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use an IM?

by CC_machine4 on 06/25/2006 00:11, 47 messages, last message: 09/06/2006 04:35, 12012 views, last view: 05/18/2024 18:02

who here uses an IM like MSN, jabber, yim, aim etc?

post ur address(es) if you want, let's all add eachother!

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#8: Re: im

by virtualblackfox on 06/25/2006 17:50, refers to #7

"Microsoft revolutionized computing"

Please google about "Xerox Palo Alto Research Center".

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#9: ..

by absinth on 06/25/2006 18:47

>Microsoft revolutionized computing

you misspelt "marketing"

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#10: ..

by SanHolo on 06/25/2006 18:58

> Microsoft revolutionized computing.

Yes, today, everyone is used to just click away thousands of dialogs and warnings...

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#11: ..

by sinsky on 06/25/2006 23:45

I only use ICQ. You can find my # if you login at uodemise.com and travel NW of Luna, then a bit to the NE out of town. You should find a house with my nick on the house sign, and one of the vendors in the house has a book that has the # displayed when you hold your mouse over it..

now what did I miss ;)

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#12: Re: ..

by CC_machine4 on 06/26/2006 17:15, refers to #9

yes lol

the reason some people are against microsoft is simple: linux is free and a more efficient OS, and yet people are too ignorant to realise....

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#13: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/26/2006 17:55, refers to #12

And you use?

Windows right?

My point exactly :)

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#14: Re: ..

by CC_machine4 on 06/26/2006 18:41, refers to #13

i dual boot linux and windows.

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#15: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/26/2006 19:01, refers to #14

And which would you use more often?

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#16: Re: ..

by CC_machine4 on 06/26/2006 19:13, refers to #15

what's your point?

ok, i give in, i use windows more often.

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#17: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/26/2006 19:21, refers to #16

Aha, dont bag it then seriously, you just want someone to hate in the world of computers. gates and windows (lol?) aint that bad, its popular because its good, and its buggy because its used alot in many places so its bound to get bugged.

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#18: ..

by Pbrane102 on 06/30/2006 10:26

praxibetal-I believe you forgot "IMHO".

and yes I have used linux and do enjoy it, as well as Mac OSX, and windows. But i believe each operating system is not better or worse then one another. Each one has its own high points and low points...which ever one is better is all relative to what they are using it for.

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#19: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/30/2006 10:37, refers to #18

For anyone who plays games occasionally, its Windows FTW (dont mention that Wine crap, you cant run most games stably). Linux is split into two categories; those that need its advanced features and use bash code blablabla, and those that are sup3rk3wl computer wannabies who use linux because they think its 1337. (imho praxibetel ;-)

Has anyone forgotten Mac OSX here? It also is a very strong OS.

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#20: ..

by Pbrane102 on 06/30/2006 21:23

That is never going to happen. period. And what other companies are you referring to..last i heard apple released bootcamp which allows users to have the choice of mac/windows.

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#21: Re: ..

by CC_machine4 on 06/30/2006 22:45, refers to #20

can we keep on topic peoples?

who else uses an instant messenger?

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#22: Re: ..

by Passa on 07/01/2006 01:32, refers to #20

Err, what are you on about, you can run homebrew crap on PCs fine. Thats why Microsoft made Visual Studio.

Also, Linux is years behind Windows; Windows is actually much easier to use to the average consumer, Linux requires too much maintainence. There are no Linux distros that are mature yet. None that can compete with the polished finish of Windows and Mac OSX.

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#23: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 07/01/2006 01:58, refers to #22

Apart from this being OT (off topic):

I agree - a "basic user" will be better of with Windows, but ... "polished finish".
Haven't tried Mac OS X ... but since I know it's based on BSD I guess it's pretty stable and reliable.
BTW - BSD is a *nix ...

What Visual Studio (==$$$) can empower coders (not the general basic user) to do to Windoze machines the basic shell commands of linux empower any user to do.
I know most users don't care to read into the stuff they are using,
they wanna hit OK, OK, OK, PLAY.
You see 1000 of those in this forum every day.

THAT is the problem.
THAT is also the KEY concept behind linux : transparency.
I used to support Windows-Systems as a job for years and even the M$ certified (MouseMover, SystemEngineer, Professional, ...) sometimes cannot explain a certain problem ...
... the general solution to a windows bug is : reboot.
linux servers generally only get rebooted if you changed hardware or the kernel.
the system is a lot more stable than anything coming out of Redmond.
About empowering:
Try doing stuff like grep, locate, awk or cut on a windows machine and you will end up in tears very soon.
I mean just trying to compare "grep" (*nix) to "find" (M$) would be like comparing the Antartic to an icecube in your coke ....
You can't even tell "find" to NOT output the damn filename - even if it only got one passed as argument it will print it.
VERY inconvenient.

M$ is all about TAKING power out of users hands.
*nix is all about PUTTING power into the hands of the user - but power is responsibility and that always comes with a backpack full of readme's and hours taken to grasp the concept.

But I've found (and so have countless others) that the information thus gained stays with you and will even endure long times of negligence and will still bud with new insights if renurtured ...

In the end it's a personal choice:
Either you
- Wanna know & control?
you'll need to know ...
or you
- Wanna have "Big Brother" Bill looking over your shoulder,
holding your hand and telling you "unknown error occured in #556"
(with no way to find out what #556 means)

To repeat:
a user will still be better off with Windoze - just because of the ease of usage... but a nice linux server on the local LAN is definitely a wise move even for them - just in case they want to get something DONE ;-)

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#24: Re: ..

by Passa on 07/01/2006 09:33, refers to #23

My server for my LAN is a Linux box, its never used for any other purposes (I use to use a Windows one).

It does the job, its actually a laptop running Kubuntu.

I don't even dual-boot Linux, if I want to test something I do it with Virtual PC (a Microsoft product ;)

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#25: ..

by pushplay on 07/01/2006 22:14

>linux is ... a more efficient OS

>Linux is great cos its simple

Ken Thompson doesn't agree.

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#26: Re: ..

by MeatROme on 07/01/2006 22:27, refers to #25

how do you figure?

but if you were quoting me with "linux is great coz it's simple" - that would have been a mis-quote.
I never intended to say linux was simple,
It just has a clear structure one can learn and which will only change over time if the community agrees on this.
Not like the dictatorial approach of M$ where they change "the way it's done" from each version to the next - which I guess they do to keep people dependent on M$-certification papers.

see #11 in this thread ...
"In absinth veritas!" :)

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#27: Re: ..

by pushplay on 07/02/2006 00:44, refers to #26

He came to the u of a and said as much.

Actually he seemed pretty disappointed with just about every technology. I felt bad for the guy, he obviously expected some sort of utopia.

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