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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12360010 views, last view: 10/07/2024 21:32

for questions, announcements etc.

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#10151: Re: I hate to ask this, but...

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 02/26/2008 04:05, refers to #10150

I know to whom you are referring, and I agree. But what is this "Jean Pierre"-ing you are referring to?

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#10152: Re: I hate to ask this, but...

by tentus_ on 02/26/2008 04:36, refers to #10151

Jean Pierre was our infamous little troll a little while ago, who has returned a few times under the alias "Lavaball" and "Lex Luthor" if I remember correctly. He was a serious problem and eventually had to be removed: if I remember correcty, Aard's method was to create the illusion of the forums being down, specifically for Jean Pierre. Aard's post mentioning this is still my favorite forum post ever.

Does that make me mean/bitter? I don't want to come off that way, I'm just completely out of patience, and don't want to end up in a stupid argument.

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#10153: Re: I hate to ask this, but...

by yetanotherdemosthenescomputer on 02/26/2008 04:57, refers to #10152

No, that sounds like quite the excellent solution. I'm tired of the person in question's misinformation and demonstrations of stupidity as well.

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#10154: Re: I hate to ask this, but...

by ezombie on 02/26/2008 07:43, refers to #10153

Oh pooo...

Now you guys let the cat out of the bag, and he will know what happened *if* it does in fact happen.

(or something like that)

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#10155: Quadropolis

by -- on 02/26/2008 20:45

What happened with quadropolis? I cannou upload map!

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#10156: Message censored by administrator

by SatanChild on 02/27/2008 16:36

#10157: Re: Quadropolis

by MeatROme on 02/27/2008 20:42, refers to #10155

Yes, the problem has come to our attention ... especially when two files (e.g. map-file and screenshot) are in the pipeline.

Temporarily the node-creation form now allows for these files to be uploaded in seperate editing-of-the-node sessions ...

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#10158: LOL

by Langford on 02/27/2008 21:55

I just accidentally typed /newmap 113 instead of 13 into the console, and actually waited for it ... I recommend not doing that.

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#10159: Re: LOL

by MovingTarget on 02/27/2008 22:12, refers to #10158

I did something like that once, but didn't want to wait. Who could use such a big map anyway??? 20 is really pushing the limit.

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#10160: HL2?

by Tempest IV on 02/28/2008 05:21

Are there any half life 2 skins? I;m trying to make an HEV suit skin :P.

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#10161: Re: LOL

by Q009 on 02/28/2008 14:19, refers to #10158

xD I don't remember what size of map i type in console but i waited 20 min before map starts! xD

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#10162: Re: HL2?

by SheeEttin on 02/28/2008 15:39, refers to #10160

Tried Google?

You couldn't use the actual texture/model, though, due to legal issues...

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#10163: ..

by ezombie on 02/28/2008 22:47

A thread over at BigPond was just started about adding a Sauerbraten server option.

[Well I just got a response about my request for a Sauerbraten/Cube2 server, and they advised me to create a thread in order to determind how much support there is for it :).

So everyone here who plays Sauerbraten, please leave a message HERE and show your support :).]

Feel free to chime in here:


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#10164: Re: commercial hosting

by ezombie on 02/28/2008 22:49

BTW, that thread is talking about GameArena commercial hosting.

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#10165: New Levels and Questions

by Titanic12ship on 03/01/2008 04:31

I haven't been posting for a while, mainly because I have been working on some new levels, that I hope you will find better that my previous ones. I wanted to know if you would like me to release version 1.2 of TheTower. I improved the level a lot, and I think you might like it. I took away a lot of monsters that were cluttering the level, and I also took away the big elevator in the middle of the tower and added an elevator in the corner. If most people say no to me posting it, then I won't. You can see screenshots of it on its page on my website:


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#10166: Re: New Levels and Questions

by MovingTarget on 03/01/2008 14:28, refers to #10165

Add lights first.

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#10167: Re: New Levels and Questions

by MeatROme on 03/01/2008 15:13, refers to #10165

Hey, you can release whatever you want ... of course, Quadropolis submission policies apply if you want to put it up there ... but IIRC your map doesn't violate any of those.

IMHO you shouldn't have simply dropped this map when you got such bad reviews on quadropolis for it;
but now you have you should definitely update the node with the new version!

But my suggestion to you would be : move on!

'Moving Target' is right though too - w/o lights the already totally bland texturing/geometry doesn't stand a chance of ever getting any serious ratings ... an unfinished map like this wouldn't get more than 1 star from me ever ... even if the layout of the map would be supercalifragilisticexpialidotious ... which IIRC your's certainly isn't!

You need to maybe try and read up on some professional mappers talking about how they go about level-design - that can help you focus on issues you've been ignoring (it seems) so far.

But on the texturing and lighting side of things you really need to START working ... from nothing comes nothing!


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#10168: Re: New Levels and Questions

by MeatROme on 03/01/2008 15:14, refers to #10167

replace "shouldn't" with "should" ... soemtimes I really miss an edit button here :-P

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#10169: Re: New Levels and Questions

by SanHolo on 03/01/2008 18:07, refers to #10165

And: Your website still reads "SuaerWeb" despite me having pointed that out several times already...

Add lights und nice textures and ask us again if you should publish this map. As it looks ATM: No, don't publish.

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#10170: Re: New Levels and Questions

by mayhem on 03/01/2008 21:59, refers to #10165

The effort is there but you need to scale down. My humble advice is take what you have learned and start over with something ..smaller..
Instead of a tower, make a bomb-shelter or something confined like that and you will find it is easier to make it look more 'finished'. Don't be afraid of lights, they are well explained in the docs and it makes a world of difference. Look at maps like aard3c in edit mode and see how small and simple make for decent environments. After you finish a few small maps you can copy/paste to make a larger map for SP or whatever.
Save this phallic symbol somewhere and come back to it when you feel you've honed your editing skills a little more. Show us a small finished map and you will certainly get respectable honest reviews.

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