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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

New game based on Sauerbraten - Teleport

by djRobbieF on 07/24/2006 03:04, 55 messages, last message: 10/30/2006 07:21, 25006 views, last view: 05/18/2024 05:41

I've begun developing Teleport; a new multiplayer first-person shooter using the Sauerbraten gaming engine.

At this point, it is still VERY young, but with our dedicated team of developers, it won't be long before we begin releasing playable demos.

To read the storyline and view screenshots, and to just find out any general information about the project, please visit http://www.blog.djrobbief.com/?cat=2

If you are interested in participating in this project, I'd be happy to hear from you, too! If the story grips you and you have something to give of yourself to this project, please drop me a line.

Thanks to the whole community for making this possible! Sauerbraten is a wonderful, configurable engine, and I look forward to giving back to the community with our programming efforts.

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#16: Good luck from me too.

by Greywhind on 07/24/2006 21:19

I hope you do succeed - especially if this mod/game includes a CTF mode - that's been missing from Sauer for far too long.

You at least sound more dedicated and knowledgeable (at least legally) than most Sauer "modders" I've seen.

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#17: ..

by pushplay on 07/25/2006 03:37

>> And here I thought some people would like the idea of a focused development project.

Most mods never see a decent release, and most that do suck. The community wants a reason to believe but you just haven't provided one yet.

>> I expect to have a working, downloadable demo within 6 months.

That could do it.

>> Full game will probably be ready in about a year

I think you're being far too optimistic there.

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#18: Good luck.

by Pxtl on 07/25/2006 03:59

I hope you're not being put off by the pessimism here - it seems like you have a decent attitude about this, a good idea about your plans. We've had a lot of people come in here and say "look at my new game" - which was just Sauer with a few new models and maps.

Nice to see you have a good set of milestones in mind, and you're respecting the contributions of the Sauer developers and content-creators. Whether or not you make your deadlines is kind of irrelevent in a hobbyhorse project, so attainability is moot.

Best of luck to you and your team.

Personally, I don't give a crap about plot, but if it looks fun I'll see you online at release.

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#19: Re: ..

by djRobbieF on 07/25/2006 04:43, refers to #17

>>The community wants a reason to believe but you just haven't provided one yet.

Oh, I will. Yes, I will. LOL.

>>>> Full game will probably be ready in about a year

>>I think you're being far too optimistic there.

Yeah, maybe you're right; but it's not an "official release date"... I'm just guessing based on current production speed. Life always presents unexpected delays, but I'm at least dedicated to seeing this thing through, even if it takes longer than I hope.

Thanks for the comments!!

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#20: Re: Good luck.

by djRobbieF on 07/25/2006 05:02, refers to #18

Thanks Pxtl. Your comments are very kind and encouraging.

>>"I hope you're not being put off by the pessimism here ... We've had a lot of people come in here and say "look at my new game" - which was just Sauer with a few new models and maps."

Neah, I'm not put off by it, the second part of your comment makes me realize exactly why the pessimism exists. Of course, when I first posted, I didn't realize you had all heard this a couple billion times, and I'm sorry for my ignorance :) But as I've said; I really think you'll have the opportunity here to realize that we're REALLY doing this.

I'm still short a couple skills - so I'm still looking for help, but we're moving forward regardless (even if I have to teach myself these skills).

>>"you're respecting the contributions of the Sauer developers and content-creators."

Absolutely. Feel free to kick me if I miss anything, but I'm doing what I can to make sure everything I do is honoring to the intended license, and I've sent out a lot of emails requesting permissions for things like textures. I have a feeling we're going to have quite the lengthy credit screen in Teleport ;) The Sauer community really makes it so that there are SO many more people involved in the development than just the core development team. Even if it's just a small script snippit, I want to makes sure to include the credits in a way that the authors are happy with.

>>"Best of luck to you and your team."

Thank you kindly.

>> I don't give a crap about plot, but if it looks fun I'll see you online at release.

The plot (or "Back-Story" as I call it) is more to make sense of the "WHY" behind the game itself. As you'll see as the project grows, the "story" will really control how our maps function, and the mission behind each level. There will be a lot of focus on molecular teleportation, mutation side-effects, and deathmatch gaming with a little more explanation and story behind it than the average "UT"-style game.

Thanks for all your comments!! All the best!

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#21: ..

by makkE on 07/25/2006 10:02

I see you use blender, make sure you have this:


the only working md3 exporter.

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#22: Re: ..

by djRobbieF on 07/25/2006 16:18, refers to #21

Thanks for the tip, makkE. Every bit helps, and I sure appreciate it (I'm sure I would have found myself searching like crazy in a week or two) :)


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#23: Re: ..

by Drakzz on 07/30/2006 11:13, refers to #22

Ok, djRobbieF.
You're not gonna do anything much by looking at this forum every hour of your time!

Get to work, and only visit this forum when you're finished,, otherwise - you'll be just like me - spending time on projects that don't succeed. CONCENTRATE!

