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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12355647 views, last view: 10/07/2024 11:30

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#10053: Re: Help I want to edit with a friend

by SheeEttin on 02/01/2008 21:19, refers to #10052

Make/join a server, set mode to 1, and load the map.

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#10054: Lost Monsters

by sbk10b on 02/02/2008 00:20

Background: I'm a relative newbie, not really a gamer, but
Sauerbraten has really taken hold of me. I like the DMSP games,
not so much the SP ones. I only play single player. I'm not
that good, usually play at the default level but have gone up to
5 or 6; at 10 it's ridiculous, I get killed instantly. At first
I was using the Saeurbraten 2007-08-29 summer edition but a week
or two ago installed the current 12/24 Assassin edition (on
Windows XP).

Why do monsters get lost, and how do you find them? Near the end
of a game, sometimes the last monster can't be found
(occasionally it might be a couple monsters).

Even though I don't want to edit maps, I found that pressing E
lets me look anywhere. With this, most of the time I can find a
monster hidden in some inaccessible place like inside a wall or
on top or even the sheer external side of an entire complex.

When this happens, I've found no way to complete the game - no
way to kill that last hidden monster. All I can do is die and
play again, which is irritating.

Some games do it more than others. The ones I've noticed it most
with are katrez_d, ksauer1, and DM_BS1. But it has also happened
with paradigm, oasis, stemple, ogrosupply, and others.

It can take me minutes to find a lost monster this way. Is there
some key/command to locate/spotlight the monsters in a map? If
not, is there a plan to add such?

Is this a problem with the gaming engine or the particular game?
How do bugs like this get fixed? Is there some workaround?

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#10055: ..

by smartalco on 02/02/2008 01:29

more then likely its just a map bug, possibly wasn't a problem until the latest release

you should really come online and play, I can't beat the single player maps on default and I still play online, its more fun with /actual/ intelligence

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#10056: Md5 characters

by Julius on 02/02/2008 02:43


Working on a blender rig for an md5 playermodel (which hopefully someone else is working on :p )

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#10057: Re: Lost Monsters

by sbk10b on 02/02/2008 02:48, refers to #10055

It's not just the Assassin release that does it, it did it in the 8/29 Summer release as well.

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#10058: Re: Savign issues

by poroc on 02/02/2008 02:49, refers to #10050

A just a sec.

Rename the map to temp only and dont add .cgz

Then load with map op.

My mistake.

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#10059: Re: Md5 characters

by Captain_Ahab on 02/02/2008 04:28, refers to #10056

I've made one..an armature and lopoly guy
The armarture is a simple one with joints constrained so there is no backwards bending knees when doing IK stuff, yet FK is simple too. The three 'antennae' looking bones on the head will control the jaw and simple facial expressions. I haven't tried to use bvh files with it yet....someday I suppose I will.

The model has loose "gijoe kung fu grip" type hands for swords and pistols, but I can put regular hands back on. The guy is under 1100 tris.

If someone finds him to be useful, please feel free to use him.


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#10060: rigs

by geartrooper2 on 02/02/2008 12:33

You guys are in the right direction with rigs. But there are a few tricks you have missed. Firstly, ik is ok with legs, but not as advantageous with arms. If possible use an ik/fk setup for them. Also a root bone apart from the hierarchy which enables movement of the entire rig is quite handy. Also it is possible to set up foot rigs that stay put where you place them. There is a good tutorial about this on the web. Here is an example rig with the foot setup. Rpg mappers may recognize this as the guardsman;


Please use this as an educational tool. If you want to use the quardsman for another project contact me.

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#10061: Re: Lost Monsters

by SheeEttin on 02/02/2008 16:36, refers to #10054

Probably caused by a monster spawning where there isn't enough space for it.
When that happens, the monster gets popped to the nearest available space, which may or may not be accessible.

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#10062: ..

by Julius on 02/02/2008 17:24

@captain ahab: nice mesh, but there is no armature inside it as far as I can see. Oh and can I put in under a free license (you have to choose) on our page:
freegamearts.tuxfamily.org ?

