the the root Sauerbraten directory.)

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#10308: Re: Sauerbraten - "could not find core textures"

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 03/28/2008 17:47, refers to #10307

Gah too slow :P.

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#10309: Re: hey read this

by KillHour_ on 03/28/2008 23:07, refers to #10304

You do realize this is just spam, right?

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#10310: Re: hey read this

by tentus_ on 03/29/2008 03:36, refers to #10309

It is and it isn't. The internet doesn't convey tone of voice: the kid might be honestly trying to help others out. I'm not going to erase his posts just because they mention another engine. We're an alternative to them, not a rival. There are lots of people who will be looking through these forums looking to see how Sauer stacks up against the other possibilities, and if they use the search feature, they may run across the posts in question. Maybe my post will convince them to look at Sauer a bit closer, and that will, in turn, maybe get us a bit more usage, recognition, and a few more players on the servers. It's a long shot, but words are cheap. Really, your post is more spam than his post was.

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#10311: darn

by mitaman1 on 03/29/2008 05:20

lost cookie

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#10312: ..

by Roxy on 03/29/2008 11:06

When eisestern will be ready ?

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#10313: Re: ..

by tentus_ on 03/29/2008 14:27, refers to #10312

It's not a single story or world, so it'll never be "ready" in the game-release sense. In terms of it being ready to be used... I'd say it already is pretty ready to be used. There can always be more added to it, so if you ever get the hankering to make an RPG map, please go ahead: more content means more motivation for further additions!

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#10314: Default map

by Dracion on 03/29/2008 16:08

This may sound a bit lazy, but can I change the default map to something other than metl4?

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#10315: Re: Default map

by SheeEttin on 03/29/2008 16:15, refers to #10314

If you're on Windows, edit sauerbraten.bat and add "-lMAP" (where MAP is the map you want to load) somewhere. (I'd put it after -r.)

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#10316: Re: Default map

by SheeEttin on 03/29/2008 16:16, refers to #10315

If you're on Linux, edit sauerbraten_unix, and make the same change in SAUER_OPTIONS, up at the top.

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#10317: Re: Default map

by MovingTarget on 03/29/2008 18:44, refers to #10316

Technically that's not changing the default map. To truly change it, you'd have to go into fps.cpp and change the defaultmap() function to return something else.

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#10318: Building the Patch

by Anon y. mous on 03/30/2008 20:40

I can build the game, but i dont know how to build the patch. It didn't come with a readme lool. I am on Linux.

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#10319: Help with CVS

by help_me_please on 03/31/2008 14:33

I've downloaded latest CVS release of Sauer, and I know that minimal grid power is 1, but when I attempting to change it, I only can see following message:

Valid range for gridpower is (2...13)

What should I do to fix it?

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#10320: Re: Help with CVS

by Hirato Kirata on 03/31/2008 16:22, refers to #10319

Those are the actual levels of sauer. if you want to adjust it (keep in mind you should avoid playing on normal sauer servers after doing the code modification), open up engine/world.h in a text editor

roughly line 61, you should see #define VVEC_FRAC 2, just change it to 1 to make the range 1 to 12. Then stay off the servers, other clients won't see your edits and all the maps will look screwed up.

@10371 The patch should include the source, so it should be the exact same as compiling the 'unpatched version', make clean; make install in the src directory

~Hirato Kirata

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#10321: ..

by Julius on 03/31/2008 16:55

Hmm... I have been playing with the CVS version on assasin edition servers and while it seemed to work just fine, I kept wondering how changes in the level design (the bases in regen capture seem to be placed slightly differen and have different ammo types) effect the overall game?

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#10322: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 03/31/2008 22:12, refers to #10321

There's very little different between Assassin and CVS, as far as the average player is concerned.

I've stopped following the development (though I still use CVS), so I can't say for sure what's actually changed, but I do know the spider's been implemented as a monster and a few editing commands have been added/changed. If you really want to see all the differences, you can take Assassin and CVS and do a diff between them.

Oh, and it'd help a bit if eihrul used log messages when checking into CVS...

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#10323: Change the Edit key to something othere than e

by Kerry31 on 04/01/2008 01:33

Hi, I just found this great game im totally hooked. but heres a ? While I'm playing i tend to hit the "e" key a lot. well that resets the whole map with all the monsters and everything. is there a way I can change the edit key to be something other than E?
I also have a USB controller I would like to know if it can work with this as well thanks

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#10324: Re: Change the Edit key to something othere than e

by tentus_ on 04/01/2008 01:56, refers to #10323

To rebind E to something else use a vairation of this line:
/bind E [jump]
Bear in mind that the E key is many, many people's favorite aspect of Sauer... I highly recommend that you get used to it, but the commands are there if you'ld rather not. :)

Using a controller is considerably trickier. There's a joystick mod on Quadropolis that you can try, but I think it's a few editions out of date. Sauer is very un-joystick, with no aim assisting or any of the other compensations that are common in console FPS games. There's really no substitute for using the mouse and keyboard. Faster, more precise, more intuitive, more options.

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