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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12365555 views, last view: 10/08/2024 08:41

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#10277: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by x0220 on 03/24/2008 07:07

hello my name is mathew,my friend and i are creating a game called the tenth planet(thetenthplanet110mb.com)and i need to know how can you convert and/or save the game as a diff. file type to run it on my web as a flash


p.s. please i need this info quick i have a dead line

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#10278: correction for web site

by x0220 on 03/24/2008 07:09

its thetenthplanet.110mb.com and email is tenthplanet10@hotmail.com

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#10279: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by tentus_ on 03/24/2008 15:12, refers to #10277

You can't.

Flash is a 2D vector and raster graphic multimedia player. Not a 3D octree based game engine. The two are so fundamentally different in terms of design and concept that I wonder if something has been lost in translation. You want to be able to export Sauer to a .swf file, right?

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#10280: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by SheeEttin on 03/24/2008 21:08, refers to #10279

Something like that...

Something tells me that this little project of his isn't going to be very successful.

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#10281: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by Oh No Ghost! on 03/25/2008 00:03, refers to #10279

I feel sort of sorry for him, considering that he has a due date and all. Sheesh, man, how long have you had to research this?

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#10282: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by tentus_ on 03/25/2008 00:15, refers to #10277

What exactly are you looking to create? If you're shooting to create something like what Rasterwerks has accomplished, I hope you know what you're getting into. I know enough flash to be horrified by the very idea of the actionscipt required for that.

By the way, your site is... worrisome? I would not post a physical address online, nor would I make a site public that is still so unfinished. If you haven't filled out your faq page, as a web developer I strongly recommend that you hide the faq page. And generally, you don't want to say "we are two teenagers", say "we are two enterprising young men" or something. People just don't take teenagers seriously, which is unfortunate but irrevocable.

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#10283: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by x0220 on 03/25/2008 02:45, refers to #10282

iknow but i didnt do the web , i allready talk to that guy, anyways wpuld any of u help me find an engine that would be easy for my short time like cube2 but able to render it and play it online like rasterwerks, please i would be greatful mabey give u a free account or something becase when game is compleate it would cost u 5 a month for memdership

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#10284: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by tentus_ on 03/25/2008 03:48, refers to #10283

As far as I know, such engines are few and far between. Personally, every flash game I've ever contributed to or made myself was done from scratch or near-scratch. The closest thing that I know of to an open flashengine is the Fisix Engine, but it's not really a game engine... here's a link anyway:

I suppose there is the zen bullets engine, http://www.zenbullets.com/isometric/ but i wasn't particularly impressed with it.

Just a hint x0220, the more grammatically correct your posts are, the more seriously you get taken. It's like the teenager thing, I'm not trying to talk down to you or anything, but that's how people are. Use complete sentences and people take you more seriously.

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#10285: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by x0220 on 03/25/2008 05:00, refers to #10284

sorry thats how i type im not that good as a typer only a programer

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#10286: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by x0220 on 03/25/2008 05:03, refers to #10285

thanks any other suggestios o and by the way i suck at grammer so please ignore it

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#10287: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by Megagun_0 on 03/25/2008 18:02, refers to #10286

There is a difference between being bad at grammar, or not trying.

Personally, I do not take anyone seriously that does not TRY to use proper grammar. Even if you are horrible at it, you can still put some effort into making your posts readable or at least understandable. Capitalization might be useful there; if you don\'t use capitalization in a \'cry for help\' post, no-one is EVER going to help you out anywhere seriously. Period.

Another hint I might give you, is try to do some research yourself. Pretty much all flash games are 2d, and the ones that are 3d are either slow, or extremely complex (like what Rasterwerks has done). Really, though, playing/creating a 3d game that is playable through a browser is a no-no, ESPECIALLY if you\'re not very experienced with programming, or when you haven\'t been a part of any semi-large projects yourself.

(And should anyone want to know: I\'m not a native English speaker myself).

Now, to change subject a bit...

One part of Sauerbraten that I dislike myself is the license. Or rather, licenses. Many of the coremost gamedata isn\'t in a too well \'moddable\' license, which means that if anyone wants to make a mod of Sauer, they will need to redo or reimplement a lot of content. Is there perhaps any chance that the IronSnout can be licensed under a license that allows redistribution as part of something else (either an entirely different project, or a sauerbraten-derived project)? That would be really awesome indeed, although I ofcourse respect the authors of said data if they would rather not have something like that happening...

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#10288: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by MovingTarget on 03/25/2008 18:52, refers to #10287

The license of the core Sauerbraten stuff (gamecode, engine) is under one of the most un-restrictive licenses out there. The art is where the restrictive ones kick in. I agree though, IronSnout would be cool to distribute in your mod, until a better one can be made...

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#10289: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by yoopers on 03/25/2008 19:35, refers to #10286

Try Papervision3D or Cast3D if you're looking for a 3D engine built on Flash:


If I've misunderstood your question, you should spend some formulating it in clear and grammatically correct language. Programming is all about proper syntax and grammar and, besides, it shows respect for your readers.

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#10290: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by Julius on 03/25/2008 22:13, refers to #10287

"One part of Sauerbraten that I dislike myself is the license. Or rather, licenses. Many of the coremost gamedata isn\'t in a too well \'moddable\' license, which means that if anyone wants to make a mod of Sauer, they will need to redo or reimplement a lot of content. Is there perhaps any chance that the IronSnout can be licensed under a license that allows redistribution as part of something else (either an entirely different project, or a sauerbraten-derived project)? That would be really awesome indeed, although I ofcourse respect the authors of said data if they would rather not have something like that happening..."

Restrictive art licenses are actually a if not the core problem of open-source game projects since quite some time.
It's getting a bit better lately but there are still way to many unfree projects out there :(

oh and:

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#10291: Lego beta... er something with lego stuff

by Poopface on 03/26/2008 02:34

Hi guys iv been editing a lot more than playing so id like to ask a question about a good editing idea. Here is a link to what looks like a beta or something of cube 2


... scroll down to the \"Lego\" picture and take a look at it.. different eh? Then the one below it. Hope fully someone can here can get the \"beta\" or data for for those textures cause I dont feel like ding it myself

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#10292: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by x0220 on 03/26/2008 03:13, refers to #10289

ok enough with grammer and yes i have done research for about two years and i have been looking at different engines and i found a really good one at theganecreators.com where u can save it as an .exe and then i bought a software that converts .exe's into shockwave. but thankyou for your help and many critisims but your all right i wont be taken seriously, thankyou for opening my eyes

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#10293: Re: Lego beta... er something with lego stuff

by Oh No Ghost! on 03/26/2008 04:01, refers to #10291

That map is in an older version of Sauer- 06 or so. Go onto the sourceforge site and download it, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding the textures in the Packages file.

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#10294: Regen Capture Flags

by Zoozie on 03/26/2008 21:10

i have a map ready, almost done it just needs some regen capture flags.... how do i make them?
pls help

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#10295: Re: Regen Capture Flags

by SheeEttin on 03/26/2008 21:31, refers to #10294

/newent base
Didn't occur to you to look at other maps with flags?

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#10296: Particles

by }NP{Zantik on 03/27/2008 04:13

ok i know that in sauerbraten you can use 3 diffrent particles but how do you make fancier ones? i wanna know like today or tommorow or just contact me at the np website or this thread but i wanna know!

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