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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

cube & sauer naming, branding

by Aardappel_ on 05/05/2006 01:26, 55 messages, last message: 06/08/2006 09:53, 23455 views, last view: 05/05/2024 07:23

Ok, this is an odd topic, since I normally couldn't care less about what things are called. But I thought I'd lay out my plans, just incase anyone else has any smart ideas.

Also, I will be overhauling the webpages pretty soon, and this ties into that.

So. The situation is that sauer is where the action is, and cube is now in its final incarnation. I feel we have made a lot of very cool progress with sauer, and more to come. Yet 95% of the world still only knows about cube, which has to do with the fact that cube is linked from 1000s of places on the web, the names, and the way the website is set up.

So the funnel more people to sauer, this is what I intend to do when I overhaul the website:

- make the names "Cube 2" and "Sauerbraten" more sinonymous. I wanted to move away from the name "Cube", but it seems a lot of people have trouble understanding the relationship, whereas "Cube 2" is immediately clear to a larger audience.
- Start referring to cube more as "Cube 1", to put even more emphasis on this.
- revamp cubeengine.com to be a start page that points to all cube & sauer related engine/game projects, and clearly shows the difference. Cube will still be there, it has its own gameplay, maps, and is worth playing even as sauer continues to grow, and will always be available, but it will slowly take more of a backseat to sauer. cubeengine.com will continue to host the forums catering for all engines/games, and sauerbraten.org will be specific to sauer.
- make the distinction between engine and game more clear. Focus more on promoting both as GAMES that happen to have open source engine code, than the other way around.
- create some room for the sauer RPG.. I have yet to name it.

Like it? hate it? ideas for making all this even clearer or what cubeengine.co, should look like?

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#36: Re: link to document files

by headwound on 05/15/2006 03:45, refers to #35

how about Saurkraut? 'Cube 2, The Stinky Cabbage'? :D

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#37: so...

by Aardappel_ on 06/07/2006 11:18

finally, I am getting round to putting this plan in action. Here's a preview of what the new cubeengine.com main page could look like (+ the usual 5 icons on the left):


As you can see, I have tried to let the layout and sizes of things indicate the relative importance of things, pushing sauer to the front, and cube to the back, but not entirely out of view either. I also put in the "Cube 2" name prominently, as thats what people seem to prefer, and it also makes it clearer to all those cubers that.... its time to upgrade! :P

Oh yes, "cube.html" is not done yet, this will become the new home for much of the previous main page's content.

Feedback welcome...

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#38: Re: so...

by Passa on 06/07/2006 11:22, refers to #37

Nice, simple, easy to understand.

Very well done, I can't find any real flaws.. maybe put the logos for each game maybe?

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#39: Re: so...

by Aardappel_ on 06/07/2006 11:26, refers to #38

well, only sauer has a logo, and it would be a bit big to fit in.

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#40: Re: so...

by Passa on 06/07/2006 12:11, refers to #39

I think it would be wise to make a small logo for cube, maybe just a simple cube that matches the style of the sauerbraten logo. So each game (Cube, Sauer and Eisenstern) can each have a small 96x96 logo that is also a link to the homepage of the game.

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#41: ..

by Koi Kitsune2006 on 06/07/2006 14:21

I can try and come up with a concept icon for Cube. Lemme try and be nice and simple....

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#42: Cube Logo

by Koi Kitsune2006 on 06/07/2006 14:27

How's this?


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#43: Re: so...

by Koi Kitsune2006 on 06/07/2006 14:31, refers to #39

Resizing is not an issue

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#44: Re: Cube Logo

by Passa on 06/07/2006 15:30, refers to #42

I actually had a different idea.. will post it in the morning.. too tired now..

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#45: ..

by absinth on 06/07/2006 19:17

>Feedback welcome...

looks great!

>I think it would be wise to make a small logo for cube

i've already done a VERY BADLY SUCKING icon for cube, since the previous mac-cube-packager didn't want to see his original mac-cube icon being used. it has never seen the light of the day since i didn't want to re-spin the cube-release just for the icon.


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#46: Re: ..

by Pxtl on 06/07/2006 19:24, refers to #45

I got one that I made for the old installer I made (back when it came as a gzip only):


The icon is pretty detailed, but windows icons are actually stored as multiple images (one per resolution) so when it's small (like for the favicon or the menu) it it becomes this:


I also made a "host server" icon that was two ogro heads facing each other.

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#47: thanks guys...

by Aardappel_ on 06/07/2006 19:31

but I think the page will be less cluttered without icons :)

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#48: Re: thanks guys...

by Pxtl on 06/07/2006 19:33, refers to #47

Whoa, shows I should read the thread. My icon was made for the executable/shortcut. Not for the website. The website is nice as is.

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#49: Looks good...

by metlslime on 06/07/2006 22:06

But I wonder if it would be better with less content, so it could fit on one screen.

I'll try to mock something up later.

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#50: Mockup:

by metlslime on 06/07/2006 23:13


problems with this: sauerbraten is not emphasized enough over the others. Perhaps it would need to be a wider rectangle and be placed above the other two?

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#51: Re: Mockup:

by nieb on 06/07/2006 23:56, refers to #50

ooo I like that, looks cool :)

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#52: ..

by Koi Kitsune2006 on 06/08/2006 01:53

I agree that it looks cool, but I still say that the picture should look more fancy then already excisting pictures.

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#53: ..

by pushplay on 06/08/2006 05:26

I like it. One of these days I'm going to get a shot in the preview. :)

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#54: and...

by Aardappel_ on 06/08/2006 07:36

its up.

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#55: Re: and...

by rancor on 06/08/2006 09:53, refers to #54

Very nice!

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