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misfit modeler

by sloppytaco on 02/19/2006 05:22, 53 messages, last message: 02/23/2006 01:54, 39738 views, last view: 05/18/2024 18:49


I have gotten some static meshes imported into sauerbraten md2 format from 100% free software.

would you like a tutorial to inlclude with your saurbraten game engine?

I start with wings3d or blender 2.41, export to .OBJ ,
and export texture (skin.jpg) to the saurbraten/models/myfolder
then use misfit modeler...misfit modeler is a bit tricky...
it does not like the materials that are included in the OBJ file format, I delete the material info from the .mtl file with my trusty text editor....
import the OBJ into misfit modeler... (making sure that the texture is visible on the model).
then I add an animation to the model.... named _stop.... I add 1 frame to the animation (very important)
then save as tris.md2

add :
mapmodel 1 1 0 "myfolder"
to the mymapname.cfg file.

the tutorial I am planning will be in your choice of HTML or PDF.
the tutorial will be done with the "noobie" in mind, with lots of pictures...

If you need any game content please let me know, I am a professional CG artist, and I donate stuff to various open source projects in my spare time.

thanks again for Sauerbraten, it is a very neat game engine!

have a nice day

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#1: other info

by sloppytaco on 02/19/2006 05:53

Sorry, I forgot to add links and other information...

I got this working using
Windows XP, X64 bit, Build 3790

Blender 3d 2.41-modeling, UV map, and animation

Wings3d- modeling, UV map

Tattoo 3d, 3d skinning tool

The GIMP, .....

Misfit modeler- porting to MD2
(NOTE: I did not use the TRIS plug-in for md2, just misfit modeler default MD2 export).

Other notes:

the blender md2 exporter will make every other face with a reverse vertex order (facing in insted of out)...
to get from blender to misfit modeler use the Export OBJ option, and testelate it in edit mode with a : select all - Akey , then a control Tkey.

wings does a nice job of exporting the model to OBJ... just make sure you triangulate all the faces before export (one of the OBJ exporter options, just tick the box, and you never have to worry about testelateing again..)

Tattoo is a nice tool, but lacks a decent JPG exporter.
DONT EXPORT TO JPEG, it will compress your image to 5% wich leaves visible bands, and major color loss... use TGA or PNG insted, and then convert the image to .JPG later using GIMP.

well that is about it,

hope this helps someone :)

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#2: ..

by SilentFox2000 on 02/19/2006 06:07

I can't understand Blender if someone explained it to me. I'd rather use Bryce 5 for 3D graphics.
For all you FPS freaks, Register here

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#3: Sucess

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 06:55

wow, wont let me use my username again :(

well anyways


here is my model in-game, after scaleing,,,

not too bad for one days work Eh?


Well that is about it for now,

I need to learn how to import masked textures.... wonder if I use a alpha-masked texture (png, TGA), or if i just use a .jpeg and a transparent color...

I want to make some foliage, and also make some drop shadows for under my models.....

think I am going to go and look at other peoples models in Misfit modeler and see if I can figure it out :p

@SilentFox2000 ,

if you want to have blender explained to you by an expert, please go here :

there the creators, and experts explain EVERYTHING in detail :) be sure to watch all teh getting started videos.... Blender interface is very unique and powerful.. it is also cryptic as hell without a few interface pointers, so be sure to watch all teh getting started videos first...

hope this helps,

there is also

after you watch the tutorials and read the manual...
great help for blender, only getting better :)

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#4: Re: Sucess

by shadow,516 on 02/19/2006 07:41, refers to #3

Woah, this guy is good. Maybe he could do some work on RPG content. I would really LOVE some hi-tech looking map models for my new map btw...

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#5: Sucess #2

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 09:12

Here is my wings 3d test...
I just scaled it finally a moment ago,

has a Midevil RPG look to it!


please leave coments! :)

I have a shadow for under him too, just need to decyper how to do masked textures .

