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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

xbox / ps3 live

by scourge on 09/09/2006 00:51, 26 messages, last message: 09/27/2006 14:28, 6616 views, last view: 05/18/2024 20:46

i've been playing around with this game for a while and am in love with this engine, but from what ive seen, it gets very little play. could the cube devs get an online only version to work on xbox or ps3 available as a download for like 5 bucks in the arcades.

do you think this is a terrible and stupid idea that i should be shot for, or a great way for the devs to get some well deserved recognition and some money?

i think it could be a cool way for the game to ctah on but i don't know much about how to code the game for the platforms or how to get it released on them.

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#1: ..

by makkE on 09/09/2006 01:06

You don´t deserve to be shot, but it´s just a pretty unrealistic idea.

To develop a game on ps3/xbox, you need to license the developerkits for those, and those usually cost a lot (a lot) of money.

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#2: Re: ..

by AJW on 09/09/2006 01:31, refers to #1

makkE is part right. You can develop Xbox, and 360 games using windows WITHOUT the devkit (just use DirectX as your API). When you buy the devkit you buy your license. And yes devkit prices can be fairly high. The 360s dev price ,I think, was dropped substantially but good luck trying to get one ;)

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#3: ..

by makkE on 09/09/2006 01:45

Well, it´s out of question anyways, I don´t think aard has any intrest in that.

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#4: Re: ..

by AJW on 09/09/2006 02:04, refers to #3

aard might not. Others might. But converting OpenGL to DirectX would take weeks maybe months of work.

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#5: Re: ..

by theButcher on 09/09/2006 03:31, refers to #1

I've heard that Sony will let people run limited homebrew on the ps3, but users won't have access to all the graphics stuff (maybe no hardware rendering? even so, the ps3 is powerful enough.)
btw, the ps3 will use linux in case you didn't know.

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#6: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/09/2006 06:43, refers to #1

ehh ur all wrong :D:D:D

anyone heard of that new MS technology.. ehh.. XNA or something?

after youve made your game, they even distribute it free over the xbox marketplace

(btw this is xbox 360 only, screw the bloody ps3 anyway, sif delay release in Australia and europe >_>)

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#7: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/09/2006 10:03, refers to #7

No, you are wrong :)

This is the next-gen Gaming Console food chain:


And havent you heard of the Wii-60? IE, everyone hates the PS3 ;)

Anywho, if you want to fork out $999 for a PS3, be my guest, but ill be at EB picking up my pre-ordered Wii for $200 when you do :) (no actually way before you now, because of the new PS3 release date :)

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#8: ..

by makkE on 09/09/2006 10:19

Why do people buy consoles if they have a pc? I don´t get it.

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#9: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/09/2006 12:13, refers to #8

Because.. um.. consoles are cool :D

Nah seriously, if I have my cousins/friends/ w/e over, its always good to have a console...

For example, I'd much rather play Halo on my Xbox 4 player deathmatch with my mates than us all seperate into different rooms all over the house and play Halo on the PC, and with more variables that could make it unfair (slow pcs vs fast pcs, different mouses, etc etc)

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#10: Re: ..

by Quin on 09/09/2006 13:23, refers to #9

Yay, Wii. Nice to see I'm not the only one excited about its obvious superiority. The Nintendo DS also rocks. We all play games online for free! :D

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#11: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 09/09/2006 15:40

I have heard about a thing distributed by MS : that's a program to devlop your own games on the XBOX360... it's free only if you get registered to XBOX360 Live.

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#12: ..

by chead on 09/09/2006 16:26

"anyone heard of that new MS technology.. ehh.. XNA or something? after youve made your game, they even distribute it free over the xbox marketplace"

Anyone heard of the Internet?

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#13: ..

by AJW on 09/09/2006 16:30

The Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express is and IDE which allows you to create 360 games. It is being released sometime in the next few months BUT IT ISN'T FREE. You must pay an ANNUAL $99 to be able to distribute your game. This is basicly a program based towards homebrewers. Any developemnt team would still use their own IDE and API to create PC and console games. 360 games CAN still be developed by homebrewers without XNA at this time.

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#14: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/10/2006 00:17, refers to #13

wrong, you can get a free version (but obviously with more limitations)

still better than the PS3 with.. um.. nothing.


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#15: ..

by AJW on 09/10/2006 00:21

Won't matter to me anyway. I'll take a look at XNA but doubt I will develop with it.

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#16: ..

by scourge on 09/10/2006 02:35

you guys are misunderstanding, this isnt a console war, so lets keep it clean of console arguments. the thing that matters is that all 3 of the next gen consoles are puttin gemphasis on online distribution. the wii with downloading old games, xbox live arcade, and ps3 with something similar to xbox arcade.

im not so sure about xbox, but ps3 will have linux and be able to develop yourself. theoetically, if you could convert the game to work with any of these next gen consoles, the game could be distributed over one of these online networks. it can be a cheap download of an online only shooter.

it would be by no means easy but if the game could be converted to the consoles, sony and microsoft would be able to distribute them for you, therefore getting cube more play and a small amount of money.

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#17: Re: ..

by theButcher on 09/10/2006 03:18, refers to #8

Why do people buy consoles if they have a pc? I don´t get it.

I agree. I all my friendds think console gaming is more fun than PC gaming, but PCs offer higher resolution, better graphics, and better control (an analog stick or the Wiimote will never replace a good,old, mouse.)

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#18: emu

by Conor on 09/10/2006 07:24

plus, you can emulate all of their consoles if you have a fast pc :)

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#19: Re: ..

by Passa on 09/10/2006 08:34, refers to #17


Well you guys are all anti social :)

Or you have the time to move 4 PCs into the same room... because consoles are WAAY more social.. and socially acceptable if you know what I mean :)

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#20: ..

by makkE on 09/10/2006 11:10

Heh, well I got to say that controller of that wii indeed looks intresting.

"therefore getting cube more play and a small amount of money."

There´s no chance of porting sauer as is to a console anyways, because the majority of the media has "non commercial" licenses and copyright notes.

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