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SauerMod: Bots and Gameplay Extensions

by Quin on 12/22/2006 13:03, 189 messages, last message: 11/26/2009 17:54, 146205 views, last view: 05/16/2024 07:29

This is the official thread for SauerMod, a continuation of SauerBot.

You can get it from: http://www.quadropolis.us/node/418

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#150: ..

by Acord on 09/07/2007 08:43

Installjammer is good for making tiny self-installs, but it doesn't love Mac yet.

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#151: is there coming a mac version?

by Rambo on 09/08/2007 17:08

is somebody working on the mac binary? or are mac users never going to be able to enjoy sauermod? and don't tell me do it yourself, because i'm a nooby, i can't

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#152: Re: is there coming a mac version?

by absinth on 09/08/2007 17:45, refers to #151

i may give it a shot in the next few days. i fear though that the result still won't be totally easy to use because it requires assembling data from sauerbraten & sauermod together.
making a full version that includes sauerbraten isn't legally possible.

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#153: Re: is there coming a mac version?

by Quin on 09/08/2007 19:44, refers to #152

SauerMod sits on top of Sauerbraten anyway, nothing I haven't already gotten permission for is redistributed (and I have permission to modify/reuse about 90% of Sauer's content from their respective authors if necessary).

I'm happy to help you to make a Mac binary for people, though admittedly the last time I touched an Apple computer was the (now very old) IIe's back in high school, let alone anything MacOS related.

I've been having some bad migraines again this weekend, so it may be a few days before I'll be up to anything enduring. There's also some things I need to fix in CVS that cropped up after a merge from Sauer's latest source (that seems to be my fault, just having trouble back-tracking it).

All you Mac users out there, apologies, but we are at the mercy of those rare few with leet Mac skills, so go learn how to do it so we have more of these people around when we need them :P

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#154: ..

by absinth on 09/18/2007 21:53

>i fear though that the result still won't be totally easy to use because it requires assembling data from sauerbraten & sauermod together.

doesn't seem to be a problem due to the -k switch added to the new release ;)

so, i've compiled sauermod for mac now, the good news is the FPS part seems to work fine in 2 min testing. i don't know if krs works as intended, maybe it is just nowhere near finished ;) bad news is that ssp crashes right away:

GLSL ERROR (PROG:<dynlight 8>glsltest)
ERROR: Implementation limit of 32 varying float components exceeded, linked shaders use 35 varying floats.

init: console
init: world
could not load packages/models/ironsnout/ssp/../ironlegs.md3
Bus error

if i add the data files from sauerbraten to the sauermod directory the crash goes away and sauermod ssp starts. so it seems that the problem is that sauermod(ssp) doesn't work fully by using the -k switch right now but still requires merging of the data directories. can this be fixed?

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#155: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/18/2007 22:37

Quin, I can't compile from the provided source.

Not only do you reference things in /usr/home/quin (which you do 38 times--it seems it assumes the source is there), but you assume bash is at /usr/local/bin/bash. For me, it's at /bin/bash. Just "bash" will suffice.

I'm also having difficulty getting it to just run with the precompiled binary. I'll say more later.

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#156: Re: ..

by Quin on 09/19/2007 05:38, refers to #155

SheeEttin: I have no idea why, I don't even use Linux. Anyone willing to fully fix support for it is welcome to submit their revisions to me.

absinth: I already know about the crash bug and the krs oddities, and both have been fixed upstream. I've also taken copies of all necessary config files into my branch to avoid further problems and assist partial releases.

In the end, I need to do a patch release, so hopefully we can get all the issues fixed before that. I've kinda half-demolished some things and half-constructed others at the moment in a revision of some major parts of the code, so this may be a little bit yet.

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#157: ..

by absinth on 09/19/2007 13:27

>and both have been fixed upstream.
sounds good ;)
upstream is sauermod cvs or sauerbraten cvs?

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#158: Re: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/19/2007 21:06, refers to #156

I'll see if I can do it.

Though I'm baffled as to why it's using /usr/home/quin if you don't even use Linux...

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#159: how do i download this?

by Jake77777 on 09/20/2007 03:17

I downloaded it but what do i do with the .zip files?

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#160: ..

by SheeEttin on 09/20/2007 04:23

K, I've pretty much given up on compiling from source.

I can get the precompiled binary working for the most part, but it's a big hassle to get the right data over from my Sauer dir (I'm keeping Sauerbraten and SauerMod separate).

Anyway, there are two big problems: one, every text file's newline is a CR/LF (Windows-style), which breaks scripts on Unix. Wikipedia's got a little on converting newlines here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newline#Conversion_utilities . Two, in mod/sauermod_unix, you're missing a "fi" from the end of the file. There should be two.

I may try getting compiling to work at some future date... We'll see how that goes. For now, I'm going to continue playing the sidescroller. Very fun.

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#161: Re: ..

by Quin on 09/20/2007 05:13, refers to #157

absinth: SauerMod CVS (but of course, that means Sauerbraten CVS too).

SheeEttin: Yeah I know, no matter how many times I run over everything with an EOL changer, something keeps changing them back. It's driving me insane. I think either CodeBlocks or WinMerge might be misbheaving (as eihrul has said to me, I should just give up and use Linux, something I'm starting to agree with).

The batch script has also been fixed for a while upstream as well.

Jake77777: Unzip both into your Sauerbraten directory. It will not overwrite or modify any of your original files.

