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sauerbraten physics edition impressions (and bugs)

by CrazyTB on 03/04/2006 04:49, 5 messages, last message: 03/07/2006 02:37, 2166 views, last view: 04/30/2024 01:17

I've just downloaded sauerbraten_2006_02_27_physics_edition and tested it. Looks nice. That "double-jump bug" is gone.


1. Sometimes the player gets stuck. Mostly when climbing some stairs (like in thetowers). I can get stuck very often here: http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=thetowersstair7sq.jpg

2. Climbing stairs is very annoying now. The screen shakes to much. If I nod my head very fast, the feeling will be the same as climbing stairs in current sauerbraten.

Maybe this is a more accurate representation of curren physics model, but anyway, whenever I'm climbing stairs in real world, I don't shake my head, neither my "view area" shakes.

Try climbing stairs in cube. It is very smooth. The screen shakes only a few pixels. Now try in current sauerbraten. You can feel (the pain of) each step. In my opinion, this is very annoying, and can give headaches.

3. In thetowers map, there are some "square water surfaces" inside a water tube. Look at this screenshot: http://img212.imageshack.us/my.php?image=thetowerswater8nd.jpg

4. Those "red" cubes used in collision detection are a nice feature, but are not perfect. I think they must be used to avoid players (and monsters) entering some areas, but bullets should pass through them. Look at these examples:
What's the difference between them? One is slightly more to the left than another, and, thus, bullet collides with that invisible cube (enter edit mode to see them).
This happens with killfactory and oasis levels (maybe others too).

5. Annoying bug: when you are falling down, opening any menu will reset your speed to zero. Try it. Open some level where you can fall from high places. Then, while you are falling, press Esc (or any other key that opens a menu).

I don't know if other actions will also reset the speed.

6. Very old bug (or "lack of feature"): you can use mouse wheel to change current menu item, but you cannot use mouse buttons to select the item. In my opinion, this makes the "wheel" feature in menu completely useless. This "bug" (or whatever you want to call it) exists since Cube.

7. I did not read documentation (yet) about "watercolour" command, but I know it is now half-implemented. I can change surface color (when looking from top), but "inside" color is still blue, and looking at surface from bottom, I can only see black.

8. Feature request: add some "on_map_unload" alias that is automatically called by engine whenever the current map is unloaded. The mapper should add to this alias all commands needed to "undo" whatever changes the map script could have done (like thirdperson mode, for example; or deleting other aliases).


Well that's it. All I can remember now.

Don't get me wrong, I like Cube, I'm now liking sauer (more than previous versions). I'm only pointing where it could (and maybe should) be improved.

Ah, on my Pentium III 800, 256MB of RAM, GeForce FX 5500 (using nvidia driver, but with AGP support disabled to avoid crashes), the maps "k_rpg" and "demomap" were rendered in less than 10 fps.

Thanks for reading.

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#1: ..

by Passa on 03/04/2006 06:12

this should go in the 'Bug Report' thread ok,
those first two images, that is just a slight error the mapper has made and its no biggie

the second two... what do you mean? i dont understand the problem

do not reply in this thread, reply in the "Bug Report" one ok.

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#2: Re: ..

by kurtis84 on 03/05/2006 01:32, refers to #1

The water "bug" is something I simply didn't notice, thanks for pointing it out...an easy fix.

The getting stuck is not a map problem..I've had this happen in several different maps, sometimes even on flat surfaces. Unfortunately, I have not seen many people complain about this one, so it might be a tough one to find.

The clip brushes should not stop bullets. I'm sure thats just something overlooked.

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#3: ..

by CC_machine4 on 03/05/2006 21:56

another bug:

some servers have no players but you can't connect to them because it says "server is in private mode".. apparently this is caused by joining a server and setting "mastermode 3", then leaving and it locks everyone out

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#4: Re: ..

by Passa on 03/06/2006 08:28, refers to #3

great now CrazyTB has started a second bug report thread. please can people report bugs in the 'bug report' thread? sureley that makes SOME sense.

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#5: ..

by CrazyTB on 03/07/2006 02:37

> great now CrazyTB has started a second bug report thread.
> please can people report bugs in the 'bug report' thread?
> sureley that makes SOME sense.

Ok, sorry about that, but we all know this forum is difficult for searching, and after 10 or 20 replies, the message would be "lost", since only a few people would care about reading past messages.

Anyway, if we want a better bug tracking system, we should use bugzilla, or sourceforge bug tracking. And not complain about this forum.

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