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Cube & Cube 2 FORUM

Sauerbraten logo competition :)

by Aardappel_ on 11/14/2005 10:12, 86 messages, last message: 12/02/2005 01:20, 20912 views, last view: 05/19/2024 01:22

I know we have some people with good graphic design skills on this board, and it would be nice to have a good logo for sauerbraten. It will be used in two places, on top of the web page, and on loading screens in the engine (I just added those :)

requirements are that it has a 4x1 WxH ratio, in engine we will probably use 512x128, but also supply higher res versions like 1024x256 or better for other uses. Format must be PNG, with transparancy, such that it will look good on a grey background (this webpage) or black (engine).

it should have the word "Sauerbraten" in it, and maybe "engine" (much smaller). Any additional graphics is entirely up to you.

Post results in this thread. Once we have some contenders you can all vote which you like the best, but I will make the final call :)

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#1: ..

by nieb on 11/16/2005 07:26



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#2: ..

by makkE on 11/16/2005 18:16

I like that model, makes for a cool logo (and it´s got something to do with octree, doesn´t it?)

You should try and render it so it casts shadows upon itself, getting more readable, maybe outlines too..

here´s what I did so far


Those pieces of code aren´t really good.. but I like to have something kinda technical in there..
What do people think?

nieb: maybe co-oprerate? :)

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#3: Re: ..

by makkE on 11/16/2005 18:18, refers to #2

oops. I was refering to #7 and #8´s logo. :)

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#4: ..

by makkE on 11/16/2005 18:23

oops again, forgot to show it on black backround.


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#5: speaking of which...

by Pxtl on 11/16/2005 19:05

For the old may release Win32 Cube installer I made a nice icon for cube featureing a textured cube and an Ogro head. It scaled well (shrunk too small it would switch to a simple cube instead of the full head thing).

It can be seen in the header for Quadropolis. http://cube.snieb.com

Perhaps something similar for Sauer? Perhaps it could be used in the Nullsoft-installer that comes with the new Cube?

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#6: ..

by makkE on 11/16/2005 19:55

Okay, here´s a logo that has nieb´s idea in it:


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#7: ..

by greensweater on 11/16/2005 20:12


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#8: A request...

by eihrul on 11/16/2005 21:19

Anyone want to try modeling the word "sauerbraten" itself in sauerbraten as the logo? :)

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#9: Re: A request...

by Sparr on 11/16/2005 22:53, refers to #8

that would make a texture superfluous :) but if anyone wants to try, FYI 512x128 is only 16x4 cubes, 5 characters would BARELY fit.

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#10: ..

by makkE on 11/16/2005 23:49

I think he rather meant to model (map) it in sauer regardless of how many cubes and take a snapshot as a base for a logo?

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#11: ok...

by Aardappel_ on 11/17/2005 05:25

I like nieb's octree box... that could be a cool basis for a logo. But it be nice to maybe use some nice colours on the faces, rather than grey?

Sofar the choices of text are not that exciting... they are either really plain or just not good looking... a little bit more design has to go into it.

I think using the engine to make the text could be really cool.. if someone wants to map the letters, then we can play around with lighting/perspectives.

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#12: Ideas

by shadow,516 on 11/17/2005 23:45





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#13: my logo design idea

by JoelKnight on 11/19/2005 03:19

Well, here's my idea for the logo.

Small (512x128):
Large (1024x256):

(These were done as vector graphics in SVG format, so they can be resized to any resolution.)

The two colors used could be replaced by some other two-color scheme (for instance, a holiday appropriate one such as red/green for Christmas).

I've been enjoying cube and now sauer for awhile now, by the way, although this is my first post in the forum.

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#14: random idea

by Sparr on 11/19/2005 09:09

was just toying around and povray spat this out, maybe some inspiration for the artistic types:


Joel, I actually like your idea. Its a little rough, looks like you did the 3d shapes by hand and got some of the angles/lengths wrong.

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#15: Re: Ideas

by CrazyTB on 11/20/2005 00:50, refers to #12

I like shadow,516 logos. Maybe could put the octree cube at center? Maybe above or below or behind the name sauerbraten.

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#16: so..

by Aardappel_ on 11/20/2005 03:29

quick mockup of eihrul's idea: wouter.fov120.com/screenshot_203463_1024.png

though I am sure it can be done prettier :)

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#17: Re: so..

by eihrul on 11/20/2005 03:47, refers to #16


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#18: Re: random idea

by JoelKnight on 11/20/2005 04:18, refers to #14

"Its a little rough, looks like you did the 3d shapes by hand and got some of the angles/lengths wrong."

Ouch!!! That's actually pretty much what I did ... I made a 3D version of the shapes in Blender and then hand-traced shapes over a render of it in vector graphics. Unfortunately it wasn't really possible to align the shapes exactly, though I tried to do it closely (the almost-but-not-quite aspect is even worse than not being exact at all); and so I admit it really wasn't a good way to execute my idea. I'll try to remake and refine it, though, mabye experiment with toon shading to get the flat-color look I was after.

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#19: Re: so..

by nieb on 11/20/2005 07:17, refers to #16


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#20: Re: so..

by sinsky on 11/20/2005 13:39, refers to #16

Btw is the logo going to be an image? I think the next natural step is to display it in-game, probably from different angles every time a map loads, if it doesn't slow down map loading times.

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