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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM


by ikar on 05/03/2006 15:46, 30 messages, last message: 06/16/2006 08:15, 4428 views, last view: 05/02/2024 23:29

Hello! My English language is bad, therefore forgive me if I shall make any mistake.I write to you in occasion of multiplayer in Cube. I wish to make Cube server, for Russian players, were can I download it?

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#11: im new to this can some one help me out?

by XXXDivine-7-devilXXX on 05/26/2006 15:23

I recently quit the multiplayer game Runescape.And I was just wondering what do I do to get this game?Is it fun?What's so fun about it?CAN I KILL PEOPLE,NOT NPCS,PEOPLE?

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#12: kk i downloaded,and its kool so far......

by XXXDivine-7-devilXXX on 05/26/2006 15:35

kk i downloaded and I was just wandering how do you get multiplayer on?and how do you chat and stuff?

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#13: hI

by alexsof on 05/26/2006 15:51

×åëîâåêè êàê íàñòðîèòü ñåðâåð, ïîìîãèòå ïëèç, õî÷åòñÿ ïî ëîêàëêå ïîèãðàòü.

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#14: Re: kk i downloaded,and its kool so far......

by Pxtl on 05/26/2006 18:16, refers to #12

You run the game, to to "multiplayer" select "update list from masterserver". That will get you a list of games in progress. Select one of them to play.

And yeah, you get to kill players in this. I never understand games where you go online with thousands of other people so that you can ignore them all and kill imps.

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#15: Re: kk i downloaded,and its kool so far......

by Passa on 05/27/2006 01:15, refers to #14

And pay an exorbantly high fee each month just to waste a large portion of your life playing.

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#16: ..

by MikeLB on 06/08/2006 21:18

... I have another odd problem. i opened the \"server\" file and it said \"server was not registered because it did not respond to ping\"

What could this mean? I am currently running off wi-fi with reasonable decent speeds...

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#17: Re: ..

by guest57 on 06/08/2006 22:05, refers to #16

Either your machine's firewall, or your wifi router are stopping the ping.

I have to put my machine into the DMZ via my router if I want to host a server... consult your network documentation.

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#18: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/08/2006 22:47, refers to #17

I forwarded the ports on UDP, and it worked, but my server does not have a software firewall. Try disabling it if you have one.

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#19: localhost

by orndog on 06/13/2006 01:31

I start server.bat -mlocalhost on one computer, and connect to its IP on the other, but have yet to be able to actually play against somebody on the other computer. I am a newb to this style of gameplay (ie I play the easy to set up stuff like UT). What am I doing wrong?

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#20: ..

by makkE on 06/13/2006 11:53

You´re talking about lan or internet play?
If it´s lan, simply start a client on the computer that runs server.bat and connect to itself with that.

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#21: pings...

by elitemperor on 06/15/2006 07:32

I diabled my firewall and I still get the same ping error message. It worked earlier, but now it doesn't.

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#22: Re: pings...

by MeatROme on 06/15/2006 12:53, refers to #21

Dunno what system you are on and wether or not your PC is connected directly to the internet or goes via a hardware router or some PC router or whatever...
...in a nutshell :
Cube 1 uses these ports:
Cube 2 uses these ports:

Both TCP and UDP are required.
TCP handles the server update routines mostly (IIRC) ... but to be on the safe side enable both TCP & UDP.

You need to _forward_ these to the PC running the server so that any calls from the internet to those ports get passed directly to that machine -
this also means that you will run into trouble if you try to host a server and a client inside your LAN.
Move the server into your DMZ if this is what you wish to do.
Explaining what a DMZ is and how to move a PC there would definitely be too much for this forum - google yourself to knownledge!

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#23: Re: pings...

by Passa on 06/15/2006 13:24, refers to #22

My understanding is that they use only UDP.. my router is set like that, here is an example:

Setup yours something like that.

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#24: Re: pings...

by MeatROme on 06/15/2006 13:35, refers to #23

well they almost exclusively do.
but the server-update routine definitely is handled via a http-get which is TCP!
Since this is only client side and only requires that browsing work on that machine ...
... well, he wouldn't be posting here if he couldn't, eh?!? ;-)

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#25: ..

by Max of S2D [Fr] on 06/15/2006 17:39

Ahem... Are you meaning i don't need the TCP ? I must really reflex about that... coz i don't know how acess to that type of interface.


Ah, i've don't say that XD, i know, but the acess is locked and it's my father which got the password.

Good bye for the CubeFr server project.

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#26: Re: ..

by Passa on 06/15/2006 22:41, refers to #25

Don't let thee elder members of your family dictate whether you can open ports or not.. if I have a problem with a family member they either wake up to find a password on their computer or all their ram sticks missing.

Nah seriously, if you know more than your father, then call your ISP, ask for the username and password. Write this down. If the router is wireless write down the name of the wireless network, its encryption protocol and the password.

Oh then go on Google and look up something like this "<insert router name and model here> default password". Then reset it, put in your settings again, and congratulations, you now have control of the router.

However if your father knows more about computer related stuff than you, just ask him to put your computer into the DMZ on your router. This will forward ALL ports to you, so you never have to ask him again.

Oh forgot to mention, its highly unlikely your dad even changed the router password, just do that Google search I mentioned before to confirm.

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#27: Re: ..

by pushplay on 06/16/2006 03:14, refers to #26

>> put your computer into the DMZ on your router.

First make sure you're running a strong softwware firewall. IE: not microsoft's.

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#28: Can't stay connected.

by elitemperor on 06/16/2006 05:14

No matter what I do, whether it be port forwarding, DMZ, nothing works. Is there anything else that must be done.

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#29: ...

by elitemperor on 06/16/2006 07:52

I figured it out, it was because I was signed into AIM.

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#30: Re: Can't stay connected.

by Passa on 06/16/2006 08:15, refers to #28

If no matter what you cannot get it to work, you might just have a bad router. I had that problem, got a new one and it worked.

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