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#24: Re: ..

by djRobbieF on 07/30/2006 16:29, refers to #23

Haha - I work as a web developer during the day, so ... you're on to me.. just don't tell my boss that I check in so often from my desk - lol.

Checking the forum, I can do while working... actually programming the game, I have to do in my own time, usually weekends or evenings.


BTW, it's coming along quite well. I could use an experienced 3D modeler (couldn't we all?) but other than that, we're still progressing! The character designs have been progressing well, and the maps are coming together. Once we've got the basics ready, we'll begin working on the actual game interface (like, a proper menu / loader sequence, etc).

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#25: Re: Good luck.

by Marvel on 07/30/2006 20:00, refers to #20

You guys are all assholes. Sauerbraten is a game engine. Which means it is good for more than just the flipzoid, brainless game that it features out of the box.

Go to http://sauerbraten.org and read the first 3 words out loud.

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#26: Re: Good luck.

by Marvel on 07/30/2006 20:01, refers to #25

Well... not all of you. hehe.

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#27: Re: Good luck.

by Passa on 07/30/2006 23:47, refers to #25

"Sauerbraten (a.k.a. Cube 2) is a"

.. ?

"we'll begin working on the actual game interface (like, a proper menu / loader sequence, etc)."

Hmm, you mean a menu with all the options contained rather than .bat files and .cfgs etc..

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#28: Re: Good luck.

by djRobbieF on 07/31/2006 00:38, refers to #25

Marvel; I can understand where they're coming from. I admit, I was discouraged at the response at first, but it's not going to stop me from doing what I'm doing - so I'll just grin and bear it. You're right though, Sauer is so much more than its "out of the box" game; the engine is quite good, and it can be so much more than it is if there was more support for people like me who want to use Sauer to create new games.

But I won't let it bring me down...

I hope Teleport (our game based on Sauer) will encourage others to do more than just 'map sauer' ... if anything, I expect it will ultimately (upon its completion) show people how powerful the game engine actually is.

I hope you'll look forward to the release of Teleport, when it's ready for the public. I know I'm excited about it (still, even despite the negativity from the Sauer community) :)

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#29: Re: Good luck.

by djRobbieF on 07/31/2006 00:41, refers to #27

>>you mean a menu with all the options contained rather than .bat files and .cfgs etc.

Not to mention, a GUI setup tool to tweak all the settings! LOL

No bat files, that's for sure. I'm not too big on DOS... kinda 'old-school' if you ask me. LOL

I do intend to make Teleport 100% cross-platform. There will definitely be a Windows and Linux version, and I am hoping to release a Mac version at the same time. It's a little hard because I don't have a Mac to test with, but I'll still hope to provide a Mac version and see how it goes.

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#30: Hurrah for Cross-Platform

by Greywhind on 07/31/2006 01:41

Good for you - I always like to hear the words "cross-platform."

If it helps, I can test Teleport on my Intel iMac 17".

Just let me know if you need that.

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#31: Re: Hurrah for Cross-Platform

by djRobbieF on 07/31/2006 04:55, refers to #30

Thanks Greywhind - yes, I may take you up on that - although we're about 6-months from a production-quality product. If you're still around in that amount of time, I'll call on you for sure - much appreciated.

Yes, as a Linux user myself, I really appreciate when programmers take the time to create a cross-platform product (it's so bloomin' easy these days to do so with Desktop Linux having progressed as far as it has in the past few years). So I'd hope to be able to offer the same level of care to not only the Linux community, but also the Mac users and Windows users out there.

The software is being developed under Linux, and then compiled for Windows and Mac from there, so I'll do my best to make sure the Mac version is ready for testing around the same time as the others. I wish I had a Mac to test with myself; but nice to know I can call on someone in the community to pitch in.


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#32: make the game

by devknob on 08/06/2006 09:47

then announce it

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#33: Re: make the game

by djRobbieF on 08/06/2006 18:42, refers to #32

Devknob; the idea is to get people from the Sauer community involved in the development. We will 'make the game, then announce it' to the world; but this is the Sauer community, and many of us are developers, so why would I wait till the game is done to make the announcement here?

Anyways; thanks to those who have pitched in so far! The project is coming along amazingly. WOOHOO!!

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#34: Re: make the game

by Aardappel_ on 08/06/2006 22:51, refers to #33

That is your, and everyone else's big mistake. Why would people join a project that only has an announcement when they already can contribute to one that clearly has a lot of momentum already?

rule #1 of new projects: you first have to do a LOT of work by yourself, then if people see the results of that, they MAY get excited and want to help you. No earlier.

Solliciting help without a demo only works if you are someone with a trackrecord that people are excited to work with just for who you are. That doesn't hold for 99.999% on the internet.

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#35: Re: make the game

by djRobbieF on 08/07/2006 14:38, refers to #34

It's a shame you see it that way. We have already seen a good response and have picked up a few more people for our devteam, and it has been going wonderfully. The project is making excellent progress, and we're all very excited about it.

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