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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12355320 views, last view: 10/07/2024 09:20

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#10028: Re: New Version of Sauerbraten

by tentus_ on 01/27/2008 05:29, refers to #10027

Emphasis being on "good content". Titanic, you need to start listening to the people at Quadropolis if you want to learn how to map better. You keep blowing us off and ignoring the time everyone keeps lending you to help you out.

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#10029: envmap doesnt work on my models

by scasd on 01/27/2008 15:37

i made a transparent glass model with following shader:

//md3load ./tris.md3
//md3skin glass_skin ./skin.png
mdlalphatest 0.05
mdlalphablend 250
mdlshader bumpenv
mdlcullface 0

and placed an envmap entity near to it but it doesnt work - can someone please tell me how to do this ?

also md3load and md3skin command will end up in an model without a skin so i cant assign the shader to the texture via "mdlshader glass_skin bumpenv".

Any ideas ?

thanks in advance - scasd

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#10030: ????

by chris052692 on 01/28/2008 23:00

Hi??? Im new here

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#10031: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 01:14

btw does the new .md5 format include Doom3 like IK feet to ground snapping?

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#10032: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 02:44

as an proposal SB would benefit from also.

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#10033: Re: ..

by geartrooper2 on 01/29/2008 11:11, refers to #10031

Its already possible in Blender. There are some high quality rigs available for free and instructions on how to rig one yourself.

(halfway down the page).

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#10034: RE: models

by ezombie on 01/29/2008 15:27

Found this as well:


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#10035: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 16:51

No I was referring to real time feet snapping, e.g. if you stand on a slope the feet automatically adjust, like it is done in Doom3 via a very basic IK (inverse kinematics) setup.

Concerning the blender rigs, those are mostly not really free (in a FSF sense) and are not geared towared real time scelletal animations.
Basicly what I want to achive with the request linked above is that all the free engines can use the animations like is is possible in Mod projects, e.g. build you character with the standard rig and "get" animations for free.

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#10036: ..

by ezombie on 01/29/2008 17:56

Ahh... the 'feet snapping' is not a function of the model format. But it does typically require a format that support skeletal animations (and since doom3 uses the md5 format, this is the case)

It is a function of the engine. You could theoretically do this (collision avoidance through skeletal manipulation) with ALL the limbs. So that walking right along side a wall causes your arm to tuck in a bit.

/rant on

But like you said, it's not just simple offsetting an animation, it's using a form of kinematics to 'adjust' a whole portion of the stored animation. There is a surprising amount of work for just that little feature, and unless you are on a very steep slope, it is barely noticeable while playing.

And people wonder why games these days are such resource hogs, without being that much nicer to play. So many uneeded bits totally unrelated to gameplay. You get enough of them, and you can almost double the CPU/GPU requirements of a game, while barely affecting the actual gameplay experience at all.

/rant off

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#10037: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 18:54

Sure I agree it isn't really needed and definitly isn't very rescource friendly (otherwise... there are plenty of people capping at 200fps in SB :p )

But IK cannot be sole an engine feature as the skelletal data needed for it has to be stored in the md5 also AFAIK, thus I was simply asking if that feature of the md5 format was supported also.

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#10038: ..

by ezombie on 01/29/2008 19:13

Oh yes... the only way to animate an md5 model is with a skeleton of some source IIRC. An md5 model is actually TWO or more files. There is no *.md5 file (that is already used by another program, actually)

There is an .md5mesh (mesh & skeleton) and .md5anim (animation sequences) file, along with one or more texture files and a config file. These are all plain text files besides the textures. See how nicely it fits in with how Sauerbraten implements models anyways?

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#10039: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 19:22

Ehh we seems to mean the same thing... and I do know how the md5 format works ;)
All I wanted to express is that for IK to work someone has to set up an IK chain that is stored in the file format, thus it isn't entirely done by the engine.

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#10040: ..

by ezombie on 01/29/2008 19:36

Actually, doom3 only uses some key/value pairs from the model to implement IK:

"Doom uses an IK system though in the game to place a character's feet on the ground. The IK does not get setup by you though, it's coded in and all you do is specify which bone represent which body part and stuff like that. It's still your animation being played back but the IK will make sure the feet are on the ground even walking down steps or slopes or whatever."


And the md5 format does not currently have IK:

"For md5mesh output, you need to use armature animation. It does not matter which IK setup you use to help with animation, as it is anyways *not* exported to the md5mesh file. You can setup an IK to help design your animation, but depending on your IK setup you might need to bake the animation before exporting it."

The md5anim file is merely a set of bone coordinate sequences.

So they would have to add IK generation code in the engine to do have IK functionality.

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#10041: how do i get it?

by duftnich03 on 01/29/2008 20:25

how do you download it i click on the download link which takes me to another site and then when i try to download it seays read the files first and if i download any of them them they dont work... im using vista premium any help?

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#10042: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 21:12

I stand corrected than. Thanks for the infos.

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#10043: Re: how do i get it?

by MeatROme on 01/30/2008 08:25, refers to #10041

If you're talking about Sauerbraten ... maybe this helps you:
Else : be more specific

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#10044: Re: how do i get it?

by duftnich03 on 01/30/2008 10:09, refers to #10043

I was talking about sauerbraten and thank you I am downloading the Win32 file assasin edition as before, and will follow the unpacking method onto my laptop. If I have any problems I will come back, cheers!

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#10045: uploading a map to server

by poroc on 01/31/2008 14:06

Hi all. Hows things?

I would like to upload a map to server so i can play on it with my pals but i have no idea on how to do this.

The map is a cube 1 map.

I have tried to creat a profile with quadropolis but for some reason after numerous attempts it doesnt work.
Is everything ok over there guys?

I would like to know if there is another way to do this.
Im not sure even if quadropolis is the server.


Thanks in advance.

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#10046: Re: uploading a map to server

by MeatROme on 01/31/2008 18:21, refers to #10045

quadropolis is the right place to share a map with the community.
At times uploads do seem to offer some .. difficulties .. but it usually works out, at the latest if you repeatedly "edit" the node to complete it with the appropriate file and screenshot.
Screenshots often seem to fail because people do not read the limitations applied to them - as stated beneath the appropriate field in the upload form.
If your map only contains a CGZ (no CFG) then you can simply vote into editmode on any server, then "/sendmap" and all others just need to "/getmap".
With a CFG (and indeed any additional files required) your best bet is a ZIP containing everything and passing that to your friends (via webspace or email).
For quadropolis (and even your "private" disseminations) you should read
http://www.quadropolis.us/node/226 (the packaging guide).

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#10047: Heightmap don't works!!!

by Q009 on 01/31/2008 19:09

I can't use height map. I see:

unknown command: hmapctrl
unknown command: hmapaddtex

Pls, help.

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