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Saur QuakeCon edition? :O!

by Mukkanovich on 12/31/2005 21:03, 5 messages, last message: 01/02/2006 22:03, 2604 views, last view: 04/28/2024 04:49

What's with the QuakeCon edition?

Aardappel do you go to the QuakeCon every year or something? I was actually planning on going there next year. I live in the UK so I will have to get a boat over or something. (Flying is too expensive).

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#1: well

by Aardappel_ on 01/01/2006 21:01

I live in dallas, so yeah, quakecon is kinda next door.

And a boat.. this is not the 19th century, dude.

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#2: ..

by Mukkanovich on 01/02/2006 02:01

The cheepest flight is £360 to Dallas and back. So it dosent seem that bad, my main reason for going is to check out some of the latest tech and meet some people and to win some money. One of my friends T-Dawg (you might know him, he has been going to QuakeCon for 7 or 8 years now) helps organise the QuakeCon torny's and I am hoping that there will be another Doom 3 torny this year as I have a good chance at winning.

Would it be okay with you if I met you at this year's QuakeCon? You, John Carmack (if he is there) and the guy's from Punk Buster are on my number one interrogation list. :P

Just Kidding, but I would love to talk to you sometime about game development I am very interested in it myself.

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#3: Re: ..

by Aardappel_ on 01/02/2006 13:09, refers to #2

if you're going to quakcon for new technology, you'd be at the wrong place, it has a tiny show floor with just the usual vendors. Quakecon only makes sense to come from afar if you are going for the BYOC lan... I go there to play qw myself.

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#4: what the..?

by CC_machine2 on 01/02/2006 16:06

what the heck are you guys going on about?

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#5: ..

by Mukkanovich on 01/02/2006 22:03

Yeah but I will have to rent a computer there i can fly mine over it will cost too much and probably get damaged. :(

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