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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by EGCKiller on 06/20/2006 02:25, 15 messages, last message: 05/20/2007 04:53, 2146 views, last view: 05/02/2024 05:59

Ok I luv what your doing with the new cube 2 engine but I keep getting this exception error 00000000x05 or something like that I don't know what's triggering it once it did it on the teaching maps #1 at the begginning after you open the first door if you try to switch weapons while this takes place it crashes with that error and at the end when you step through the last door into the cooridoor it does the same thing and it's done it several other times also

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#1: rightio..

by Passa on 06/20/2006 02:29

Ok try put AT LEAST ONE full stop in your posts. At the moment it looks impossible to read.

And even if you included full stops, its still very hard to read. Every word is spelt wrong and you haven't paragraphed it. This isn't MSN Messenger or AIM.

And don't create a new thread on this.. please, post in the thread to DO with this Sauerbraten release.

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#2: To rephrase...

by TentusResurrect on 06/20/2006 06:37

"Ok, I love what your doing with the new cube 2 engine, but I keep getting this:
exception error 00000000x05
or something like that. I don't know what's triggering it, once it did it on the teaching maps #1 (at the beginning after you open the first door). If you try to switch weapons while this takes place it crashes with that error. Also, at the end when you step through the last door, into the corridor it does the same thing and it's done it several other times also."

Not sure if this helps anyone, but it may help anyone willing to listen for a minute, rather than laughing and ridiculing EGCKiller. I wonder if this is why I left Cube for so long? No wait, it was people telling me how to copyright my productions. That's it. And it was you, Passa, wasn't it? I forget, all I remember was being thoroughly disgusted and angry.

Funny how recurrent those feelings are when I browse this forum. It's odd that that's not the feelings I get at all from everything else related to Cube/Sauer.

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#3: Re: To rephrase...

by Passa on 06/20/2006 07:34, refers to #2

Oh get over it, I didn't solve his problem by replying but neither have you.

"No wait, it was people telling me how to copyright my productions. That's it. And it was you, Passa, wasn't it?"

Is it just me or has every post you have made so far since your 'return' had a quick comment about the copyright discussions? GOMO, Get Over it, Move On, my dad used to say. Talking about it in every post is only going to start another argument. Especially considering you were wrong anyway.

Here, a quick Google search and I found something to help you:

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#4: Re: To rephrase...

by mitaman@work_cave on 06/20/2006 12:48, refers to #2

Tentus, I just want to say welcome back! It's good to see you here again.

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#5: ..

by TentusResurrect on 06/20/2006 16:05

I'm not trying to start arguements. I'm trying to decide if it's worth my time to come back. The problem lies in that my "quick comments" are inherently tied to the forum, which was the root of my problem here. But I'll see what I can d to stop being preachy.

On the one hand, Aard is making me feel welcome and useful. On the other, you aren't. I'll take the effort to avoid you if you avoid me, so that we can benefit the community in our seperate ways, OK?
Here, a peace offering: http://www.weebls-shop.co.uk/toys.asp?siteid=100&prodcatid=138

BTW, thank you MitaMAN.

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#6: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/21/2006 00:05, refers to #5

I don't have a problem with you at all, its you who has a problem with me. In fact, I tried to send you a welcome back email, but the email on your user account 'TentusRessurect' was not real.

"No wait, it was people telling me how to copyright my productions. That's it. And it was you, Passa, wasn't it?"

Yup, love this quote, I said nothing about you, didn't provoke you, yet you have to say something about me telling you how to do things. (Even though I still don't know how I did this, all I was doing was supporting Aardappel's views on copyrights.)

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#7: ..

by makkE on 06/21/2006 01:19

Passa calm down, stop fighting. We all had diffrent opinions on it. Everyone had a point. Tentus being back is very nice to see. Period.
I must say I personally benefited from tentuses "outbreak" back then. Made me stop ranting and think, and change my mind.
The debate was heated, and I myself donĀ“t wanna free myself from having gotten a bit opinionated too fast. Tentus made a peace offer, please accept it, for the sake of this fine games and the fun they give us, no need to get picky over words that were spoken in a debate that went overboard.

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#8: I Prefer To Stay Out Of Spats

by pushplay on 06/21/2006 03:01

>> And it was you, Passa, wasn't it?

>> I'm not trying to start arguements.

No. It will be a lot nicer to see Tentus back if he doesn't bait people and then claim innocence.

Act with composure in an intelligent group and they'll treat you fairly.

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#9: Re: I Prefer To Stay Out Of Spats

by TentusResurrect on 06/21/2006 15:22, refers to #8

Deal, then. I'll act with composure, my leaving was an act which didn't have the effect I was hoping for- so I'm back to try again. Would this make a better peace offering?


I should do some inquiring in how to make these things properly, this was made a while ago (for EDM, as it were, when wasda was first playing around with doors.)

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#10: Re: ..

by TentusResurrect on 06/21/2006 15:26, refers to #6

btw, my email is still tentus@gmail.com

I had to put something different because I couldn't get my old account back. (probably b/c of new ISP). just substitute gmail for bellsouth

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#11: wb

by drian@job001 on 06/21/2006 15:37

Welcome back, Tentus =)

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#12: Re: I Prefer To Stay Out Of Spats

by Passa on 06/21/2006 16:07, refers to #9

Nice door, although I don't think it will work in SP mode as is atm, from my understanding doors need to be md3 models. Good work anyway though.

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#13: wb !

by CC_machine4 on 06/21/2006 23:58, refers to #9

hey tentus, wb :)

i have to say i loved your CL mod of cube. is there any chance you will continue work on it, or is it just a thing of the past now?

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#14: Re: wb !

by TentusResurrect on 06/22/2006 00:10, refers to #13

it's gone. I was dead serious about that part.

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#15: Cube 2 Crash

by FoRg3d_LuN@t[!]c on 05/20/2007 04:53

Um, has anyone actually stopped to answer this guys issue, because I'm having the same problem, and I can't find anyone who can help me? Hit me back as soon as possible, thank you. Kick ass game by the way.

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