@geartrooper: thanks for the .bend
Definitly a cool set up, but (and I am far from an expert there) I doubt such a setup can be used for characters with a realtime modifiable scelleton (e.g. md5s etc. Works of couse fine for vextex only animation like md3).

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#10063: Can't connect to servers with Sauerbraten

by DR. Raven on 02/02/2008 21:39

Ok, this is my problem, I can't connect to any server the server list of sauerbraten, and when I try to connect I get a "You are using a deffrent game protocol" message.

And to top it off I can't even start a dedicaded server (please forgive my poor spelling and grammer), every time I the to start a server I get a "your server did not respond to ping - check your firewall settings" message, and I dont't even have a firewall installed on my system, at all.

Is there any way around this little snag.

Please respond ASAP!!
I would love to start playing online ASAP.

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#10064: Re: Can't connect to servers with Sauerbraten

by Hirato Kirata on 02/02/2008 22:22, refers to #10063

I can probably offer some advice for the second half.

Some linux distributions require you to play with IPtables, if it's one of those, I'd suggest googling for a howto.

also it much more likely means a bunch of ports weren't forwarded and that UPnP isn't working, so you may also want to google for methods on 'pinholing' your router. the ports are 28785 and 28786 UDP.

~Hirato Kirata

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#10065: Re: ..

by Captain_Ahab on 02/03/2008 01:07, refers to #10062

The armature is on the screen ( box?) underneath the mesh. It's not parented to the mesh yet nor weight painted as I might change the hands and modify it still.

Feel free to post it. There's nothing special about it so I guess cc with attribution is good. Anything I make is free to people who can use them. This is a hobby to me...not a livelyhood. ( I'd starve if I had to do this for money... lol )

I like geartrooper's rig...I like how the hands are done. Its certainly better than anything I've done.
<-- does imitation of Wayne and Garth, bowing down.
"I am not worthy"

What sort of rig is appropriate for md5?
I thought there would be a rig chosen such that it could be used by many meshes...a generic rig. If so, would animations done on one rig be able to be used over a range of suitable meshes?
Would simpler be better for that?

What sort of rig do public mocap/bvh sites reccommend?
Being able to tap those and perhaps 'tweak' the animation might be an option?

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#10066: ..

by Julius on 02/03/2008 01:58

Well I am under the impression (and I might be wrong about it), that you can't/shouldn't have lots of helper bones in a rig that is ment for realtime animation.

Simpler is better because the transformations have to be calculated in real time :p

Bvh includes a very basic rig AFAIK, but you can overlay those animations onto your own rig. Hoever the results are often less than stellar.

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#10067: ..

by ezombie on 02/03/2008 04:31

MD5 animations are basically 'scripted, AFAIK - it stores a set of bone coords for each frame.

The transformations are done for each vertex, which doesn't increase based on how many bones there are.

In the original Doom3 forums, they even suggested including seperate bones just for potential character deformation. These could be used for flapping clothes and hair, and other such niceties.

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#10068: Installation on OSX

by Beast on 02/03/2008 04:34

Hi guys.

For a little while, I have run AC on OSX. I haven't installed it, but simply unpackaged and ran the game off the mount. However, I am not able to load new maps in-game, and I believe it's because the game has not been permanently installed.

Does anyone know how this would be installed in OSX?

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#10069: Re: Installation on OSX

by smartalco on 02/03/2008 05:10, refers to #10068

step 1. make an AC folder in your applications directory (or possibly in the sauer folder, I forget if you need to do that with AC, probably not)

step 2. drag all the files in the mount image into the AC folder

step 3. there isn't one, its that easy^

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#10070: Re: Lost Monsters

by sbk10b on 02/03/2008 09:03, refers to #10061

Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a problem with the design of a particular map. So is there anything I can do to (a) quickly find out if this "inaccessible monster" condition exists, and (b) finish the game without having to die and play again?

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#10071: Message censored by administrator

by Nekru on 02/03/2008 15:02

#10072: Message censored by administrator

by The Real Nekru on 02/03/2008 22:11

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