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General Thread

by Aardappel on 01/05/2002 01:55, 15527 messages, last message: 03/01/2024 13:02, 12357274 views, last view: 10/07/2024 15:35

for questions, announcements etc.

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#10017: Re: ..

by SanHolo on 01/25/2008 14:07, refers to #10016

Yes, of course there need to be spaces. you can't distinguish rgb 221144, could be 221 14 4 or 22 11 44 or 221 1 44 or... well, you get the idea. ;)

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#10018: Re: Team Request

by LinearMagnitude(1) on 01/25/2008 21:07, refers to #10001

Demosthenes I apologize for my unnecessary comments/sarcasm. I thank you for answer and will continue my search. Also if any of you are in search of a 3d modeler, please visit my website>linearmagnitude.com<

Thank you, and will let the cube community know of any major releases!

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#10019: ..

by ezombie on 01/25/2008 21:54


I like your style, very bleak and militaristic, without being scifi. It would go well with our 'World at War' concept of a new ET.

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#10020: Re: Team Request

by demosthenes on 01/26/2008 02:05, refers to #10018

Apology accepted. I apologize for not noticing that you were talking quite seriously about a paying project, and having missed that, made assumptions about your project and acted upon those assumptions.

Wow! We have like three or four big projects starting up or going on around here. Exciting times. :)

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#10021: Re: Team Request

by SheeEttin on 01/26/2008 02:39, refers to #10020

I'm working on one too...
Ever play Nethack? :)

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#10022: System Requirements

by Lazarus on 01/26/2008 02:40

Does anyone know what the sys reqs are for Sauerbraten?

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#10023: Re: Team Request

by MovingTarget on 01/26/2008 03:54, refers to #10021

I've never played it, but from the description, the random-number map generator thingy sounds like Hellgate London. Havent't played that, either.

Right now I'm not working on an actual mod, I'm more working on smaller utilities that will help newbies be able to replace content easily, and things like that. As a warmup, I posted this little thingy to make life easier for people packaging maps on Quadropolis:


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#10024: Re: System Requirements

by SanHolo on 01/26/2008 13:03, refers to #10022

You can configure Sauerbraten to run smoothly on a 1GHz G4 with a Radeon 9000M, or enable enough features to make your Core 2 Duo machine cry out in pain. ;)

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#10025: New Version of Sauerbraten

by Titanic12ship on 01/26/2008 15:39

Is there something I can do to help create the new version of Sauerbraten, maybe start adding maps from a list to the menus, or coming up with ideas for new gamemodes and features? I am eager in helping in the development of this great game.

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#10026: Re: Team Request

by demosthenes on 01/26/2008 20:37, refers to #10021

Nope, but I've seen it before and if you can re-create the complexity and freedom of choice the game supposedly supports, I'd love to see it. :)


One thing you could do is *stop spamming* about wanting to help. That's certainly not helpful and just seems to annoy. Also, working on the development of a game is not something you can just walk up to and away from whenever you like. And a new version comes out whenever the developers decide to release a new version, with nothing specific (that I know of) motivating that decision. In that way, I don't know how you could help move that along.

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#10027: Sauerbraten messed up my video card

by ccoxiv on 01/27/2008 04:01

I have a Dell E1705 laptop with a nVidia GeForce Go 7900 GS card with 256MB of video RAM. I was running the 2007-08-29 summer edition of Sauerbraten under Linux. Sauerbraten worked on this computer before. When I changed the 3D menu to a 2D menu, the screen threw up a lot of garbage. Even after restarting the computer, it still shows all this garbage on the screen, and it also will not display any high resolution screens (i.e. - 1440x960). I have tried to boot into both Linux and Windows Vista (dual boot machine) with both OS's having the same result.

I tried putting the output of the screen to an external CRT screen, but the garbage was on the CRT screen too.

I'm thinking it is a video card firmware problem, but I don't know what to do exactly to fix it. PLEASE HELP!!!

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#10028: Re: New Version of Sauerbraten

by tentus_ on 01/27/2008 05:29, refers to #10027

Emphasis being on "good content". Titanic, you need to start listening to the people at Quadropolis if you want to learn how to map better. You keep blowing us off and ignoring the time everyone keeps lending you to help you out.

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#10029: envmap doesnt work on my models

by scasd on 01/27/2008 15:37

i made a transparent glass model with following shader:

//md3load ./tris.md3
//md3skin glass_skin ./skin.png
mdlalphatest 0.05
mdlalphablend 250
mdlshader bumpenv
mdlcullface 0

and placed an envmap entity near to it but it doesnt work - can someone please tell me how to do this ?

also md3load and md3skin command will end up in an model without a skin so i cant assign the shader to the texture via "mdlshader glass_skin bumpenv".

Any ideas ?

thanks in advance - scasd

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#10030: ????

by chris052692 on 01/28/2008 23:00

Hi??? Im new here

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#10031: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 01:14

btw does the new .md5 format include Doom3 like IK feet to ground snapping?

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#10032: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 02:44

as an proposal SB would benefit from also.

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#10033: Re: ..

by geartrooper2 on 01/29/2008 11:11, refers to #10031

Its already possible in Blender. There are some high quality rigs available for free and instructions on how to rig one yourself.

(halfway down the page).

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#10034: RE: models

by ezombie on 01/29/2008 15:27

Found this as well:


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#10035: ..

by Julius on 01/29/2008 16:51

No I was referring to real time feet snapping, e.g. if you stand on a slope the feet automatically adjust, like it is done in Doom3 via a very basic IK (inverse kinematics) setup.

Concerning the blender rigs, those are mostly not really free (in a FSF sense) and are not geared towared real time scelletal animations.
Basicly what I want to achive with the request linked above is that all the free engines can use the animations like is is possible in Mod projects, e.g. build you character with the standard rig and "get" animations for free.

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#10036: ..

by ezombie on 01/29/2008 17:56

Ahh... the 'feet snapping' is not a function of the model format. But it does typically require a format that support skeletal animations (and since doom3 uses the md5 format, this is the case)

It is a function of the engine. You could theoretically do this (collision avoidance through skeletal manipulation) with ALL the limbs. So that walking right along side a wall causes your arm to tuck in a bit.

/rant on

But like you said, it's not just simple offsetting an animation, it's using a form of kinematics to 'adjust' a whole portion of the stored animation. There is a surprising amount of work for just that little feature, and unless you are on a very steep slope, it is barely noticeable while playing.

And people wonder why games these days are such resource hogs, without being that much nicer to play. So many uneeded bits totally unrelated to gameplay. You get enough of them, and you can almost double the CPU/GPU requirements of a game, while barely affecting the actual gameplay experience at all.

/rant off

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