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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Question about weapon.h

by mothra on 03/12/2006 07:31, 0 messages, last message: 03/12/2006 07:31, 977 views, last view: 04/13/2024 15:59

I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place, my apologies if not...

I've downloaded sauerbraten_2006_02_27_physics_edition.zip, pretty cool engine. I was just trying to familiarize myself with the code (I know a bit of C++ but I'm certainly not an expert, and I've never really done any games programming). I wanted to alter the fist weapon so that it does kind of a 'force push' thing, like on Jedi Outcast, just for kicks.

I've gotten it to punch at an infinite distance by changing the shorten float to 0 in the shoot() function. I'm just wondering where exactly in weapon.h does it generate the 'push' action when a rocket collides with something... for example if you take the rocket launcher and shoot the ground it sends you flying in the air. I see hit() and hitpush() in here but apparently that's not what I'm looking for.

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but like I say I've never done much games programming, so I'm taking baby steps! :)

Thanks in advance...

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