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Let's make a CTF mod

by Skaus on 05/02/2003 22:39, 141 messages, last message: 11/26/2005 00:40, 77653 views, last view: 06/26/2024 23:10

Ok, i want cube CTF, and i bet i'm not the only one. It won't take a whole of work to make, but it's just a little bit too much for one man to do, so i'm asking you guys for assistance. The stuff we need to do is:

* red\blue skins for the player model.
* 2 Flag models with 2 skins each. (one on ground, one carried by the player.
* Code for the flag. (pickups, carriers, caps)
* Code for scoring etc.
* all the maps we can get.
* (a simple mirrior funcion in the editor would be nice)
* a few red\blue base textures

I could do most of this myself, but it'd take too damn long. I'd rather not do the code, as that's my weakest point, but the models\textures\skins should be easy enough. And mapping too :)

So, anyone interested in helping out?

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#101: Re: Frank

by Bascule on 05/08/2003 21:48, refers to #100

Further constructive criticism...

I don't know if you planned it that way, but you can flag-run in a straight line from one end to the other of this map, by jumping the water pits.

IMHO, that makes it a poor CTF map, as there are no choke points to allow for tactics or conflict.

Like skaus, it is only probably good for up to 3 per side, but I like that - neat and sweet. I also thought the texturing was OK, it didn't feel 'samey' to me :)

I didn't like the flag rooms; far, far too cramped. And what's with the empty rooms in the corners? Probably by enlarging the flag room and joining it to those corners rooms, you would immediately have three different directions to approach the flag - that would be good news.

With that and some sort of choke points in the middle, you'd have a damned good map :)

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#102: Re: Frank

by Skaus on 05/08/2003 22:28, refers to #101

You can see every possible path the flag can go when you're in the middle part of the map, which counts as a chokepoint in my book. Somewhere you can go when you loose track of the flag (not gonna happen on this map ;)

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#103: Frank

by pushplay on 05/08/2003 22:50, refers to #102

Also, Scarab == scarab in windows but not in linux. Stick to the lowercase naming convention to prevent problems.

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#104: Re: Frank

by pushplay on 05/08/2003 22:53, refers to #103

Also, I spotted HOMs at Cubes (35, 158) and (35, 143).

Type /select 35 158 1 1 at console to see where that is.

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#105: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/08/2003 23:24

ok , i see i have lots to do but i feel like with every detail of what to do , this map as a furture ... but now theres one thing , the size : one said its ok , one said its to small , so what do i do !?!?

And also , the corners (not extremely sure of witch one your talking about) is the starting location for you team , so you dont want to pass there if you want the flag.

Ill work on what you guys said and see if it comes up , but want i wanted to know a little is : is this map good so far ?

So anyways , ill get working and see if any idieas come up . Ill also but more different textures . Also , are you going to but it in the mod if its better ? So its working time for me , bye

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#106: Done

by pushplay on 05/08/2003 23:38


It's part of my monumental config file.

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#107: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/09/2003 00:41

made the new version of my map with lots of new stuff , check it out (i will not change the screenshots for new version of this maps) but this is not the final version , so tell me if i should but somthing new or if theres a bug because i want a good clean map for my first CTF map . Anyways , dont forget to get it and make friends while you kill them :)


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#108: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/09/2003 03:09

hey thalion and skaus , i would like to help you with somthing ... As you know , im mapping alot for this CTF mod because its f****** fantastic so far , but i have a great idiea . Why dont we but , on the site , a place with all (well not all !) the CTF maps , ill take the screenshots , do a description and rate it . Is that ok with you guys ? It will be like a library for maps , anyways , bye

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#109: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/09/2003 04:01

i found an error with the CTF , and its a big error ! when your in the blue team exemple and you next to your flag , you can change team when ever you want , you have to fix this !


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#110: Another Prob

by pushplay on 05/09/2003 04:06

I was playing with Pat, he grabbed my flag and I quad rocketed him a second later, but he didn't drop the flag. From then on he had the shimmer of having the flag, but he never dropped it when I fragged him. He still had that shimmer when we went into the next map.

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#111: Re: ..

by VerbalC on 05/09/2003 05:21, refers to #109

frank__i, when there is another player in the game, switching teams kills you. With just yourself, for some reason it doesn't.

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#112: Re: Another Prob

by Thalion on 05/09/2003 06:33, refers to #110

... oh yes, and they told me that _I_ should check my eyes the last time I saw it. =)

Okay, known prob. It actually works like that:

1) He touches the flag and asks server for confirmation.

2) You kill him and send him an appropriate message, which his receives, and he dies.

3) He clicks REALLY fast, and respawns immediately.

4) He receives the acknowledgement from the server that he has got the flag!

I'll think on how to fix it...

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#113: And Instagib CTF Please

by pushplay on 05/09/2003 10:44


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#114: ..

by Skaus on 05/09/2003 14:48

I checked Scarab again. I can still jump over the waterholes, but it's not practical now :)
I still think you should put some good stuff down there, like the riflerounds (don't put them anywhere else, make it so the players have to jump down there to get it).
There's still only one way in\out of the flag room. That little room further in would be a great place to put a teleporter leading out.
The hallway leading into the flagroom should have totally straight walls. I get stuck on those little pillars you have in there very easily, and that's pretty annoying when you're trying to escape with the flag.
It's still a little cramped, but it'll do. Just keep that in mind for future maps. My rule of thumb is that there should be enough room for two players to pass eachother everywhere.

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#115: oh, and

by Skaus on 05/09/2003 14:53

You asked about the size. It's ok, really, but only for four players, at most six. (2v2\3v3). We need maps of all sizes, so that's good. If there's only four players on a server, it sucks to play a map built for 8. In that situation, it's good to be able to load up scarab :)

All maps will be included with the mod, so we don't need to make a page for them.

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#116: Re: And Instagib CTF Please

by Thalion on 05/09/2003 16:45, refers to #113

Oh yes!

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#117: Re: And Instagib CTF Please

by Shockie on 05/09/2003 22:48, refers to #116

thalion, do you check your email or go on msn? please....

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#118: ..

by Frank__i (Flameshot leader) on 05/10/2003 00:49

Are you sure you want to but ALL the maps you get ? That is a veary bad idiea to my head . Look at all the maps for cube , do you think putting all the maps for cube would be a good idea ? Ofcourse not , so think about it .

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#119: Re: ..

by VerbalC on 05/10/2003 02:06, refers to #118

Why not? It's not like the bad ones will be played, so it won't be some huge problem.

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#120: Re: ..

by Skaus on 05/10/2003 02:08, refers to #119

right. People play what they want to play. A map takes as good as no disk-space whatsoever anyway, unless there's custom textures (which i don't want to include if they're not base-markers)

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