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#162: Re: ..

by absinth on 09/20/2007 15:54, refers to #161

>absinth: SauerMod CVS (but of course, that means Sauerbraten CVS too).

hm i guess that means we will have to wait with mac support until the next release of sauerbraten and sauermod ;(

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#163: i got it to work

by Jake77777 on 09/21/2007 01:19

I dont no y i asked for help because i got it to work right after i asked, sorry for any trouble

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#164: a few things I find wrong

by Hirato Kirata on 09/23/2007 13:38

I myself have struggled to get it running. In the end I just changed a few parameters in the launching script (you really should use exec <path> instead of .<path>)
two of the changes I had to make to get it working was to change
.${SAUER_DIR}/bin/sauermod_client ${SAUER_OPTIONS} $@
exec ${SAUER_DIR}/bin/sauermod_client ${SAUER_OPTIONS} $@
While it works fine (finds all the content, etc) But it becomes unplayable if theres water on the scene. I\'m unable to toggle the water shaders (I was hoping you'd fix that eventually). I actually can, but they just turn themselves on a second later even when I tried "/loop i 1000 [waterreflect 0; waterrefract 0]". Basically the shaders work for a split second then deactvate themselves, repeating this a few seconds later. I also can\'t turn on the soft shadows (I even tried /shadowmap).
While the shadow maps aren't a big thing, I'd at least like to play with a constant framerate and set the shader quality (they keep jumping to either 2 or 0). The textures also seem to be unable to find their glowmaps.

While none of these errors occur on the sauerbraten CVS, cept maybe the framerate (but hey, I play with FSAA 4X and /maxdebris 1000, so it's bound to happen)

If you can fix the water shaders, you'd have yourself a permanent sauermod user.... probably

Rig stats (if needed)

Linux (2.6.18)
libc (2.3.6 (This means I had to compile it myself, as your precompiled one wants 2.4 or newer))

Nvidia 7600GT with the 100.14.11 proprietary drivers
1024 MB RAM
3GHZ core duo (i686, intel)

~Hirato Kirata

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#165: something else

by Hirato Kirata on 09/23/2007 16:15

I've just tried -gssp, it's funny, the problems with the shaders don't exist there. I wonder why. the ssp mode looks pretty cool though (fun too), shame it gets floating point exceptions so often (aka crashes)

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#166: Re: a few things I find wrong

by Quin on 09/23/2007 23:37, refers to #164

Yep, all known issues. Thanks for the input on the Linux stuff, please don't hesitate to send anything you fix my way, as the *only* reason Linux support sucks is because I can't test what I do (and everything I do is based on a 4 year old memory of Systems Administration).

You'll often get weirdness from me, I like to experiment, and up until now I haven't had alot of people helping me test.

Shadow maps are only available in CVS at the moment, as I haven't done a patch release after the initial release (I started some heavy revisions I'd been planning straight after release).

Not sure about water/shaders changing themselves, unless you tried an early CVS revision not long after the release, if so you just need to clear the data/(fps|ssp|krs)/config.cfg files (experiments with auto variable adjustments for performance, variables like these were at one point toggled by default, but aren't anymore) and perhaps turn the [auto]perfall/[auto]perffps off if it's there (they changed slightly over time).

Running the game with '-f0' on the command line should help people for now, granted - purrty effects won't be present, but it'll work.

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#167: ..

by Acord on 09/24/2007 00:19

I'll be installing wubi later on and giving that a try, so hopefully things can get tested better before they're released on both of our ends.

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#168: thanks

by Hirato Kirata on 09/24/2007 13:24

It definitely won't be an outdated version, I do a CVS checkout practically every day. I like gloating about having features hardly anyone else has access to.

I did try turning shaders off, it just complained and activated some bug fix thing.

And thanks, setting /perfall to 0 definitely fixed the problem with the water shaders (they stay on, no more choppy FPS), even the glowmaps loaded. Thanks a bunch mate. Even the shader detail doesn't snap to 0 or 2.

Another note when I do /newent and misspell or type in a none existent entity, the game appears to have frozen for about 30 seconds before continuing (doesn't happen if it's correctly entered). While it does echo the text, it doesn't show (it does in the F11 console). And I also can't see the stencil shadows.

take care and thanks again

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#169: Re: thanks

by Quin on 09/25/2007 03:22, refers to #168

No worries, I thoroughly test stuff over time, so if you stay bleeding edge you should clear you config regularly (and save settings you really want in SAUER_HOME/data/fps/autoexec.cfg).

I guess I didn't test extended entities too well when typing in the incorrect name. Those entities are placed up at 100 (way above the normal entity range), but I had to fill in the gap will NULLs because the engine loops over the number of total entity types.

I'm currently in the process of more tightly integrating the extension system with the engine and will address this matter while I'm there. Thanks, I probably wouldn't have bothered to do this otherwise.

Not sure about the stencil shadows, perhaps try copying an updated version of sauerbraten's data/stdshader.cfg to sauermod's?

In other news, SauerMod is merging with Blood Frontier, which will premiere as the primary game mode. The different areas of expertise provided by Acord and I will both ease development cycles on us both, and provide better quality games for you all.

Of course, a backward compatible mode using Blood Frontier's enhanced content will be available for your regular Sauerbraten fragging and bot needs, for you die-hard SauerMod fans, this just ends the old brand name in favour of a consistent theme.

I hope you'll all take a look at Acord's Blood Frontier Alpha if you haven't already. It uses code he came up with mostly himself, conferring with me for a guide. You can only expect it to get better in our next combined release.


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