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Compiling with VC++ 2005 Express Edition.

by TecSoft on 01/22/2006 01:50, 2 messages, last message: 01/25/2006 23:20, 1093 views, last view: 04/11/2024 20:35

Can I compile CUBE with VC++ 2005 Express Edition. I don't have anyother C++ Compiler? I can get Dev C++.

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#1: dunno...

by Passa on 01/24/2006 12:11

i started a thread on tha problems i ran into compiling with VC++ 2005 Express Edition. it hasent been solved yet. i couldnt get dev c++ to work either.

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#2: i was

by 196163d7725760018e21291ec4abdb55 on 01/25/2006 23:20

i was in a similar situation as you. i wanted to tinker around and figure out what did what. and my programing skills are dismal at best. the guys were sending you in the right direction in your last thread. even doing a basic compile is difficult if the software can\'t find the parts where it expects them.

the error you listed said you were missing
the windows.h header file. if you run a search and that file is nowhere on you computer then i\'d google it and learn more about what it does and where it comes from. the same goes for any other \"missing\" files. also if the file is on your machine but you still have the error then visual studio express need to be pointed to where it\'s exact location is.

also there was a step by step guide posted somewhere about how to compile suarbraten using msys and mingw. that might help too.

sorry i couldn\'t help more. i only recently got sauerbraten to compile using ms visual studio .net

just keep plugging away.

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