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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12356217 views, last view: 10/07/2024 13:25

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#10067: ..

by ezombie on 02/03/2008 04:31

MD5 animations are basically 'scripted, AFAIK - it stores a set of bone coords for each frame.

The transformations are done for each vertex, which doesn't increase based on how many bones there are.

In the original Doom3 forums, they even suggested including seperate bones just for potential character deformation. These could be used for flapping clothes and hair, and other such niceties.

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#10068: Installation on OSX

by Beast on 02/03/2008 04:34

Hi guys.

For a little while, I have run AC on OSX. I haven't installed it, but simply unpackaged and ran the game off the mount. However, I am not able to load new maps in-game, and I believe it's because the game has not been permanently installed.

Does anyone know how this would be installed in OSX?

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#10069: Re: Installation on OSX

by smartalco on 02/03/2008 05:10, refers to #10068

step 1. make an AC folder in your applications directory (or possibly in the sauer folder, I forget if you need to do that with AC, probably not)

step 2. drag all the files in the mount image into the AC folder

step 3. there isn't one, its that easy^

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#10070: Re: Lost Monsters

by sbk10b on 02/03/2008 09:03, refers to #10061

Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a problem with the design of a particular map. So is there anything I can do to (a) quickly find out if this "inaccessible monster" condition exists, and (b) finish the game without having to die and play again?

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#10071: Message censored by administrator

by Nekru on 02/03/2008 15:02

#10072: Message censored by administrator

by The Real Nekru on 02/03/2008 22:11

#10073: Message censored by administrator

by The Real Nekru on 02/03/2008 22:12

#10074: Re: Lost Monsters

by sbk10b on 02/04/2008 03:24, refers to #10055

Per your suggestion I tried online multiplayer. I hate it - I get killed instantly, no time to even aim. I'll stick to single player, thank you.

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#10075: Re: Heightmap don't works!!!

by MeatROme on 02/04/2008 04:11, refers to #10051

try deleting your saved.cfg and restarting ... that usually fixes such issues.

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#10076: Re: Can't connect to servers with Sauerbraten

by MeatROme on 02/04/2008 04:14, refers to #10064

what if his router has a firewall?
some router's do not allow for setting up port-forwarding ...
compare: http://cube.wikispaces.com/Multiplayer+Guide#tocMultiplayer%20Guide13
which also contains a reference to http://portforward.com/

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#10077: Re: Can't connect to servers with Sauerbraten

by MeatROme on 02/04/2008 04:15, refers to #10063

regarding the "different protocol" ... I'll just assume he installed some packaged sauerbraten ... which do not seem to be updated as regularly as they should be. get the most current release (at time of writing "assassin") from sourceforge.
compare: http://cube.wikispaces.com/Install+Guide

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#10078: Re: Lost Monsters

by smartalco on 02/04/2008 04:38, refers to #10074

that goes for everyone, on average i die 20 times in a 15 minute match

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#10079: Removing

by The Real Nekru on 02/04/2008 06:09

Fine, remove my messages. You can't prove that that Nekru message was made by me, because it wasn't. The IP address is incorrect. Also the email is wrong. My email is nekru@live.com.au


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#10080: ..

by ezombie on 02/04/2008 06:09

Jeez, If I died only 20 times in a typical 15 minute ET match - then I'm just not trying hard enough. ;)

1-2 deaths a minute sounds about right for a fun online FPS game. Any less then that starts to get boring.

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#10081: Re: ..

by poroc on 02/04/2008 13:33, refers to #10065

"This is a hobby to me...not a livelyhood. ( I'd starve if I had to do this for money... lol )".


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#10082: Re: Lost Monsters

by SheeEttin on 02/04/2008 22:39, refers to #10070

Not really, unfortunately.
What you can do is make sure there is plenty of space around playerstarts. Hit E, fly around, and look for playerstart entities (those little sparkly things with "playerstart" on them). If it seems cramped, try moving it away from the wall. (When you're done, hit `, type "savemap", and hit enter to save the changes you made.)

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#10083: Re: Lost Monsters

by MeatROme on 02/05/2008 03:08, refers to #10082

"/entfind playerstart" and then "," and MW-scroll will take you to all of them in your map :)

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#10084: AssaultCube

by Doenerfreak on 02/05/2008 11:30

Hi, i cant see the complete server list, i cant see the number of players in assaultcube.

Pls help me

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#10085: Re: AssaultCube

by MeatROme on 02/05/2008 22:16, refers to #10084

you'll have to play on higher resolution I'd say, w/o having seen a screenshot ... well actually, there's no issue with player-count - not in 640x480, not even in 320x240 - although I couldn't read the font there very well :-P
so maybe we can help you better if we see a screenshot (press F12).
Also - the AssaultCube Forums are actually located @ http://assault.cubers.net/forum/

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#10086: 12 new sky box texture sets

by cronos3k on 02/05/2008 23:44

12 new sky box texture sets renderd in Carrara 6 pro with a resolution of 512x512 and available as *.jpg files.

Getting's Gregor Koch(cronos / cronos3k)

preview image

the actual zip file


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