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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12360043 views, last view: 10/07/2024 21:40

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#10164: Re: commercial hosting

by ezombie on 02/28/2008 22:49

BTW, that thread is talking about GameArena commercial hosting.

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#10165: New Levels and Questions

by Titanic12ship on 03/01/2008 04:31

I haven't been posting for a while, mainly because I have been working on some new levels, that I hope you will find better that my previous ones. I wanted to know if you would like me to release version 1.2 of TheTower. I improved the level a lot, and I think you might like it. I took away a lot of monsters that were cluttering the level, and I also took away the big elevator in the middle of the tower and added an elevator in the corner. If most people say no to me posting it, then I won't. You can see screenshots of it on its page on my website:


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#10166: Re: New Levels and Questions

by MovingTarget on 03/01/2008 14:28, refers to #10165

Add lights first.

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#10167: Re: New Levels and Questions

by MeatROme on 03/01/2008 15:13, refers to #10165

Hey, you can release whatever you want ... of course, Quadropolis submission policies apply if you want to put it up there ... but IIRC your map doesn't violate any of those.

IMHO you shouldn't have simply dropped this map when you got such bad reviews on quadropolis for it;
but now you have you should definitely update the node with the new version!

But my suggestion to you would be : move on!

'Moving Target' is right though too - w/o lights the already totally bland texturing/geometry doesn't stand a chance of ever getting any serious ratings ... an unfinished map like this wouldn't get more than 1 star from me ever ... even if the layout of the map would be supercalifragilisticexpialidotious ... which IIRC your's certainly isn't!

You need to maybe try and read up on some professional mappers talking about how they go about level-design - that can help you focus on issues you've been ignoring (it seems) so far.

But on the texturing and lighting side of things you really need to START working ... from nothing comes nothing!


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#10168: Re: New Levels and Questions

by MeatROme on 03/01/2008 15:14, refers to #10167

replace "shouldn't" with "should" ... soemtimes I really miss an edit button here :-P

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#10169: Re: New Levels and Questions

by SanHolo on 03/01/2008 18:07, refers to #10165

And: Your website still reads "SuaerWeb" despite me having pointed that out several times already...

Add lights und nice textures and ask us again if you should publish this map. As it looks ATM: No, don't publish.

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#10170: Re: New Levels and Questions

by mayhem on 03/01/2008 21:59, refers to #10165

The effort is there but you need to scale down. My humble advice is take what you have learned and start over with something ..smaller..
Instead of a tower, make a bomb-shelter or something confined like that and you will find it is easier to make it look more 'finished'. Don't be afraid of lights, they are well explained in the docs and it makes a world of difference. Look at maps like aard3c in edit mode and see how small and simple make for decent environments. After you finish a few small maps you can copy/paste to make a larger map for SP or whatever.
Save this phallic symbol somewhere and come back to it when you feel you've honed your editing skills a little more. Show us a small finished map and you will certainly get respectable honest reviews.

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#10171: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by samslembas on 03/02/2008 03:15

Sauerbraten seems to be impossible to play using Dvorak. The wasd keys on a Dvorak keyboard are .aoe, and Sauerbraten does not seem to support keymapping to the . key. Is there a trick to getting around this? I can just change my layout to Qwerty to play, but then it is a pain to type messages in multiplayer, thus making me anti-social ;)

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#10172: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by graham on 03/02/2008 05:00, refers to #10171

/bind period up

See data/keymap.cfg

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#10173: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by IllvilJa on 03/02/2008 11:31, refers to #10172

Thanks for the advice. (I'm a Dvorak user too, BTW)

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#10174: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by MeatROme on 03/02/2008 13:54, refers to #10171

As graham pointed out the "bind" command can help you setup your own personal keybinding;
the data/keymap.cfg file can also be supplemented by keycodes currently not yet understood by the engine.
You might want to compare http://cube.wikispaces.com/configuration for your first steps :)

Oh .. and since IllviUa is probably not the only one sharing in your predicament ... how about publishing your work as a suggested Script/Mod on quadropolis ?!? :)

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#10175: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by samslembas on 03/02/2008 17:27, refers to #10174

Ah, thanks for the help. I was trying to use "bind , forward" rather than "bind comma forward". As for publishing my work, it is going to take me quite a while to get used to this stuff enough to not only have a good keymapping made, but actually know *how* to publish it ;) I cannot locate this /data/ directory that was mentioned a few times. I am on a Linux system, and there seems to be a .sauerbraten directory in my home folder, but all that is in there is config.cfg init.cfg packages servers.cfg. I suspect that there is no data directory on Linux, and that this is the replacement, but that still leaves me wondering where the keymap.cfg file is.Is it optional and needs to be created, or am I in the wrong place?

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#10176: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 03/02/2008 18:19, refers to #10175

Put all of your custom binds into 'autoexec.cfg' which should be created inside the root Sauerbraten (not the .sauerbraten) directory. Then people can just copy and paste the binings into their own autoexecs, or just put your one in the Sauer folder.

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#10177: Assassin, Summer, Spring?

by tcc on 03/02/2008 19:03

Where is the difference between those 3 versions? I cant find any information about it.

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#10178: Texturing question

by MovingTarget on 03/02/2008 19:03

I have a question about texturing.
Say I'm making a map (unlikely, huh?), and say I'm doing it after the style of Quake 3.

Since I don't want to use the original textures included in the game (although I can't resist using sonic1 for music!), I download a very large pack of Quake 3-like textures. This pack contains well over 200 textures (and I may download more). Now, I use a script to automatically index the textures and make a package.cfg for my map's configuration file to execute (I'm not too keen on typing texture 0 "movingtarget/q3/blah.jpg" 200 times).

The problem is, when I'm done texturing, I'm not going to have used all those textures, and including them all in the package will drive it up to somewhere around 30MB, maybe more. But if I delete the entries for the textures that I don't use, most of the texturing will be ruined, and I'll have to redo it all over again (not an easy task).

Any ideas on how I could get around this?

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#10179: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by ezombie on 03/02/2008 21:57, refers to #10176

Wouldn't it be cleaner to make a *dvorak.cfg* file with the bindings, then exec it from your autoexec.cfg?

Makes sharing/installing much easier, no?

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#10180: Forum Update?

by ezombie on 03/02/2008 21:58


Quotes work now! Huzzah!

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#10181: Re: Forum Update?

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 03/02/2008 22:09, refers to #10180

Because you used asterisks. It's 's that don't work. Maybe if i /' it might work.

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#10182: Re: Forum Update?

by jbuk2k7s cookie has gone on 03/02/2008 22:10, refers to #10181

OMG they do work! (Sorry for useless spam)

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#10183: Re: Dvorak Keyboard Layout

by MeatROme on 03/02/2008 22:18, refers to #10175

the ~/.sauerbraten is the ideal place for your personal configuration!
I also place all custom maps in there;
but you should go to the installation folder to find the ./data/ directory ... it sounds a bit like you installed it via your package-manager (which almost always results in this question (and non-current version problems)) ... try "locate keymap.cfg|grep sauerbraten" ;-)

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