Seems like the default cube in wings 3d = 1 default sized saurbraten cubes... (I am estimating this is 128 x128 quake units)

going to do some real scaling tests later to get an precice scale to measure by.

I also intend on testing the OBJ exporter from saurbraten.. If I can just make a sauerbraten map, and export to OBJ, I can easily make scaled map deco in blender :p

hope the UV mapping exports too:)

@ shadow,516 ,

thanks for the compliment :)
perhaps we can get together and share resources for a map pack :)

I have a bunch of leftover textures I want to donate also... some are very nice, some are total crap, but what the hell they are free! and someone will use them all I bet :)

I have been involved in sci-fi, horror,mid evil, and real world shooters for a few years now... lots of models and stuff laying around on dying hard disks...

anyways... I

need to go and peek at other maps to learn how to make a masked texture on a model (or even a cube :p )

please excuse my poor english

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#6: Re: Sucess #2

by Passa on 02/19/2006 13:01, refers to #5

did u do that model (the 1st one) in one day?!

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#7: ..

by makkE on 02/19/2006 13:58

Just use a .png with transparent backround for an alpha mask. I´m no expert on this, I ust leave the backround transparent in PS and export that to png.
There are no decals yet. So you either have a .png with alpha masking or a simple colourmap on a model.
Additional maps for both textures and models will probably be implemented at a later stage.
Adding drop shadows this way seems like an odd idea to me though. They might conflict with the lightning conditions.
At a later stage models will get a finer lightning in sauerbraten, and will probably cast shadows too.
At the moment some basic global illumination and subtle highlights on the colour map should do.

That goat boy looks a little weird, since he´s obviously stuffed, but his texture is all bone. And he´s smiling.
On the space ship I see some left over edge pixels. Remember when exporting to md2, the vertex compression of the format can also slightly affect uv´s, so rather leave 2-3 edge pixels than the usual 1 to be on the save side.

Tried Tatto, but it makes my box reboot after pressing ok on the licence-startup window.

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#8: replys

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 17:23

@ Passa ,

yes I did the spaceship in about 2 hours, the rest of the day I spent hacking Misfit modeler to get content into sauerbraten...

@ makkE ,

Awesome thanks! I use GIMP, and it saves the alpha chanel automaticaly with any PNG image... this is great help!

Yea, the Goatboy is actualy a dragon head gargoyle for placeing above an entryway. he is made of stone... as far as the drop shadow, it is just going to be on a contorted plane, placed under the model. I have used this method in a few game engines, and the outcome is quite nice sometimes.

I have looked and looked, I still dont see where I have missed the edgepixels?
I used my Bleed plugin for blender to streach the colors on the edge of all UVs so this should not be a a problem. each piece of UV map has the color on the edge smeared 4 pixels over the edgge to avoid such problems (from script)

If you are haveing problems with Tattoo in windows just boot into you linux partition and use WINE, or qemu... I have problems in windows X64 with Tattoo sometimes, and this is the solution..

Usualy I use Zbrush, but the challange I made for myself is to do everything with free software so I can share with others.

BTW I am going to release a texture pack too, so far there are 50 nice seamless textures I want to donate.

have a nice day everyone!

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#9: more data

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 17:35

here are some other things I have found:

Misfit modeler has a bug in it for large scaled things, after scaleing things to size, the texture will dissapear from the 3d view.. dont worry,the model will still work!

wings 3d sometimes saves a texture slot in the MTL file for a texture called dafault... this will cause problems, because quake 2 models should only have one texture... deleteing the materal before exporting solves this problem.

deleteing the material data in the MTL file will save you up to 100k in the final MD2 file.

the md2 exporter from blender will not work alone... you must import the md2 file into misfitmodeler, and re-save it to make it work properly... this is the only way I can find to bring animation to misfit modeler.

misfit modeler has yet another scaleing bug... if you load a MD2 file and scale the model , and save it... it wont keep the scaleing information.
to solve this save as mm3d (native format), do your sacaleing, save again, then save as MD2.

well This is it for now, if I find any more information I will share it here...

fell free to leave questions, comments, and cratiques :)
have a nice morning everyone :)

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#10: models

by kurtis84 on 02/19/2006 18:28, refers to #9

Nice work I see here, but it seems odd to require all this software to make an md2...ever try the original quake/quake2 modeller? It is quite "old school", and unfortunately isn't available in linux flavor, but it's an OK model creator that can export directly to md2....fot those that can use it anyway.


