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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Ultimate Cube

by Passa on 05/11/2006 12:52, 42 messages, last message: 09/03/2006 05:07, 8080 views, last view: 05/18/2024 03:27

I somewhat announced the Ultimate Cube mod in another thread, and now it is being officially announced. Ultimate Cube is a modification of Cube generally aimed at improving it greatly in terms of gameplay and content, with the general purpose of extending the life of Cube. Someone else has already joined the project, and more people are welcome. If you wish to contribute in some way, please do. You can also leave suggestions or comments in this thread. Remember your imput is appreciated


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#3: Ultimate Cube

by PathagenX_ on 05/11/2006 13:15

Just to clarify:

Ultimate Cube is less of a mod than it is a rework, like Pro Cube but with some features added.

The features that we will add, will not be flashy ones, only things that Cube (and at the time of this post) Saur lack. We will not be heading down Saur's path, as I personally feel that Saur is not even Cube anymore (I can't even run Saur, for all of its un-Cubeness).

Selectable player models/skins/sounds. Skins and sounds will come first and then models in a later release.

Removing the demo code - Buggy and undeeded anyway.

etc etc

We are aware of the content issues and will work around such.

We will get a Mac version, only if possible (I am not buying a Mac, just to test it)

We are not too fussed about the weapons (spare that blasted machine gun)

UC will be released as an addon, first - So you will not need to download much to test.

UC will be based of the Pro Cube engine

But past that, we want your last minute input, before we put down any official plans.

EDIT: Passa says he can do the Mac thing. Any other platform devs want to cross over to the UC project?

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by PathagenX_ on 05/11/2006 13:16

Wierd forum. XD

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#5: Ultimate Cube

by Dylan on 05/12/2006 00:57

Hey there PathagenX, wish you luck on your mod/add-on/whatever you want to call it :-P.

Here\\\'s some ideas you could use:

-New character models(perhaps something more human like? Like..some sort of futuristic marine, kind of like the Doom hero :-))
-More tiles for editing..because if this new Cube gets popular, people will be out making maps with it!
-More skyboxes
-More unique weapons such as:
-sniper rifle
-handgun(Sauer had it..and it was cool :-P)
-More modern types of weapons

-Oh yeah, character models that show you holding the weapon.
-Ability to change into a variety of team colors, for the sake of telling apart your friends and foes.

The list goes on and on..and a lot of it has been repeated many times. But anyways..wish you luck anyways!

..by the way, i\\\'d be willing to help you guys with anything(as long as it isn\\\'t coding)..I\\\'m pretty good with Photoshop, and also a good map maker. Got a plethora of ideas in my mind..

So just email me if you need a hand!

..email is rogabeetah2006@gmail.com

not the email shown here.

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#6: The other day...

by Aardappel_ on 05/12/2006 06:29

as I was looking through my telescope, to far away universes where the laws of physics don't apply, I saw this bit of text fly by:

"Maybe their current devs can cross over to UC?"

It was quite a bit of work having to clean up the mess that results from an exploded mind.

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#7: Re: The other day...

by Passa on 05/12/2006 08:04, refers to #6

I am lost...
Whos insulting who about what?

Also on this mod, I think its more about extending the life of Cube, by adding more maps and content etc and maybe just a modified version of the Cube source that fixes that invulnerability problem.

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#8: Re: The other day...

by rpointon on 05/12/2006 14:40, refers to #7

So why won't 'UC' be based on Saur? or, out of my ignorance - what does Cube have that Saur doesn't (or couldn't)?

I would have thought that improving Saur would have more benefit, especially in terms of useful developer effort...

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#9: Re: The other day...

by Passa on 05/12/2006 15:06, refers to #8

Im not really after improving cube all that much, and I like modding sauer as well (http://theparadoxproject.atspace.com) but I think it would be nice to do a final unnoficial user created release of cube. like with heaps of custom maps and a few small bug fixes etc.

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#10: Re: The other day...

by CC_machine4 on 05/12/2006 20:06, refers to #8

things that sauer has that cube does/doesnt:
-no sendmap (apparently TODO)
-no triggered doors
-possibility for rooms over rooms
-better lighting model (sphericacl rather than cylinderical)
-shaders (everything looks shiny)
-possibility for different water levels in different areas (e.g. you can have a pool with an empty hole next to it at the same height)
-noclip and clip materials (you can make an invisible barrier, and can make ability for someone to wal through solid cubes)
-glass, which is same as clip but you cant shoot through it either and has a blue tinge)

i think that's the basic differences..

