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How to change the map backdrop.

by mukkan on 09/03/2005 17:21, 17 messages, last message: 09/25/2005 03:14, 1645 views, last view: 04/22/2024 05:03

Hi i was wondering if some one could tell me how to change a maps backdrop picture, to like mountains or something?


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#1: ..

by makkE on 09/03/2005 18:02

You can define it in the config,
use the /loadsky command
Check some configs to see how it´s done.

Pleast post such simple questions in the general or map editing thread next time.

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#2: ..

by mukkan on 09/03/2005 18:11

it dosent have a config :S

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#3: ..

by makkE on 09/03/2005 18:48

I meant look at some of the other map´s configs..

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#4: ..

by mukkan on 09/03/2005 21:08

yeah but how do I add a cfg to my map...

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#5: ..

by makkE on 09/03/2005 21:12

Just craete a textfile, and change .txt to
.cfg.. or even simpler, if you just wanna change the skybox, copy metl3.cfg and rename it.

The config needs to match your map name by the way.

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#6: ..

by mukkan on 09/04/2005 12:24

Yeah but, I do that and it dosent do shit.

I make town.cfg, loadmap etc even tried using the metl3 cfg and it dosent change the backdrop at all.

MAYBE I need to throw a command at the town map that lets it know theres a cfg to load??

But what command??

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#7: ..

by makkE on 09/04/2005 14:14

Okay, step by step...

create a new text file located in your cube/packages/base folder.

Rename it to town.cfg

Edit it.


loadsky "socksky/desert"

save it.

in game
/map town

now it shows the "desert" skybox located in

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#8: Windows

by CrazyTB on 09/06/2005 17:15

Maybe the problem is with Windows. I could say Windows is shit, but them there will be a flame war here, so I won't say that. And, why would I say that, since everyone know it? :) :P

Ok, I think that the !@#$!@$@#$ Window is hiding the filename extensions. This is the default Windows behavior since Win95. I really hate this behavior.

How to solve that: Windows Explorer (or any folder window) -> Options -> Folder Options -> Change to another tab -> a big list of checkboxes should be displayed -> uncheck the "hide extensions of known file types"

Win3.x rulez! It always showed the extension! :-P :-P

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#9: ..

by -Rick- on 09/06/2005 18:21

Obvious question...did you set a skybox at all? (Setting texture to 0 if I remember correctly)

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#10: Re: Windows

by dcp on 09/06/2005 23:49, refers to #8

ahem... but you know that you can change this by unchecking a single option in the respective settings...???!??

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#11: ..

by mukkan-to-lazy-to-do-cookie-thing on 09/11/2005 13:42

No it's nothing to do with the file extentions fool. The problem is with the fact that I have been doing what makke has put into step by step instructions all along and it dosent do shit.

No more posts, windows isnt shit. Only an idiot would say that all operating systems are diffrent, MAC,WINDOWS,LINUX,UNIX just becuse YOU don't know how to use one properly dosent mean it's shit.

I don't know how to use linux, ther for it is no use to me, must be shit then?


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#12: Re: ..

by CrazyTB on 09/11/2005 15:16, refers to #11

I told I did not wanted to start a flame war, and I really don't want to. I just thought that many users have difficulties to change the real file extension. You can't say this isn't true. If you can change file extensions, congratulations. My message does not apply to you, them.

/* do not start/continue this flame war */

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#13: Re: ..

by CrazyTB on 09/11/2005 15:22, refers to #11

If the makkE's instructions don't work for you, then...
- Try another command, like "fog 0" and "fog 80" to see if the CFG file is really being read. If the fog becomes black, then the config file has been read.
- Check if there are some images at packages/socksky/desert_*.jpg (or something like that)
- Try other skyboxes, like "socksky/frozen".

If you just copy the "metl3.cfg" file to "town.cfg" file and the skybox (the background) does not change, then (of course) something was wrong.

I suppose you already know this, but I am running out of ideas of what gone wrong:
- If your map is "town.cgz", then the configfile should be "town.cfg", and must be placed on same folder of your map.

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#14: Re: ..

by HopFrog on 09/17/2005 00:36, refers to #12

Okay, try this:

1.) Open Notepad.

2.) Insert the line: loadsky "socksky/desert"

3.) Go to "File" and then "Save As"

4.) Navigate to the map directory of Cube

5.) Insert the following into the save prompt, INCLUDING the quotes:

Using the quotes will force the file extension to be .cfg

6.) Save the config file. You're done.

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#15: docs

by kurtis84 on 09/17/2005 18:29, refers to #14

What is so difficult about reading the docs that come with cube/sauerbraten? I suppose a person that doesn't even know how to tell windows to show file extentions could have trouble understanding....oh well

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#16: Once it's changed...

by LancerNZ on 09/24/2005 23:05

My problem with changing the map and fog settings in *.cfg file is that while they work for me, the cfg file does not appear to get sent in-game with the /sendmap command. Result is everyone gets clear blue sky instead of the atmospheric one I linked to, or the fog effects. As far as I can tell, the only way for me to give people my maps as they are meant to be would be to tarball and upload the combined files to a webserver for people to manually install themselves. Unless someone can show me a way to make /sendmap work for both files?

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#17: Re: Once it's changed...

by arcane on 09/25/2005 03:14, refers to #16

No, you cannot send the cfg. Try http://cube.snieb.com for uploading maps.

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