I might be mistaken, but aren't we shooting for md3 at some point? Sauerbraten can already load them afaik.

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#11: ..

by makkE on 02/19/2006 18:51

Well that´s all just personal preference I think.
If you want to use blender and wings or other modelling aps, you´ll just need mm3d coz it´s the only thing that exports proper md2´s.

sloppy: maybe it´s just the screenshot, but what are those jaggy line across the lower right edge of the propulsion section (where the guns come out).
Also some pixels show up on the longer side of the lower glass edge.

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#12: tower

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 19:29

Here is this mornings speed modeling project.. texture-- 30 mins... modeling 5 minuets... porting in progress... needs scaleing..

I started by creating a texture in gimp from my wall and wood, and roof textures so every thing would match...

then a few extrudes in wings 3d, and snapping of textures, then mirrroring the slice untill I had a full cylender..

this model needs to be scaled up still. (you can tell by the brick size)


think I am going to go back an do more Sci-fi models... perhaps a mech warrior looking robot.

will get back to mid-evil later today.

kurtis84 ,
thanks for the complements on my work... just wait until I really start spending time on my stuff... this is all just testing for me, and developing my work-flow for rapid development, and for my lessons. thanks for this recent link also... my q2modeler is very outdated :)

I never said it requires the above listed software , I said that is what I am using for my tests. :)

I have used the quake 2 modeler years ago on the Weaponds Factory mod in quake 2. it is very functional, but lacks lots of nice luxuries that I am accustomed to...

I still have quake 2 modeler in my toolbox, along with misfit modeler and milk shape... all the programs will output md2 files, but lack in the tools for animation, and modeling that blender has... and is propriatory if I am not mistaken. the reason I used misfit was so i can redistribute the software to my students, and hack and add content if needed for the lessons.

I even find blender a bit too minimal-istic/ simplistic for my modeling needs... yet I still use it to save time on some tasks.

Wings 3d is the best modeler I have found.
It supports dynamic shortcuts (just hover mouse over menu item, press insert , then your desired hot key to assign )

blender has some new state of the art animation tools (that can be baked to vertex animation for md2 export) .... you can even load your model into the blender game engine, and record a physics simulation, then bake the IPO curves to vertex animation.. great for explosions, things getting dropped or knocked over... ect...

doing anything even remotely realistic in milk-shape or misfit modeler or quake 2 modeler, would take a very long time to key-frame... yet in blender it can be accomplished in a mater of seconds...

every 3d application has something new and interesting... I suggest mastering them all! especialy the free ones, so you can share them legaly with your friends , and client$.

I like having lots of tools to choose from.
If it saves me time, or make me look like I have more talent than I really actualy have , I use it :)

Dynamic hot keys are why I prefer GIMP to photo shop also...

BTW, in blender you can paint your models in 3d with very simplistic brushes... this is nice for marking your UV map... it is also nice to set base colors as you concieve the model. I find that it really helps me model when I have some basic colors on the model... I seem to work faster, and come up with mode ideas while I paint... (be sure to use the UVpainter plugin to make vertex colors paint to your texture) there is a texture baker plugin too so you can render your scene lights, and the script paints shadows on a .TGA file for you :)

well thanks all for your nice comments... going to get back and plan out my next model :)

feel free to leave comments and questions, and other ideas... :)

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#13: ..

by makkE on 02/19/2006 19:33

yes, I´m picky, sorry.

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#14: ..

