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SauerMod: Bots and Gameplay Extensions

by Quin on 12/22/2006 13:03, 189 messages, last message: 11/26/2009 17:54, 145155 views, last view: 04/29/2024 20:48

This is the official thread for SauerMod, a continuation of SauerBot.

You can get it from: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/418

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#170: Re: thanks

by SheeEttin on 09/25/2007 03:28, refers to #169


I need say no more.

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#171: Re: thanks

by randomcivilian [just found linux] on 09/25/2007 05:35, refers to #169

but if sauermod's merging with Sauerbraten, and sauermod's merging with Blood Frontier.... that means we get to download 500mb of multiplayer goodness!

/me scratches what used to be my brain

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#172: Re: thanks

by SheeEttin on 09/25/2007 21:10, refers to #171

The majority of the data is textures, audio, and maps, most of which is duplicated (especially Sauerbraten/SauerMod, I don't think BF contains any Sauer media).

So, assuming they all merge, it'll be more like 300 MB. (And 67% of statistics are made up on the spot.)

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#173: ..

by Julius on 09/25/2007 23:06

Easy solution... use FXgen and it will be something like 20MB all together :p

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#174: Re: thanks

by Drakas on 09/25/2007 23:11, refers to #171


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#175: Re: ..

by eihrul on 09/26/2007 03:33, refers to #173

"will be X" should be read "would be X if only Y", for some unlikely event Y.

Silly modalities.

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#176: ..

by Quin on 09/26/2007 14:50

Uh, I don't know where everyone got the idea the two would merge together. All that has been said is that Sauerbraten is simply open to the possibility of porting over the bots.

Blood Frontier will be a standalone game, but you will be able to play Sauerbraten games with it provided you have Sauerbraten installed. Acord will be handling the art and other assets for the game.

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#177: ..

by Acord on 09/27/2007 04:51


And I'll be taking a good long look at FXGen this weekend. It's promising, but it's got to be robust enough to generate an awful lot of textures. My only real concern from the gallery is that it's operator based, because I don't see any sort of art tools.

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#178: ..

by geartrooper^2 on 09/27/2007 05:16

excellent maps in Blood Frontier.

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#179: Re: ..

by thenewrandomcivilian [new desktop!] on 09/27/2007 06:09, refers to #176

Quote by Quin: "In other news, SauerMod is merging with Blood Frontier, which will premiere as the primary game mode. The different areas of expertise provided by Acord and I will both ease development cycles on us both, and provide better quality games for you all."

Also the SauerMod page on Quadropolis has changed to a Blood Frontier page.

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#180: SSP.

by demosthenes on 09/27/2007 06:32

So I went to check out Sauermod finally - I wanted to try the SSP mode. I come here, discover that the node links to BF. So I figured the merge already happened. Turns out, it hasn't. No SSP for me so far, after trying both unpatched and patched versions of Blood Frontier.

Any tips?

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#181: Re: SSP.

by Quin on 09/27/2007 12:33, refers to #180

Go to the 'Vault' section in file releases on the Sourceforge page, their data retention policy ensures I keep old copies in the event of a merge and resulting project removal. You're looking for the last release of SauerMod, "v0.30 for Summer Edition".

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#182: ..

by Q009 on 10/19/2007 18:57

Where is Sauerod?!? It's abonded?!?
If i want download it via CVS is see message "Unknown host" WTF?
And if im going to www.sourceforge.net/projects/sauermod i see "Invaild project"...
Its dead?

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#183: Blood Frontier?

by c0rdawg on 10/19/2007 21:16

Didn't it combine with Blood Frontier? http://sourceforge.net/projects/bloodfrontier

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#184: Re: Blood Frontier?

by Quin on 10/20/2007 04:39, refers to #183

Indeed, the engine Blood Frontier currently uses in SVN is a highly dismantled and progressed version of what SauerMod was. I'm currently focusing on getting the core gameplay and related components up and running before reimplementing the extra movement types (side scrolling, vehicles, etc).

If you notice, the link at the beginning of this post -> http://www.quadropolis.us/node/418 -> points to Blood Frontier.

It was time for me to move on from play-modding, and move onto something I had a bit more creative freedom with. Tony's excellent work on the content for Blood Frontier presented the perfect opportunity for a partnership.

I do hope you'll all try Blood Frontier and help me drive its development in new and fun directions. Tony and I have already had alot of fun already dreaming up new ideas, and designing the next release. I think you'll all really like the work I've put in to it since I've been able to experiment alot more.

The last iteration of SauerMod is and will always remain available in the "Vault" of the Blood Frontier Sourceforge project, as an homage to its beginnings, but you can consider the SauerMod 'brand' name dead.

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#185: ..

by Fischkopf on 11/16/2009 11:07

Have all people forgotten about the awesome Side Scrolling Platformer?

I know the Sauermod maker is making Bloodfrontier now, but is the Side Scrolling Platformer now thrown away forever?

I would love to make my own sidescrolling levels in the upcoming new Sauerbraten release.

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#186: ..

by Fischkopf on 11/16/2009 14:07

Any way to bring the Side Scrolling Platformer back? (to Sauerbraten)
Maybe in the nxt Release?

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#187: Re: ..

by Quin on 11/17/2009 01:06, refers to #186

The SSP module is basically feature complete for map authors in the last version of SauerMod; it just requires that you use the Summer Edition of Sauerbraten.

Hirato's work Sandbox includes both RPG and SSP components, so you may want to look there. Eventually I do want to revisit the SSP idea myself in Blood Frontier (and an actual cohesive story), but we have bigger fish to fry first.

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#188: Re: ..

by Fischkopf on 11/17/2009 03:12, refers to #187

damn i don't want to use an old edition just for that. Then i have to wait till its in Bloodfrontier.

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#189: Re: ..

by Hirato Kirata on 11/17/2009 03:16, refers to #187

sandbox's SSP at present just doesn't compare to quin's
our RPG at present exceeds eisenstern in every aspect so far except trading, questing and AI :P

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