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How does anyone participate with attitudes like this?

by Quin on 08/25/2006 04:27, 21 messages, last message: 09/01/2006 23:35, 5118 views, last view: 05/04/2024 20:31

Yes, I'm modifying sauerbraten.

No, I'm not asking you to support me or give me help, or provide me with everything I need.

Yes, I believe in the open source spirit of collaboration and sharing.

No, I do not want to take credit for your excellent hard work.

I do have one question though, every time I try to participate I get treated like this:

11:03.17 <quin> is there a particular reason the water texture is blue?
11:04.00 <Todretter> it isnt blue
11:04.12 <Todretter> it is just a very poor representation of red
11:04.31 <quin> (because if the material is shaded blue to begin with, it makes little difference other than to shade the water blue no matter what colour you set it to)
11:05.40 <Todretter> should I make a new teleporter
11:06.50 <@eihrul> because the material is not blended?
11:07.32 <Todretter> ah eihrul i just remember a slight bug in Sauer
11:07.51 <Todretter> if you are under water they lighting doesnt work
11:08.17 <Todretter> is there a way to fix that
11:10.30 <@eihrul> i don't see it not working
11:11.19 <Todretter> if you have lighting above the water it wouldnt filter through the water
11:11.47 <Todretter> it basically took the brightness of the light but not the color
11:12.52 <Todretter> try setting a very bright red light above the water
11:13.15 <Todretter> out of the water you can see it looks red on the surfaces beneath the water
11:13.53 <@eihrul> it's supposed to be like that, dude
11:14.01 <@eihrul> the blue is caused by subtractive blending
11:20.38 <quin> yeah the same stuff as the damage blend
11:21.02 <quin> again there, blue looks weird when the water is a different colour
11:22.03 <@eihrul> don't make it a different color
11:22.22 <quin> then what's /watercolour for? :P
11:22.35 <@eihrul> to change the lighting on it
11:22.38 <@eihrul> since it has no real lighting
11:22.55 <quin> which lets you make yellow or gree water in effect
11:23.00 <quin> green*
11:23.22 <quin> otherwise it should just be a single integer intensity value
11:23.29 <@eihrul> yeah, you can, but it doesn't mean we care if you do that :P
11:23.49 <@eihrul> and people have used it just fine for coloring
11:23.55 <@eihrul> they just never made water deep enough that you could go under it
11:25.03 * quin finds it useful
11:25.36 <quin> then again, i went to the opposite end of the extreme with materials ;p
11:27.06 <@eihrul> water is in the process of being rewritten anyway
11:29.16 * @Corpus_C can't wait to see the new water.
11:34.14 <@eihrul> don't hold your breath, i haven't even started on it yet
11:34.52 * @Corpus_C lets out alot of held air.
11:35.48 <@Corpus_C> water is ONE thing you guys could compete with the modern big $ engines 8)
11:36.20 <@Corpus_C> ....with
11:36.23 <quin> what's the plan with it?
11:36.32 <quin> optimize it?
11:36.44 <@eihrul> plan? are we supposed to have one of those?
11:37.00 <@Corpus_C> quin, my plan is just to kick back my feet and wait for eihrul to finish it ;)
11:37.06 <quin> well you said you're rewriting it, i assumed there was a point to doing so
11:37.50 <@Corpus_C> shader eye candy. maybe thats all that can be said
11:38.15 <quin> no, nothing's been said.
11:38.32 <@Corpus_C> nothing you saw 8)

For what it's worth, I had created neutral water and cloud/fog textures which could be shaded any colour that I'd wanted to share. I don't particular like this kinda of treatment though.

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#2: ..

by chead on 08/25/2006 05:30

IMO you were the one with the bad attitude... I won't get involved with flames, though, so that's all that'll be said on my part.

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#3: ..

by pushplay on 08/25/2006 06:10

I read it twice and I just don't see what the problem was.

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#4: Re: ..

by Quin on 08/25/2006 06:14, refers to #2

Don't get me wrong, I'm trying to resolve an issue here, not start a flame war. I believe due to the amount of wannabes that approach the sauer community, this sort of attitude has been adopted.

When you ask a simple question, you'd rather have a simple answer, without this sort of stand-off-ish sort of response. All I wanted to do was share something I'd made, and to do that I needed to find out the background regarding water textures. I think if I am going to be using the sauer engine (for anything, not exclusively for modding) it'd at least be nice to know where they were heading with the water too. I didn't expect a blueprint, just wondering why water was going to be rewritten to get an idea of what might change in it.

I apologise if my primary post offended anyone, just hoping to find a constructive outlet for something that is frustrating me.

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#5: Re: ..

by Passa on 08/25/2006 06:48, refers to #4

So what, eihrul didn't detail exactly what was going to happen with the water, although I think its a little obvious, it will get the shader treatment :)

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#6: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 08/25/2006 09:14, refers to #5

My understanding is that it's going to be the same water used in Farcry. Of course I have absolutely no idea what that means, but I sure am excited about it :D

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#7: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 08/25/2006 09:34, refers to #4

sorry, I don't see what "treatment" you got, other than eihrul not answering your question directly. I don't see any stand-offishnesh... don't expect people to answer you at your command. I am sure you're not a wannabe, but still I haven't seen anything from your either.