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 19:35


that is just me being sloppy :)

thanks, I need to do some more work on that skin (like smooth the jaggies you are talking about.)

some of the UV's need to be rotated so I am not painting diaganal lines..

yea, btw... it is just prefrence that I use other modelers...

I can do it in misfit ,q2 modeler, and milkshape from scratch.... BUT WHY!! :)

To me it is like getting a job to cut down a tree,
and useing a pockett knife rather than a chainsaw...
sure it is possible to do it with the pockett knife, but the chainsaw makes it easyer and faster to make a nice smooth cut, in a fraction of the time..

Thanks for your comments everyone :)

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#15: ..

by makkE on 02/19/2006 19:45

Hey just seen that tower, looks nice.
But I sort of doubt sauer will have a need for modelled environment like that.
I think one would be rather supposed to do it with cubes, and create custom textures for that if neccesairy. Mind sauer is not a bsp engine where environmental models can easily be included.. and models in sauer are more designed towards props than environmentals I believe.

This might need clarification from someone closer to the code than me.

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#16: ... :p

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 20:04

makkE ,
you are totally right...

the way sauerbraten is now, big objects do not light properly...

I did the tower to break that rule... it will be in a before dawn, or just after sunset (twilight?)...

the player is going to be in a brightly lit courtyard, and above will be the towers,fog and the skybox (rendering now in Texture-maker)

the tops of the Saurbraten blocks will be unlit and so will the model, so the textures match, and the painted on shadows will look O.K. (I hope).

from what little I understand about saurbraten, the cubes do not cull the models not in vision yet (occlude?).

Hopefully in the future we can zone off areas, or set anti-portals to cull off parts of the map.

Are there ways to occlude off parts of the map with blocks? portals or anti-portal properties to blocks?

the only way I see to tweak the models visibility is a LOD radius ...

in the future I am going to stick with modeled windows and doors.... modeled trees.. and other small things......

going to stick with small maps too, focused on 4-6 players... I am going to throw a LAN party soon :P we are defiantly going to have a saurbraten Custom map match! (yes we are all geeks invited)

anyways... I am off to think of my next model.... perhaps a statue or a gargoyle...

thanks again for the comments :P

have a good day everyone !

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#17: oops

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 20:06

what is the ambient light setting called in sauerbraten?

I would like to change color and strength.

some editors call this worldlight, or world_ambient.

it is the constant light in the maps...

thanks in advanced

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#18: ..

by makkE on 02/19/2006 20:33

Slow down man!
I would strongly suggest you read all the docs first, and get to know sauerbraten better.
Take your time and read the "sauerbraten developement thread" and the "sauerbraten timeline" thread, and generally all things concerning it (all the docs you find in cube and sauierbraten folders)

If you really want to contribute, you´ll need to know what this is about.

Plus I find it a little weird how you rush your stuff...

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#19: OBJ exporter!

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 20:40


I got the map .OBJ dump to load in misfit modeler...

not wings or Blender yet...
here is the error:

Importing OBJ file: "z:\Huge_tits_and_Nipples!!\sauerbraten\sauerbraten\mie.obj"
file length: 41816
vert:31843 texverts:0 smoothgroups:0 materials:0
found 0 smoothing groups.
ERROR: found 316 faces reusing the same vertex. everything else went okay.
obj import time: 1.05385401865

Which is quite OK, I will find this vertex! and eliminate it with my trusty text editor!

looks cool... all the faces are the right direction in misfit modeler! and now I know the scale I need!!!

If I can port this over to blender would mean that you can make some of your blender game engine maps geometry with sauerbraten!! :)

it is not textured BTW....

anyways, back to the tests :p

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#20: thanks

by stinky taco on 02/19/2006 20:51


Thanks man!

I prefer to RTFM first, I did not know that any cube things where relivent in sauerbraten... cube is much better documented...

Thanks, i will try there :) I bet I find the ambient light settings :)

I read all sauer DOC files...

I will look for the development thread too...

you are not only helping me, you are also helping my students, and after I make the lessons I intend on shareing with everyone else too :)


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