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importing cube maps into SAUER

by MitaMAN in the cave on 01/10/2006 01:02, 9 messages, last message: 03/03/2006 01:29, 1161 views, last view: 05/04/2024 21:12

hey guys!

has anyone tried importing a cube map into sauer yet?

i did the following but sauer crashes during the first command "importcube <name>"

this was posted by Aard (drian pointed me to it)

put your favourite .cgz in the packages/cube folder

/importcube <name>
/clearents light
/newent light ...
/savemap cube/<name>

just trying to see what some of my mitaman sp maps look like in sauer.

thanks in advance for any help


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#1: got it

by MitaMAN in the cave on 01/10/2006 01:19

i got it worked out with help from some cube buddies.

the conversion seems to work pretty good.

sorry about this uneeded thread, don't shoot me.


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#2: Re: got it

by Passa on 01/21/2006 22:00, refers to #1

how did u work it out?? i have probs too.

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#3: ..

by makkE on 01/21/2006 22:02

In the latest build it´s bugged, use the one before.

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#4: Re: ..

by Passa on 02/26/2006 01:22, refers to #3

which release does this work in?

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#5: Re: ..

by MitaMAN in the cave on 02/26/2006 01:36, refers to #4

I imported several of my mpsp cube maps using the 01-30-06 sauer build with much success! I was just curious how they would look. They look fine but of course no triggered doors and the frame rates are very low with all the monsters.

I mainly wanted to use the sauer import as a "tool", do a rough map in cube creating the arches and slope I need, then import into sauer to complete the map.

Arches are so simple to make in cube, I find it too hard (long) in sauer to bother with.

Question, if arches and slopes convert from cube to sauer so well, why can't they be as easy to create (from edit menu "prefabs") in sauer as they are in cube?


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#6: ..

by makkE on 02/26/2006 02:02

Mitaman, an option would be to make a prefab map that contains your most used kinds of arches, then copy from it, load the map you work on and paste. That way you won´t have to go via cube.

But I have asked this myself too. I guess it´s because in sauer it´s all more complex. Not sure since everything script/code is beyond me.

Another option is comming up with other stuff than arches of course :)

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#7: ..

by CC_machine4 on 03/02/2006 23:42

good idea makkE!

also I've noticed that simply using the /cubeimport funtion isn't good because it dosnt support sauerbraten's word structure very well. (it has to divide everything into smaller cubes, but if u remade the map from scratch keeping larger gridsizes, this wouldnt be a problem.)

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#8: ..

by makkE on 03/03/2006 00:58

Hmm could be true for slants and slopes maybe, not sure.

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#9: Re: ..

by MitaMAN in the cave on 03/03/2006 01:29, refers to #7

Concerning importing cube maps; I found that most world structure imports very well (at least on my own maps I tried).

What worked for me:
normal arches (on floor and ceiling).
all slopes (ramps) on floor and ceiling.
"short" 45 degree corners (that are not the full height of the solid wall their next to).

What did not work for me:
arches with curved sides (but it does yeild a cool looking "angled" arch).
"full height" 45 degree corners.

I don't know how "uneven heightfields" (like hills, piles of dirt) convert, don't really have any in my maps.

I find the "importcube" to be a great tool for me. I'd rather build a map as I go along then create "prefabs" to copy and paste. But that's just me. I also made duplicate "texture configs" for Cube and Sauer to use on the same map. This way I also have some of the texturing done before importing into Sauer.

I'm sure this process sounds weird to most of you, but it allows me to keep working on the maps I had originally started in Cube instead of totally starting those maps over in Sauer. I have several "half-completed" SP maps for a "mod" I abandoned last winter that I'd like to see completed in the new Sauer engine.


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