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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Idea-Doom mod for Cube

by Flynn Taggart on 01/03/2006 19:56, 17 messages, last message: 01/21/2006 10:34, 1708 views, last view: 05/03/2024 17:47

I was thinking of making a Doom based Cube mod.No levels from original Doom will be inside of that mod,only models,sound,music and textures.I alreadt made some work on it like added some weapon models or Doom monsters.
Link to screenshots doesn't work for some reasons but if you like to see them,i will be more than happy to send you some.
Is here someone who wishes to help?

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#1: ..

by pushplay on 01/03/2006 20:16

"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
-- some dead guy

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#2: Re: ..

by Flynn Taggart on 01/03/2006 20:18, refers to #1


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#3: Too Subtle

by pushplay on 01/03/2006 22:00, refers to #2

I guess it escaped your attention that 99% of mods based on someone else's intellectual property go one of two routes:
1) Suck horribly and go no where. This is the most popular choice.
2) Gain notice of the ip holder and are told to cease and desist. This is known as being foxed.

But even better, someone already had your exact idea. Down to the letter. They did something unusual and managed to get foxed while sucking at the same time.

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#4: Re: Too Subtle

by tentus on 01/03/2006 22:40, refers to #3

heh heh. In a nutshell, what you are suggesting is illegal and every effort before has either sucked horribly or been close enough to get the project sued.

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#5: ..

by Flynn Taggart on 01/04/2006 09:05

Dang :(

I didn't know that it's illegal?On Wolfenstein 3D Dome there is a whole bunch of Doom mods that use graphics,sounds and music from it so i figured,what about making something like that for Cube.

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#6: ..

by makkE on 01/04/2006 14:22

Creating an addon for wolf3d with doom content and making a mod for a "foreign" engine with it are two diffrent things I believe.

The only option you´d have was to create a mod that would _feel_ similar to doom if you´re missing that special atmosphere.

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#7: already quite doom-like

by CC_machine2 on 01/04/2006 20:50

cube is already just similar to DooM anyways (no room-over room, have to keep moving & shooting all the time etc)

P.S. why does noone say DooM anymore (with the capital M)?

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#8: ..

by ende on 01/05/2006 05:47

Unless you intend to market your product, legality means shit.

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#9: Re: ..

by pushplay on 01/05/2006 08:40, refers to #8

If guess if you get your legal advice on the interwebs you get what you deserve.

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#10: Re: ..

by Flynn Taggart on 01/05/2006 13:08, refers to #9

You are all right.I guess that i must make something new.By the way,with which program can i compile Cube's source?

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#11: Doom tournament

by frankkk on 01/05/2006 23:04, refers to #3

i was the first one to do a cube mod with my cousin , it was called doom tournament. but that was when cube started. After i tried another mod flameshot . tried hard , failed .

but doom tournament was pretty cool back in the day, when cube didnt even have gun models lol

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#12: ..

by >_< Sauceofallevils >_< on 01/05/2006 23:59

Oh its you again. Havent seen you in awhile.

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#13: Re: ..

by pushplay on 01/06/2006 01:23, refers to #10

Cube has been successfully compiled with visual studio, mingw, and gcc.

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#14: Re: ..

by Flynn Taggart on 01/06/2006 16:09, refers to #13

Thanks for info.I think that i will do something with Cube source.That Doom tournament sounded cool.

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#15: Re: Doom tournament

by CC_machine4 on 01/06/2006 23:23, refers to #11

lol, where can i get it from? (sounds good)

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#16: doom mod

by =RS=ROGUE1= on 01/21/2006 08:41

i have all ready made a doom mod it replaces all the sounds and models and the doom 2 first level has beed done

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#17: ..

by Flynn Taggart on 01/21/2006 10:34

Really?Where can i get?

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