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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12361059 views, last view: 10/07/2024 23:30

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#10184: Re: Texturing question

by MovingTarget on 03/03/2008 02:22, refers to #10179

Oh well, I just hoped there would be a more 'elegant' way to do it. I always have hated files that look like that (50+ repeating 'texture 0 "dummy.jpg"').

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#10185: Re: Texturing question

by demosthenes on 03/03/2008 02:32, refers to #10184

The replace command wouldn't work?

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#10186: Re: Texturing question

by a`baby`rabbit on 03/03/2008 03:34, refers to #10184

so use sauerscript, something like:

loop i 50 [ texture 0 "dummy.jpg" ]

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#10187: Re: Texturing question

by MovingTarget on 03/03/2008 04:26, refers to #10186

Heh, I guess that would make it much cleaner, thanks! Didn't think of that.

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#10188: Re: Texturing question

by MovingTarget on 03/03/2008 17:06, refers to #10185

Could you please enlighten me as to the usage of the 'replace' command? The description in the docs is not really clear.

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#10189: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by SheeEttin on 03/03/2008 21:13, refers to #10175

You can find the names for all the keys in data/keymap.cfg.

Oh, and what's this about quotes working? Are you talking about the "reply to this message" link?
I wasn't aware they weren't working...

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#10190: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by MovingTarget on 03/03/2008 21:30, refers to #10189

LOL! You just demonstrated that yes, indeed, they work. They were talking about there being backslashes in front of quotation marks, which got quite annoying. It seems to have been fixed.

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#10191: Re: Texturing question

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 03/04/2008 00:54, refers to #10188

Replace is used like this:

Find a piece of texturing that you'd like to replace. Select it, then change it to the new texture. Open the console and enter the command "/replace". If done correctly, the piece of texture you changed should completely disappear from the map, replaced by the texture you replaced it with.

Does that make sense?

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#10192: Re: Texturing question

by MovingTarget on 03/04/2008 04:01, refers to #10191

Cool! That WOULD make it much easier. Thanks for the clear explanation (except for 'replaced by the texture you replaced it with' :D).

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#10193: Re: Texturing question

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 03/04/2008 09:31, refers to #10192

Ugh, yeah, that wasn't very clear.

You change the first texture to the second texture in one spot. Then the command changes the rest of the instances of the first texture to the second texture.

That should clarify any remaining doubt. :)

I've used it recently when changing a couple of maps to use custom texture configurations.

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#10194: Re: Texturing question

by MovingTarget on 03/04/2008 17:36, refers to #10193

Thanks, that was much clearer.

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#10195: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by SheeEttin on 03/04/2008 21:15, refers to #10190

The backslashes appear when people do the math problem wrong... Lemme test.
5 times 5 = 40...
Nope, that particular bug still happens.
All of ", ', and \ get escaped (which means that successive incorrect entries get more backslashes).

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#10196: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 03/04/2008 21:42, refers to #10195

2^N - 1, to be exact. Three bad tries leaves you with seven backslashes before each quote. I always pick them out whenever I do the puzzle wrong.

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#10197: New Menu

by Titanic12ship on 03/05/2008 01:54

I made a menu for Sauerbraten that has all of the skies on it. If you click on the sky you want, it will load that sky. Does anyone think this is good work? Or is it just the same old worthless stuff I always make for Sauerbraten. I decided to try menu editing because no one likes my maps. Please give your thoughts on it.

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#10198: ..

by ATIRULE on 03/05/2008 03:21

your such a lier
Hirato made that now go away

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#10199: Re: ..

by demosthenes on 03/05/2008 04:55, refers to #10198

He may have made another one that works differently. Stop being so mean unnecessarily.

Just post it up on quad next time and let people evaluate it there; stop asking us every time you come up with something. Post a node, update the node occasionally, integrating any fixes/suggestions you like from the comments.

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#10200: 2D Menu don't work

by Zizaco on 03/05/2008 13:39

I've compiled the Sauerbraten using the Code::Blocks.
With the original .exe the menu works fine, but with the compiled one when I chose the 2D menu option, the menu freezes and none of the Gui buttons work.

I haven't changed the source, just open and compile.

I havent any idea of why does it happened.

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#10201: Re: 2D Menu don't work

by Hirato Kirata on 03/05/2008 23:07, refers to #10200

Very well renown issue.

From my understanding (as I don't use windows) is due to older versions of gcc like 3.3, which have some nasty errors which is known to cause such problems.

so I'd recommend you install a nightly of codeblocks, and the very latest MinGW (I pretty much mean the testing/unstable stuff) and try again

~Hirato Kirata

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#10202: Re: 2D Menu don't work

by ezombie on 03/06/2008 05:16, refers to #10201

eirhul posted this earlier:

"The version of GCC (3) that ships with mingw/codeblocks is horribly buggy. You either need to compile with VS or upgrade to the GCC 4 preview of msys if you don't want weird bugs to show up."

I posted this link to an easy-to-install version of the GCC 4 preview, which worked quite well for some of the guys:


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#10203: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by SanHolo on 03/07/2008 17:00, refers to #10171

With OS X 10.4, I was used to switch to the British keyboard before playing. With OS X 10.5, Apple seems to have introduced something wonderful: I can start Sauerbraten (and other games) while Dvorak is active, but move with the WASD keys without assigning anything (so I play as if I switched to the British layout before starting the game).

And here comes the wonderful thing: As soon as I press T and begin to chat, Dvorak is active again! Wonderful! :)

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