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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

NEW RELEASE: 2007-04-13 spring edition

by Aardappel_ on 04/13/2007 10:23, 170 messages, last message: 10/07/2007 19:55, 214196 views, last view: 07/27/2024 15:18


from history.html:

* scoreboard now displays mode, map, and time remaining
* bases now produce ammo in capture mode (take ammo with R key or "repammo" command)
* added reflective water in fixed-function mode
* added reflective glass in fixed-function mode
* made waterfall top/bottom correctly align with water surface
* player vs. player collisions now use ellipses instead of bounding boxes
* added new functionality to the rpg prototype (WiP)
* added planar shadows for most dynamic entities
* added -o option for servers to disable "locked" and "private" mastermodes
* dead players now colored gray on scoreboard
* changed experimental movement speedup code to include both jumping & forward independently (see game.html)
* added F key support to heightmap editing.
* improved "fastshader" system to support more than 2 performance levels
* added environment-mapped geometry shaders (via "bumpenv*world" shaders)
* added ambient sound entities (via "mapsound" and "newent sound")
* added alpha-masked shadows for mapmodels with alpha-channel skins (via "calclight 3")
* added animated caustics effect to underwater geometry
* added experimental animated grass system
* added support for GLSL shaders
* added entautoview, entitysurf and selectionsurf
* added Marc's latest 8 tracks, for a total of 31 now!
* added visual entity box handle. allows easy choice of orientation. hovering over an ent now replaces closest ent as implicit ent selection.
* added smoothmap command for heightmaps. (default press H when already in hmap mode) executes a moving avg filter over hmap
* added context sensitive entity menu (default TAB)
* added a scale parameter to the "texture" command, for changing the apparent size
* texture combining now scales combined texture to match size of base texture
* command "showtexgui" (default F2) allows for comfortable texture browsing
* made gui stick to player's Z
* fixed server lockup (in patch)


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#151: ..

by crudscurdler on 07/12/2007 05:20


double free or corruption!

can\'t reproduce, only happened once, don\'t have a core file, silly default setup doesn\'t dump cores.

here ya go anyway.

2good captured base 2
0 bbl
attempting to connect to
connected to server
*** glibc detected *** ./bin_unix/native_client: double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000007ae2160 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

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#152: Re: ..

by rancor on 07/12/2007 06:23, refers to #151

A core dump wouldn't be terribly useful anyway, since the default build doesn't have debugging symbols. Also, the binary in the download is called linux_client, which implies to me that there is additional information required in any case.

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#153: ..

by crudscurdler on 07/12/2007 06:53


ah ha, yes, native_client is the 64bit build acheived by typing make.

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#154: Message censored by administrator

by viagra pills on 07/15/2007 12:00

#155: Message censored by administrator

by purchase viagra on 07/16/2007 06:19

#156: Message censored by administrator

by bphiqebgps on 10/02/2007 15:17

#157: Message censored by administrator

by gmkevurtki on 10/03/2007 13:55

#158: Message censored by administrator

by knsnqaxsky on 10/03/2007 15:24

#159: Message censored by administrator

by imyfijziks on 10/05/2007 17:59

#160: Message censored by administrator

by zrztfwezpb on 10/05/2007 21:34

#161: Message censored by administrator

by uhiebtyakm on 10/06/2007 11:45

#162: Message censored by administrator

by btyxbmedmc on 10/06/2007 20:27

#163: Re: btyxbmedmc

by SheeEttin on 10/06/2007 20:34, refers to #162

Perhaps a little more obscure math problem is in order (or one made of images)...

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#164: Message censored by administrator

by meraxtcwvb on 10/07/2007 08:47

#165: Message censored by administrator

by ngrubfyath on 10/07/2007 12:38

#166: ..

by djGentoo on 10/07/2007 13:26

Agreed, captcha FTW...

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#167: Re: ..

by Drakas on 10/07/2007 13:33, refers to #166

No, I'd go for calculus!

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#168: Re: ..

by Drakas on 10/07/2007 13:33, refers to #167

... or at least solving simple simultaneous equations :)

That would make people want to write longer posts, too :)

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#169: ..

by Julius on 10/07/2007 14:06


How about this one?

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#170: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 10/07/2007 19:55, refers to #169

Interesting--but I see the captcha has just been changed. My question for this post is "3 added to 8". I don't think it'll stop anyone; just rewrite your captcha-defeater to recognize "added to", "subtracted from", etc. and convert them into symbols the script can do the math with.

I'm all for three separate images picked at random and placed together. Tricky(er) for a script to read, but trivial for a human.

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