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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12355620 views, last view: 10/07/2024 11:23

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#10078: Re: Lost Monsters

by smartalco on 02/04/2008 04:38, refers to #10074

that goes for everyone, on average i die 20 times in a 15 minute match

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#10079: Removing

by The Real Nekru on 02/04/2008 06:09

Fine, remove my messages. You can't prove that that Nekru message was made by me, because it wasn't. The IP address is incorrect. Also the email is wrong. My email is nekru@live.com.au


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#10080: ..

by ezombie on 02/04/2008 06:09

Jeez, If I died only 20 times in a typical 15 minute ET match - then I'm just not trying hard enough. ;)

1-2 deaths a minute sounds about right for a fun online FPS game. Any less then that starts to get boring.

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#10081: Re: ..

by poroc on 02/04/2008 13:33, refers to #10065

"This is a hobby to me...not a livelyhood. ( I'd starve if I had to do this for money... lol )".


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#10082: Re: Lost Monsters

by SheeEttin on 02/04/2008 22:39, refers to #10070

Not really, unfortunately.
What you can do is make sure there is plenty of space around playerstarts. Hit E, fly around, and look for playerstart entities (those little sparkly things with "playerstart" on them). If it seems cramped, try moving it away from the wall. (When you're done, hit `, type "savemap", and hit enter to save the changes you made.)

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#10083: Re: Lost Monsters

by MeatROme on 02/05/2008 03:08, refers to #10082

"/entfind playerstart" and then "," and MW-scroll will take you to all of them in your map :)

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#10084: AssaultCube

by Doenerfreak on 02/05/2008 11:30

Hi, i cant see the complete server list, i cant see the number of players in assaultcube.

Pls help me

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#10085: Re: AssaultCube

by MeatROme on 02/05/2008 22:16, refers to #10084

you'll have to play on higher resolution I'd say, w/o having seen a screenshot ... well actually, there's no issue with player-count - not in 640x480, not even in 320x240 - although I couldn't read the font there very well :-P
so maybe we can help you better if we see a screenshot (press F12).
Also - the AssaultCube Forums are actually located @ http://assault.cubers.net/forum/

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#10086: 12 new sky box texture sets

by cronos3k on 02/05/2008 23:44

12 new sky box texture sets renderd in Carrara 6 pro with a resolution of 512x512 and available as *.jpg files.

Getting's Gregor Koch(cronos / cronos3k)

preview image

the actual zip file


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#10087: ..

by makkE on 02/06/2008 11:07

Nice, but why are some of them sphere-mapped?

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#10088: Re: 12 new sky box texture sets

by shadow,516 on 02/06/2008 14:13, refers to #10086

Hmm. Are we sure this is really him? Some of these don't seem up to his usually extremely high standards. That, and several are warped, and generally not done correctly. If it is him, I appoligize, but it seems odd that he would show up out of the blue, considering noone's been able to contact him in months.

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#10089: ..

by cronos3k on 02/06/2008 15:14

They have been originally rendered when I tested out Carrara 6 pro to create dxt / dds cube maps for refection's on objects and therefore there possible uses as sky boxes is only a side effect. They are not super complex scenes and some of the early ones show bending from the remapping to a box from a sphere camera, what I actuality later on fixed for the rest of them but even so that they are not all the highest possible solution they most likely can still be useful.

The images mapped on sphere are from when they have been applied to a sphere as refection map.

I did post all of them as sky box textures beaus I a had them anyway on the server.

The dxt .dds cube map files are in this location:


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#10090: Re: ..

by shadow516.school.. on 02/06/2008 15:57, refers to #10089

Ah, in that case, welcome back dude. Might want to head into #sauerbraten on quakenet. I think eihrul wants to talk to you about texture resolution or somesuch.

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#10091: Re: Lost Monsters

by Drakker__ on 02/07/2008 21:26, refers to #10070

This bug actualy happens when there is already a monster right on the playerstart where the monster is supposed to spawn. When that happens, the game spawns the monster a few cubes away. When there is a crowd of monsters on the spawn points, this get the new monsters, especialy the taller ones, to spawn in places where they shouldn't be spawning.

I tried really hard to fix it in ogrosupply to no avail. Maps with networks of tunnels where monsters can get stuck (they always try to walk torward the player in a straight line) tend to suffer from this "feature" a lot.

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#10092: Multiplayer

by Monster_Max on 02/08/2008 00:39

I want to know how I can start a private game on assault cube, I really dont understand the multiplayer menu

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#10093: Error

by Xenxe on 02/09/2008 02:50

i dont know wich one works in this forum


<a href=\\\"http://tinypic.com\\\" target=\\\"_blank\\\"><img src=\\\"http://i28.tinypic.com/2i0f5tc.jpg\\\" border=\\\"0\\\" alt=\\\"Image and video hosting by TinyPic\\\"></a>




but my problem is that after that windows error the program shuts down why my computer is
a dual core

with vista

alot of speed

but i set compatability mode if that was the issue but that didnt work either

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#10094: Re: Error

by Hirato Kirata on 02/09/2008 03:23, refers to #10093

Deja-vu, you never mentioned if you installed the patch, cause that's definitely needed. Fixes a lot of bugs which occurred mostly on Win32 systems.

install the patch and see if it works any better :)

~Hirato Kirata

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#10095: Server

by soegel on 02/09/2008 14:37

When i use "-d" and start i get this error inside the DOS Window:
"your server did not respond to ping - check your firewall settings"

i already opened the ports, but maybe i did someth. wrong.
and Windows Firewall has sauerbraten.bat as Exception.

What should i do?

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#10096: Re: Server

by SheeEttin on 02/09/2008 15:53, refers to #10095

Are you using a router?
If so, you'll also need to forward the ports (people recommend http://portforward.com/routers.htm , but I've never used it).

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#10097: Server

by soegel on 02/09/2008 16:41

i already forwarded them.
watch here: [URL=http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2005196148758119059][IMG]http://aycu34.webshots.com/image/42353/2005196148758119059_th.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

but im not quite sure about the "136".
how do i know what i have to type in there?
(i only chose 136 because i read it once in a forum, but I don't know why)

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