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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12362092 views, last view: 10/08/2024 01:31

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#10216: Re: Fatal Error

by Somberfire on 03/10/2008 00:10, refers to #10215

The fatal error states: "Sauerbraten Win32 Exception: 0xc0000005 [0xd4]" ... I have no idea what this means.

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#10217: Re: Fatal Error

by tentus_ on 03/10/2008 00:13, refers to #10216

Have you tried installing the patch? Also, please give us all the spec on your computer that you can, so we can address your problem more accurately.

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#10218: ..

by Somberfire on 03/10/2008 00:21

Yes, I have the patch, and tryed re-installing it to no avail. My specs are:

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.40GHz
Memory: 512MB RAM
Hard Drive: 50 GB
Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce FX Go5200
Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254)

Hope it helps!

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#10219: Re: MD3 Models And Software

by MovingTarget on 03/10/2008 01:06, refers to #10213

You do have Python installed, don\'t you? Textwrap is a Python module not included with Blender.

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#10220: cant start cube2...

by pizza_joe on 03/10/2008 03:09

sorry for the seemingly stupid question, but my sauerbraten was working fine a few months ago, i stopped playing then downloaded the new version and patch.

I try to start it up... and nothing happens...

When I double click sauerbraten.bat, a DOS window appears for a split second then disappears, same for all the .bat in this folder... and clicking the sauerbraten.exe in the bin folder doesnt work either.... I have no idea why, since it was working before.... anyone got an idea whats wrong?

thanks for any help

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#10221: Re: can't run Sauerbraten

by MeatROme on 03/10/2008 03:29, refers to #10218

This applies to #10272 (pizza_joe) too:
look in your game-dir and check the file
it contains the console output

you should also try running the game with some parameters to cut down on what it tries to use (graphically) - e.g. a GeForce 5200 is pretty old and weak for a full-fledged shader-heavy run of the game .. shouldn't actually bail out on you .. but giving it some low-end params might help ... depending on the output you find in stdout.txt

See http://cube.wikispaces.com/Beginners+Guide
and http://cube.wikispaces.com/Performance+Guide
for some hints at what to toggle.

You should probably make either a copy of the BAT and edit it, or create a link and set the parameters in the links properties - this is for Windows users only, of course, but you both apparently are ... so that's okay :)


P.S.: pizza_joe : more background info ==> more helpful comments :)

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#10222: Re: can\'t run sauer...

by pizza_joe2 on 03/10/2008 03:57

Yeah sorry... was hoping for a quickfix or something, like maybe i had forgotten something obvious, but i guess not so here goes:

I have an almost new laptop, Core2Duo@2Ghz, 2GB of RAM, ATI X1400 video card /w shader 3.0 and 256MB of VRAM, so it should handle this game no problem, and like I said, it worked with an older version... oh and im of course using windows XP.

The last version I had was (i think...) the spring 07 release, which i didnt patch or update for a while, then stopped using, and then i downloaded and did a clean install of the new version, with the patch on the sourceforge website...

As for your tip of checking stdout.txt, i cant even find the thing, i searched my whole PC to no avail, hehe

thanks again for any help

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#10223: ..

by ATIRULE on 03/10/2008 04:19

install the runtime in the sauerbraten\bin folder vcredist_x86.exe

assuming you don't have it installed
a lot of people seem to be haveing this issue :idea: maby asked the user to install the run time time along with the game as a option

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#10224: Re: ..

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 03/10/2008 04:47, refers to #10223

Uh, the install has it as a default option.

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#10225: make a gras floor

by 10hijop10 on 03/10/2008 16:34

how do i make a gras floor when i make my one map??

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#10226: Making a Server on Sauerbraten

by Uberpwn-w00t on 03/10/2008 20:08

I want to start a server on the latest edition of Sauerbraten, on Mac OS X Tiger (10.4.11). I have turned off my Firewall completely. Yet, still, when I try to start a server:

"Your server did not respond to ping - check your firewall settings"

What do I do?

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#10227: how do i play downloaded maps?

by doughboy5 on 03/10/2008 20:33

i have a mac so if any of you can help that would be kickin' sweet!
i'm new to this website.
thanks for the help

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#10228: Re: how do i play downloaded maps?

by MovingTarget on 03/10/2008 20:34, refers to #10227

Type /map mapname at the console.

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#10229: Re: Fatal Error

by SheeEttin on 03/10/2008 21:56, refers to #10214

Can't help if we don't know what's wrong... Post the error.

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#10230: Re: Making a Server on Sauerbraten

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 03/10/2008 21:58, refers to #10226

Open the ports Sauer needs in your router. There's a guide on the wiki here somewhere.

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#10231: Re: how do i play downloaded maps?

by w$$a$elect on 03/10/2008 22:00, refers to #10228

Here's a suggestion, maybe it's being too picky but -

How about adding code into the engine that scans the base directory for *.ogz file and creates a dynamic list in the menu. Right now you can use /map or add the map name to the "menus.cfg". An example of this is for Quake or Doom where you just dump the maps/mods in the directory and it adds them under the MOD's option.

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#10232: Re: MD3 Models And Software

by w$$a$elect on 03/10/2008 22:40, refers to #10219

Cool.. Thanks MovingTarget,

I installed it now it seems to work.


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#10233: Shader Help?

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 03/11/2008 02:55

Hey, could use a little help scripting a shader for Sauerbraten. It's supposed to be a nightvision shader, so it's in greenscale, but I also want it to bloom (a lot!), which I need in white. So, what I want to have it do is create the bloom as normal, but turn the scene green (and limit the bloom data so that R, B never exceed the value of G) before applying the bloom. My problem is that I'm having trouble applying this "greenifying" to a copy of the shader (I'm playing around in stdshader.cfg atm, before moving it to where it belongs). The bloom works, OR the green works. Together, I just get bloom.

Thanks in advance.

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#10234: Re: how do i play downloaded maps?

by MovingTarget on 03/11/2008 02:57, refers to #10231

If I'm not mistaken, Sauer already indexes maps for the map autocomplete feature.

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#10235: Re: how do i play downloaded maps?

by Hirato Kirata on 03/11/2008 10:13, refers to #10234

he probably doesn't know about the TAB key. Besides, he asks for the list to be generated (already doen with the listcomplete, and complete command), and for it to be in the menu (think of a highly outdated version of modded sauer, that's right, marble arena is a perfect non-linux example).

~Hirato kirata

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