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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12365558 views, last view: 10/08/2024 08:43

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#10264: Re: Calling the Engine form an External Lib?

by MovingTarget on 03/17/2008 02:48, refers to #10263

Will you please disregard my earlier post. I wasn't thinking correctly for some reason :D

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#10265: Perfectionism

by tentus_ on 03/17/2008 05:42


This little article and demo that might interest a number of you.

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#10266: Re: Perfectionism

by SheeEttin on 03/17/2008 20:21, refers to #10265

Oh god, I can't stand that feeling... I get it all the time, especially when mapping. There's always just ONE MORE LITTLE BITTY THING that just NEEDS to be done.

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#10267: ..

by Julius on 03/18/2008 16:33


maybe this could be of use for implementing automatic model LODs?

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#10268: Re: Perfectionism

by IllvilJa on 03/18/2008 18:41, refers to #10266

Actually, I just felt the opposite with one (probably quite crappy) map I've created. Nothing more SHOULD be improved... it is OK as it is (probably not, as the detail is far excessive for old, relatively low-end hardware).

Or to put it another way... if I decide to add YET another aspect to the map or design principle/convenion to implement all over the place THEN I open up a veritable can of worms of changes that need to be done "everywhere".

Kinda like of reaching a point of picking "all more or nothing more" and deciding to pick "nothing".

(As an example of such a step of improvment one does not want to take too lightly is to add that black/yellow-striped kind of warning paint at the ends of platforms and other places where the player might fall over. If added at one place on the map, one is compelled to add it at ALL platform edges. Another example: "oh my, my houses does not have any chimneys! Should I add chimneys to each of them our should I just take two aspirin and forget about the concept?")

Then of course it helps to be a minimalist who has the ultimate goal of squeezing all the map data (and model data) into a video RAM of 2MB. With those limits the question is rather, what aspect of the damn map should I REMOVE (and make sure to remove from EVERYWHERE)...

(Minimalism is nice. It gives you the illusion of saving time ;-) )

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#10269: ..

by fc15 on 03/19/2008 21:16

is there any importer/exporter for ogz files so i can edit maps and such in another application

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#10270: Re: ..

by MovingTarget on 03/19/2008 21:28, refers to #10269


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#10271: Re: ..

by JadeMatrix on 03/20/2008 05:01, refers to #10270

That only exports. There is no import, except for .CGZ's, Cube's map files.

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#10272: Re: ..

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 03/20/2008 21:34, refers to #10269

And, the whole purpose of the Cube and Cube 2 engines is so that all of the map editing can be done, in real time, in the game without the lengthy compiles etc needed by other engines.

If you really need something more detailed, use mapmodels. Search the forum for a tutorial on them.

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#10273: ..

by dizz0rder on 03/21/2008 20:33

hi, i have a question maybe one of you can help me: in the old Sauer everything worked just fine for me, and now with the same computer and same sound drivers, Sauer Assassin does not detect my card properly.

the error in the bat file is: sound init failed <SDL_mixer>: DirectSoundCreate: No audio device found

any ideas ?

here's some details about my soundcard if this helps.. <a href=\\\"http://imagecloset.com/view10/aa172bb4e7fd487bc91074cb52af6923/ScreenShot_008%2021-Mar-08%2021.21.jpg\\\"><img src=\\\"http://imagecloset.com/10/aa172bb4e7fd487bc91074cb52af6923/ScreenShot_008%2021-Mar-08%2021.21_thumb.gif\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" /></a>

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#10274: hmm broken link..

by dizz0rder on 03/21/2008 20:35

lets try again..


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#10275: Possible New Player Model for Sauerbraten

by freegamer on 03/22/2008 22:58

Modeller 'Julius' is creating a good looking player model for FPS games and it will be licensed using an appropriate open source license (CC-by-SA maybe). The model will be MD5 compatable (I guess exportable to MD5).

WIP + more information + screenshots here:

Best screenshot so far is in the 6th post of that thread.

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#10276: Re: Possible New Player Model for Sauerbraten

by Julius on 03/23/2008 01:26, refers to #10275

Don't get your hopes to high though... I am notorious for never finishing anything :(

And I guess something made specifically for Sauerbraten would fit it's "style" a lot better ;)

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#10277: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by x0220 on 03/24/2008 07:07

hello my name is mathew,my friend and i are creating a game called the tenth planet(thetenthplanet110mb.com)and i need to know how can you convert and/or save the game as a diff. file type to run it on my web as a flash


p.s. please i need this info quick i have a dead line

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#10278: correction for web site

by x0220 on 03/24/2008 07:09

its thetenthplanet.110mb.com and email is tenthplanet10@hotmail.com

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#10279: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by tentus_ on 03/24/2008 15:12, refers to #10277

You can't.

Flash is a 2D vector and raster graphic multimedia player. Not a 3D octree based game engine. The two are so fundamentally different in terms of design and concept that I wonder if something has been lost in translation. You want to be able to export Sauer to a .swf file, right?

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#10280: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by SheeEttin on 03/24/2008 21:08, refers to #10279

Something like that...

Something tells me that this little project of his isn't going to be very successful.

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#10281: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by Oh No Ghost! on 03/25/2008 00:03, refers to #10279

I feel sort of sorry for him, considering that he has a due date and all. Sheesh, man, how long have you had to research this?

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#10282: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by tentus_ on 03/25/2008 00:15, refers to #10277

What exactly are you looking to create? If you're shooting to create something like what Rasterwerks has accomplished, I hope you know what you're getting into. I know enough flash to be horrified by the very idea of the actionscipt required for that.

By the way, your site is... worrisome? I would not post a physical address online, nor would I make a site public that is still so unfinished. If you haven't filled out your faq page, as a web developer I strongly recommend that you hide the faq page. And generally, you don't want to say "we are two teenagers", say "we are two enterprising young men" or something. People just don't take teenagers seriously, which is unfortunate but irrevocable.

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#10283: Re: HELP NEEDED big time!!!

by x0220 on 03/25/2008 02:45, refers to #10282

iknow but i didnt do the web , i allready talk to that guy, anyways wpuld any of u help me find an engine that would be easy for my short time like cube2 but able to render it and play it online like rasterwerks, please i would be greatful mabey give u a free account or something becase when game is compleate it would cost u 5 a month for memdership

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