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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12358133 views, last view: 10/07/2024 17:28

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#10113: Re: compiling Cube from source

by MeatROme on 02/15/2008 00:54, refers to #10112

for fullness/clarity:
make clean
is always a good thing to start off with - just to make sure there's no pre-compiled stuff lying around that was for an IRIX machine with you sitting on a Mac.

And there always was a spot of trouble with the combination of ENet & Cube IIRC;
go into src/enet and do your make-dance there first; then dance it in the src/ folder proper ... that should fix you up.

oh - you need to run "make install" as root (of course) ... there's some READMEs lying around that should help you too ... src/bin_unix/readme I remember, but there's definitely one for enet too!

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#10114: master server in assassin edition

by xenon on 02/16/2008 09:26

Whenever I attempt to update server list from master server, it says it is not responding. I had no problems with the spring edition of Sauerbraten, but nothing seems to work in the assassin edition. I've downloaded the win_32 patch for Sauer also, but still no success. Can anyone help?

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#10115: Re: master server in assassin edition

by MeatROme on 02/16/2008 11:27, refers to #10114

as long as you can surf the interwebs from the PC you're trying to play on you shouldn't have any problems.

For further checking on your behalf:
Open your servers.cfg and paste in this
(without the SNIP-lines of course)
Depending on the "lag time" you take to read this ... the list might be outdated again already ... but I bet some of those will still be active ... so I hope that helps you at least to see some action ...

Give us more information on your system;
we "know" you're on Windows .. because you spoke of such a patch; but is this Vista or XP .. have you changed your setup somehow since using spring edition?
What firewall software are you running?
Have you tried switching of the Windows firewall maybe ... it's been causing problems for some users IIRC ... but really - port 80 - the default http port is the one used for querying the masterserver ... there really can't be any trouble if you can surf - can you?

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#10116: Re: compiling Cube from source

by SheeEttin on 02/16/2008 16:39, refers to #10113

Becoming root isn't necessary, unless you removed write permission from your own user (e.g. root:root rw-r--r--)...

Most decompressors don't keep the file owner/group by default (I think that since eihrul usually does the distribution, the owner and group are set to "lee"), so that shouldn't cause problems.

"make install" just copies the binaries to the Sauer bin directory; not to /usr/bin or anything, anyway.

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#10117: Export to blender?

by cons on 02/16/2008 19:33


I'm from the supertuxkart team and wanted to ask if there is any way to export sauerbraten maps to a blender-compatible format. Currently, we are using blender to generate our tracks and think that a way to use sauerbraten as the basic map-editor would let us produce content much faster and easier.


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#10118: Re: Export to blender?

by MovingTarget on 02/16/2008 20:01, refers to #10117

Unless I am gravely mistaken, Blender supports the .obj static model format.
Use the /writeobj command to export the current map as an .obj file.

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#10119: Re: master server in assassin edition

by xenon on 02/16/2008 20:44, refers to #10115

this Vista or XP .. have you changed your setup somehow since using spring edition?
What firewall software are you running?
Have you tried switching of the Windows firewall maybe ... it's been causing problems

Well, I have XP, and I haven't changed my setup since the spring edition.
I have norton for firewall, and I've tried switching that off but still no luck. I also noticed when i run the server.bat file, it says, "masterserver reply:
your server did not respond to ping - check your firewall settings," and even after turning firewall off it says the same thing.

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#10120: Re: master server in assassin edition

by MeatROme on 02/16/2008 21:07, refers to #10119

ah. you're not wanting to run the client then ?!?! That was my first impression.
For the server you need to forward the UPD ports to the machine running the server.

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#10121: Re: compiling Cube from source

by MeatROme on 02/16/2008 21:09, refers to #10116

I was saying only that you have to be root for installing the ENet libraries onto your system ... it has nothing to do with removed priviledges or so ... but your general user shouldn't have right permission to /usr/lib/ etc. (wherever ENet goes) ... TBH I have no idea why this isn't necessary anymore with sauerbraten.

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#10122: Re: compiling Cube from source

by MeatROme on 02/16/2008 21:10, refers to #10121

the right permission should be a write permission, that's right, write it right, right away!