Yes, we have plans for overhauling the water with fancy shaders, no, we don't know the detail yets, and we prefer, unlike the rest of the internet, to talk about things we have done or are doing, instead of things we plan to do. I am sure you agree that is much better.

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#8: Re: ..

by Quin on 08/25/2006 10:46, refers to #7

Yes, we are in agreement about only showing what we've done, but in development the ideas are what drive further progress.

11:03.17 <quin> is there a particular reason the water texture is blue?
11:04.00 <Todretter> it isnt blue
11:04.12 <Todretter> it is just a very poor representation of red

I was merely trying to ask a question and thought seeing as one of the developers had replied already I may find out what was going to happen (I had no idea about the shader stuff).

I'd like to be able to participate with sauerbraten in development alongside what I am doing and had hoped to benefit both sides (nothing I do could compare to what sauerbraten as an engine has achieved).

Unfortunately, this something I can't do if this is the type of response I get when asking a few simple questions about why water is the way it is, and what about it is going to change.

Try to see it from my point of view, as someone who is rather new to the community and is trying to settle in for what was supposed to be friendly collaboration.

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#9: ..

by makkE on 08/25/2006 10:59

Todretter always makes jokes like that, he wasn´t attacking you or have any other bad intentions with this.

The channel isn´t representing the sauer developers with every line. Only a handfull of all people in there can actually be counted in as "sauer developers" the rest is idlers, players, and others. A lot of casual talk and kidding going on besides actual dev discussion.. like in any other irc channel out there.

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#10: Re: ..

by rpointon on 08/25/2006 13:44, refers to #8

I think it's great to see our developers are human beings with a sense of humor - lol.

Try and see it from their point of view - they do this for fun/love and get hasseled by so many kiddies and wannabees. You could begin by just offering, rather than asking or questioning - why not put a link to your stuff in a message - if people like it then maybe the developers will then get in touch...

Finally, for a sense of a plan you could read the todo list in CVS.

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#11: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 08/25/2006 18:27, refers to #8

I am not sure who Todretter is (kaiser?) but he is not part of the core dev team, I can't protect you from random people on irc.

I always welcome new developers, but as you said yourself, 99% of them are wannabes. I only want programmers working with me that can add features without me having to correct their work all the time, so I am setting the bar pretty high. As such I only let them into dev cvs when I have seen consistently good work from them. I have particular programming philosophies for sauer (key word: simplicity) that I hope you are aware of.

That said, if you feel you are up to our style of programming, talk to me in irc and I can suggest something you could try.

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#12: Re: ..

by Quin on 08/26/2006 08:09, refers to #11

Yes. I think it is I who must apologise. I have had a bad week, and now that I have had a day to si back and look at it I got upset quite quickly too.

Something that just bothered me in alot of open source circles is the sense of elitism on big projects, making them less responsive to new people.

With that said, I didn't mean to take it out on everyone as a whole, I hope you can forgive my outburst.

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#13: Re: ..

by Passa on 08/26/2006 23:42, refers to #12


Now lets see that NEW WATER :D

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#14: ..

by SanHolo on 08/26/2006 23:54

Water? How about BEER!!!

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#15: Re: ..

by SleepwalkR on 08/27/2006 22:18, refers to #14

Best closing mark ever. =)

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#16: ..

by Sauceofallevils. on 09/01/2006 16:02

You should not tell anyone of your plans until you releae a beta, then do the talking. The Cube community has endured 1000's of mod aspirations, and desires as well as mods that plan on being created. The list goes on so long infact, that it just is not believable anymore, no matter how qualified the modders are. But not all is lost here, if you just work idley and hard in your own privacy until you have released an adequate beta or alpha even, then you can sit back and let your works do the talking. That way there is no tension, quarrels or misconceptions conjoured. Also if you proove yourself with things we can see, and interact with you will be sure to get multiple people who would love to aid you.

PS: Math Puzzle? lol :P

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#17: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 09/01/2006 16:42

Sauerbraten is really going to have $$ engines quality... without give money to anyone ^^

Aard, why we can't donate anything to you ?

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#18: Re: ..

by drian@job001 on 09/01/2006 18:40, refers to #17

You can..

"Why should I donate money to Wouter van Oortmerssen (aardappel)? How will my donation be used?

Wouter van Oortmerssen (aardappel) has provided the following information about why you should donate money to them, and how your donation will be used:

I will buy fast cars from the money I receive."


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#19: Re: ..

by shadow,516 on 09/01/2006 18:52, refers to #18

Wow, he went up a step. I believe it used to be \"Pizza and hookers\"

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#20: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 09/01/2006 20:24, refers to #18

"I will buy fast cars from the money I receive"

Haha... and that's actually true... I just bought a fast car 2 weeks ago. Except with haveing received about 20$ total thru sourceforge, I cannot say it was paid for by sauer quite yet...

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#21: ..

by Passa on 09/01/2006 23:35

Well, in my search to find the Cube one (which I believe is 'margaritas and chicken fajitas') I found 2 things..

pCube is ranked higher than Cube on sourceforge.. and actioncube (ive never heard of it?.. but somehow ive seen it before :)

Anywho is action cube still being worked on? Just thought it looks pretty nice.. :P

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