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#11: ..

by makkE on 05/12/2006 20:13

Yea, cc have fun implementing those.

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#12: Re: ..

by CC_machine4 on 05/12/2006 20:59, refers to #11

where it says "-no something" it means that something is not in sauer... (in case that confused any1)

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#13: to CLARIFY

by Passa on 05/13/2006 00:48

Um, Ultimate Cube isn't a far-fetched mod idea, just to clarify, its really about adding in heaps of more maps, textures and other content into Cube.

cc_machine: If you wanted this to turn into a project to implement Sauerbraten fancy features into Cube, then unfortunately that isn't the case.

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#14: Released!

by Passa on 05/13/2006 11:08

Ultimate Cube has been released! It contains 40 maps and a whole heap of other stuff too!



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#15: Re: Released!

by Aardappel_ on 05/13/2006 21:44, refers to #14

very cool. nicely packaged as an addon, was fun to see those new maps. No SP maps though?

You should advice people however to install in a fresh copy of cube, as this mod changes quite a few standard things that people may want to undo. Also I wouldn't change the default controls (RMB jump -> zoom).

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#16: .......................................

by Passa on 05/14/2006 03:10

oklay, thanks to all those who downloaded ultimate cube!!

Aardappel: yes, I didn't put any SP maps in, because the only decent one I found was one of junebugs and I didn't want to add another submenu just for one SP map. So I guess its an MP pack :P. Yes you are right about the autoexec, I didn't think about that, as I jump with space ;-) thanks for pointing it out. It will be fixed in the next version.

I am thinking of removing the SilentFox soundpack from it though, considering that it makes very little sense to bring back the old items and then overwrite the old sounds lol. Any comments on this thought would be appreciated.

Anyone out there with the babel cube map? acieeed pointed out that it was a necessity to the pack, but I don't have babel. Could someone email it to me?

Also any cube mappers out there, if you have a map you want in the next version, email me the map and I will drop it in.

Thanks again to all the downloaders!

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#17: ..

by makkE on 05/14/2006 03:23

Passa, you could still include the old items/sound packs, just as seperate zips and just point to them in the readme, like "you might want to check out these packs, but be sure to backup those folders, then unzip.. " kinda like that.

About sp maps: nsp6 I think is not in the latest release, but really worth it..

gonna send you babel

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#18: Thanks to some.

by PathagenX_ on 05/14/2006 07:34

Thankyou Dylan and makkE

The rest of you.. are you unable to read?

I expressed my opinion that Saur was not Cube anymore. What did I mean by that?

Cube is not complex.
Cube is not kludged up with features.
Cube is simple and its code is (comparatively) clean.

I do not want to make Cube into Saur.
I do not want to mod Saur.

That is like you telling me to stop playing 'Action Quake2' becuase there is a beta 'Action Quake4' on the way.

I cannot play Cube for all of its advancements but I can play Cube, becuase it is Cube. BRILLIANT BRILLIANT CUBE. Faster than any other DM game out there..

Oh and Cube is an Arena DM FPS, not an RPG and not Quake3.

Cube is Cube. Saur is Saur.
Ultimate Cube is a new Cube.
Saur can be a new Saur. I am not stopping you from playing Saur or modding it yourself.

Enjoy that.

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#19: ..

by PathagenX_ on 05/14/2006 07:46

I meant that I cannot play Saur, for all of its advancements and 'the rest of you' was a bit too general...

Just refrain from chonging up this thread with crap about Saur please - You may aswell be talking about UT2004 in a Quake4 forum.

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#20: old floaty boxes

by PathagenX_ on 05/14/2006 08:40

Who is responsible for those floaty ammo boxes that were the previous default?

I want those. They fit in with the simple, fast Cube DM game more.

I'll get them from an archived release and de-jpeg-artifact them back to life but I would like to know, to whom do I owe the pleasure.

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#21: Re: ..

by Passa on 05/14/2006 14:41, refers to #17

On the topic of SP maps, other than NSP6 and that junebug one, I can't find any other decent ones, If you have one, please send it to me.

Same goes for DM maps, if you have a reasonably nice DM map, even if its not yours, send it to my email, thanks ;-)

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#22: Re: ..

by CC_machine4 on 05/14/2006 23:35, refers to #21

i made a few, check them out at


(these were my first maps and i never got any feedback or improved them, i know they arent all that good but just take a look and tell me what you think)

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