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Cube bug -> double armour get

by CrazyTB on 06/21/2005 04:09, 13 messages, last message: 06/26/2005 18:26, 1137 views, last view: 04/28/2024 14:32

This bug only happens if we have one yellow and one green armour very near. A good example is the "battletomb" map. Get it here:


To reproduce the bug (only when playing on a server): try to get the yellow armour and keep walking. Since the green armour is very close to the yellow, you will "touch" the green armour before the server can send you the confirmation about yellow armour. This way, after the yellow armour confirmation, you will receive a green armour confirmation, and Cube will throw away the yellow one in favor of green one. You can see the yellow armour at HUD for half of second, then it changes to green.

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#1: ..

by makkE on 06/21/2005 10:40

...why not just put the green armour somewhere else?

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#2: ..

by CC_Machine2 on 06/21/2005 19:05

makkE has a point. Why would you put the ga and ya in the same place?! the yellow is much better than the green, so scatter them out

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#3: ..

by -Rick- on 06/21/2005 19:08

Well thats not really the point...its a bug and bugs should be fixed :)
This works with other items too, ie if your health is below 100 and you're quick, you can pickup a mega health + normal health.

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#4: ..

by shadow592 on 06/21/2005 19:17

y wate time fixing this for cube when there are more pressing issues in sauer?
you can just as easily work around this by not placing those items right next to each other.

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#5: ..

by -Rick- on 06/21/2005 21:21

I wouldn't mind small fixes in cube, atleast till the time sauer is more ready for the public. Though, indeed, this is a small thing and doesn't really need attention.

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#6: ..

by makkE on 06/21/2005 22:15

Yep I personally hope too that cube will still be "maintained" even now that sauerbraten is becomming mature..
As for the bug.. you can´t really call it a bug. Every sane mapper won´t have 2 powerful items close to each other.
Here it once again holds true: a mapper needs at least a basic understanding of how an engine works, and where it´s shortcommings/restrictions are...

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#7: Re: ..

by CrazyTB on 06/25/2005 06:36, refers to #4

> y wate time fixing this for cube when
> there are more pressing issues in sauer?

I hope cube will be maintained. I'm still waiting for an "official" new linux build (since current one was built using a different code for weapon-aided jumps).

I agree this "bug" is low priority. But it is a bug and must be noted.

> you can just as easily work around this by not
> placing those items right next to each other.

Yes, of course. But this isn't my map. :)

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#8: ..

by yes on 06/25/2005 07:29

this will most likely not affect anyone in gaining a significant advantage.

i dont think its even a bug, your computer is lagging... nice try tho

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#9: cube bugs

by Aardappel_ on 06/25/2005 09:47

cube will be maintained, and I still plan to make a release sometime soon (yes, whatever, blah blah). However for Cube I will focus on bugs that really hurt it, "fixes" as opposed to reengineering things. Bugs like this one really aren't a big deal, and I want to focus on making Sauerbraten the ueber engine that does everything perfectly, and Cube merely polished and for everyone to enjoy mostly as is.

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#10: Re: ..

by CrazyTB on 06/25/2005 19:03, refers to #8

> i dont think its even a bug, your
> computer is lagging... nice try tho

The "problem" is the map that has two items VERY close. Even with low pings, this can happen (since the items are very close together).

I'm also worried if this bug also happens in Sauerbraten.

Anyway, I have two ideas to fix it:

1. Client-side solution: if we receive a "item confirmation message" and it will lower any of my stats (example: green armour when I've got yellow armour), just ignore this message.

In "battletomb" map, it would look like if we got the two items at same time, or if we got first the worst one, then the better one.

2. Server-side solution: make the server track all player stats (armour, health, ammo) and let the server decide if the player should or not receive the item.

This solution will bloat the server, and maybe slow down it only a little, but will be a better solution. In addition, we could keep track of players stats to avoid cheating. However, I know you prefer thin-server/thick-client and you will reject the second idea.

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#11: ..

by yes on 06/25/2005 19:42

OR we can go with the simple solution

which is make armor accumulative with a max.


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#12: Re: ..

by CrazyTB on 06/26/2005 05:29, refers to #11

Isn't what you say the same thing as my "idea number 1"?

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#13: ..

by yes on 06/26/2005 18:26


i want it so you can continue to get armor up to a certain point, whether you pick up green or yellow in whichever order, as long as it brings your armor up

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