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#10123: Re: compiling Cube from source

by ezombie on 02/16/2008 21:56, refers to #10122


That response deserves the Muzzle-O-Doom.

Perhaps Sauer is using a LOCAL library when it links to enet, link, eh?

As far I as could tell, it does not *install the enet libraries* anywhere but in the Sauer directory tree.

This of course makes sense since in a fit of pure mischievousness and curiosity, I put Sauer on a USB flash pen drive and proceeded to test some of the demo laptops and PCs at my local Staples :D

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#10124: Re: compiling Cube from source

by MeatROme on 02/16/2008 23:36, refers to #10123

I rather suspected that ;)
Well Cube didn\'t.

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#10125: Standard Resolution settings PLEASE FIX!

by Sofa mensch on 02/19/2008 19:27

In the current Source, when you start sauerbraten_unix .. it start at some big or weird resolution that kills my TFT everytime.

Well i know how to fix via console.. but other ppl maybe dont know

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#10126: compiling sauerbraten on mac

by fusilier on 02/19/2008 22:05

Hello, I'm a CS student who is doing research on video game AI, and was hoping to modify Sauerbraten's AI for my research.

I downloaded the latest version of Sauerbraten, and it has the source code, but the "xcode" folder is empty (okay it has a "build" folder in it, but that's also empty). I see in the forums, people talking about compiling it on the mac, but I can't find any reference to how its done. Could anybody help me out? Thanks.

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#10127: Re: compiling sauerbraten on mac

by a`baby`rabbit on 02/20/2008 03:03, refers to #10126

Note that ehe xcode folder is in sauerbraten/src/xcode/ not sauerbraten/_MACOSX/xcode

On the off chance that the last release is minus this folder(?!) then the same folder should also be in the linux or windows downloads...

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#10128: Re: compiling sauerbraten on mac

by fusilier(2) on 02/20/2008 06:58, refers to #10127

Yeah, I was looking in the right place \\\"sauerbraten/src/xcode\\\", in fact there isn\\\'t even a \\\"sauerbraten/_MACOSX/xcode\\\"

I just downloaded the linux version and it has files and projects within the xcode directory . . . so I guess it was deleted from the mac install.


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#10129: can\'t run sauerbraten on XP laptop

by JEFF_K on 02/20/2008 19:01

I have been unable to run Sauerbraten on my laptop.

The start up page loads (just like on the original cube) and I am just able to fire the pistol once and right afterwards, the program shuts down stating:

Runtime error; abnormal program termination.

On the terminal that comes up showing (C:\\windows\\system 32\\cmd.exe)as the directory, I notice among the processes going on in the terminal, there are 6 \"WARNINGS\" underneath:

-No vertex buffer object extension.
-No occlusion query support
-No shader support
-Using NVIDIA texgen bug workaround
-No frame buffer object support
-Non-power-of-two tetxtures not supported.

Now, I am not a programmer, just more of a hobbyist and amateur gamer - I used to use MSDOS 20 years ago, but looking at others comments, I am way behind the knowledge level of most of you.

Any ideas or ways to adjust the settings (for a layman like me) so that the game will work?

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#10130: Glibc?

by Liudvikas on 02/21/2008 17:14

Somehow Cube isn't working for me. I am on Arch, My system is fresh. I installed Cube, but it seemed to need glibc.so.5, while I had glibc.so.6.0.9! I tried symlinking, but Cube was smarter than me... Should I wait for a newer version?

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#10131: Fonts are blurry

by Jan-Hendrik on 02/21/2008 19:36

Hello guys!
Cube runs nice and the graphics are great too, but: The font in the menu is blurry! I just can\\\'t read a thing.
I thought I had installed every package needed, but please come up with suggestions on how to fix this nevertheless!
I am using Ubuntu on a brand new Laptop capable of running most current games (in theory ;) )

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#10132: Re: Fonts are blurry

by ezombie on 02/21/2008 20:17, refers to #10131

Indeed - bilinear filtering and fonts do not mix. I'm assuming this is the basic problem, as it appears to be the familiar effect.

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