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How to create ladders + Roughinery architecture in SB?

by DyinggDanny on 04/13/2006 19:58, 15 messages, last message: 04/25/2006 16:58, 1407 views, last view: 05/05/2024 00:49

Hi there,

How to create large ladders to climb up? The ones in the ladder map are limited to a max height of 8 cubes.

And: How has this really AWESOME architecture in roughinery been created? I mean, for example, the caterpillars. Because these are cubes, no mapmodels, but I couldn't reproduce it.

Please tell me.


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#1: ..

by eihrul on 04/13/2006 20:48

For an example of large ladders, take a look at the lookout towers at the 4 corners of the map "rpg".

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#2: ..

by DyinggDanny on 04/14/2006 14:36

I would like to have ladders that are just one cube wide but 24 (or more) cubes high. Is that possible?

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#3: Re: ..

by Sparr on 04/14/2006 20:23, refers to #2

A ladder has to have at least a 1/8 slant unfortunately.

As to the geometry in roughinery... It took quite a while to get those things right. I am not sure what you mean by caterpillars, but it was all hard. I built some of those objects a single cube at a time then copy/pasted the cubes into place.

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#4: ..

by DyinggDanny on 04/20/2006 19:55

Sorry I don't mean caterpillars, but pillars ;-)

Me noob ;-)

I mean those pillars that are just 1 cube thick but have spaces in the mid of them so that I can't figure out how to build them.

If you don't know what I mean, I'll upload a screenshot.


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#5: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 04/22/2006 04:34, refers to #4

sparr built some of that stuff one cube at a time and pasted it together. The newer Sauerbraten versions do allow you to select a cube thats directly against another. Just fly inside of the cube, orient your view so you are pointing at the side of the other cube you want to select...and select it.

Also, if you move the cursor very slowly along the edges of a cube, you might be able to select the inside faces that way too.

Keep in mind, even if a cube is made from the smallest grid, you can still make it 7 units smaller by pushing in the sides :)

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#6: Re: ..

by Gilt on 04/22/2006 05:21, refers to #5

For selecting "inner" cubes... maybe try holding down the CTRL key ("passthrough" command) to see if it helps. Normally selections are based on the cube's bounding box. With CTRL held down, it will be based on the cube itself.

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#7: ..

by DyinggDanny on 04/22/2006 12:39

But I don't understand it even though. How did you create those feet of the pillars which are just 1 cube big? Since you can only create heightfields on the corner, not in the mid of the cube.

Here is a screenshot:




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#8: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 04/22/2006 16:21, refers to #7

you need to go down another grid size, from what I see in that screenshot. Keep in mind, this is sauerbraten, not cube. You do have more than just one grid size to work with. I suggest you read the docs as well.

Gilt: I was unaware of the CTRL key feature...very handy indeed :)

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#9: ..

by Mad Merv on 04/23/2006 01:34

it would be nice to mark areas as "ladder" similar to the 'noclip' material

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#10: ..

by DyinggDanny on 04/24/2006 16:27

Kurtis, I read the manual. But the grid size I used is the smallest one available! But I want to create even more fine geometry like the one on the screenshot!

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#11: ..

by makkE on 04/24/2006 17:59

You can do it with that gridsize.
You probably have to edit a single free floating cube at a time and paste the stuff together.

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#12: Re: ..

by spentron on 04/24/2006 18:34, refers to #10

That's not the smallest grid in that screen. The smallest goes down to the size of the rivetted metal texture which includes only two rivets in its width and height, one row along each edge. See the wall behind the spawnpoint. G + scrolldown.

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#13: confusing

by spentron on 04/24/2006 18:35, refers to #12

to put that better, I mean 4 rivets in a square grid, one at each corner.

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#14: Re: confusing

by kurtis84 on 04/25/2006 03:18, refers to #13

as the docs say, to change grid while in edit mode, hold down the G key, and roll your mousewheel up or down for bigger or smaller grids...that selection box in that screenie is the second size up from the smallest..

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#15: ..

by DyinggDanny on 04/25/2006 16:58

ummm... shit, you are right. now i know how to do that stuff...

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